

【作者】 项欣

【导师】 熊小奇;

【作者基本信息】 安徽大学 , 国际贸易, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 现实意义: 入世之后,中国的贸易增长趋势、贸易环境和商品结构将发生较大变化。我省外贸也面临着入世带来的机遇与挑战。适时采取正确的贸易战略成为我省在新一轮开放竞争中追赶沿海地区的关键。本文就我省外贸经营战略调整进行了理论分析,希望对我省的外贸发展有所裨益。 主要内容: 作为发展中国家,中国在国际贸易中一直采取着比较优势战略。入世后,我国劳动力密集型产品出口将进一步扩大,而资本、技术密集型产品进口增长较快。随着贸易的进一步扩大,贸易条件恶化的现象难以避免,出现“比较优势陷阱”,实现竞争优势战略迫在眉睫。 我省外贸业绩落后于沿海省份,在新的形势下,一味效仿邻省,重复邻省发展的老路已行不通。必须着力于调整外贸经营战略,包括在微观上加快外贸企业制度改革,明确外贸经营主体,建立具有创新能力的出口企业,在宏观上选择和培育具有发展潜力的主导产业,优化商品结构。 微观层次上的战略调整包括大力推进民营企业外向型发展,建立中外合资外贸公司,国营企业体制改革等三方面内容,从而形成国营公司、合资公司、民营公司并存的外经贸发展格局。 宏观层次上色战略调整包括提高传统劳动密集型产业的质量和技术层次,扶持高技术产业,调整商品结构,以发挥我省后发优势,实现我省的跨越式发展。 论文特色: 本文从国际贸易理论出发,结合我省外贸实际,提出我省外贸经营战略调整构想,内容翔实,言之有物。

【Abstract】 PRACTICAL SIGNIFICANCE:After enter WTO,great change will happen to China"s foreign trade trend,environment,and composition. Anhui province is also facing the chance and challenge. The adjustment of foreign trade strategy becomes key factor to push our province to chase after the coast area in the new competition. This article put forward some new thoughts of foreign trade strategy adjustment at the point of international trade theory, hoping to have some help.MAIN CONTENT:As a developing country, China adopts comparative advantage strategy in international foreign trade. After entering WTO,export of abour intensive products will be further enlarged, while import of capital intensive and teconology intensive products being greatly enlarged. With worsening of foreign trade condition, China is facing "comparative advantage trap". Changing to competition advantage strategy is urgent now.To chase after the coast area, we should not repeat the old way of the coast area to deveop handicraft manufacture industry. It is the most important thing to adjust foreign trade strategy, including both microcosmic and macroscopic gradation.In microcosmic gradation, it is to multilizing foreign trade operator: pushing private enterprises to export in great quantity, establishing joint ventre foreign trade company, reforming system of state owned forein trade company. Thus we can see three operators coexisting patten.In macroscopic gradation, it is to promote labor intensive product’s quality and technology, to support new hightech industry, to adjusting commodity position. By this way,we can realize the frogleap development.DISTINCTIVE FEATURE:This article combines the theory of international foreign trade and the practice of our province. The most important,it puts forward some new trains of thoughts of our foreign trade managing strategy.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 安徽大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2003年 02期
  • 【分类号】F752.8
  • 【下载频次】79