

【作者】 李传轩

【导师】 李学宽;

【作者基本信息】 安徽大学 , 诉讼法学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 以美国为典型的辩诉交易制度是一项特色鲜明的诉讼制度。随着当前刑事诉讼中效率问题的凸现和效率价值的彰显,刑事正当程序不断简易化,各种简易程序相继设立,辩诉交易制度的国际化趋势日益明显,并已走进我国刑事诉讼改革的视野。本文在第一部分概要介说了辩诉交易的源起、发展历史及其不断国际化的趋势和表现,对其概念进行了分析和界定,并以美、英、德、意等国家的制度规定为典型,对辩诉交易制度的具体内容进行了介绍说明。辩诉交易的正当性一直是人们关注的问题,在第二部分,文章对辩诉交易的正当性进行了考察。首先评介了目前国外对辩诉交易正当性的论争;接着详细分析了辩诉交易正当性的理论根基,主要从经济学基础和法理基础两方面进行;最后又对辩诉交易的价值追求进行了考察,阐述了公正与效率关系协调的时空二维性,分析了辩诉交易对各项诉讼价值的具体追求。文章的第三部分解析了辩诉交易程序的基本结构,揭示了各方主体在程序中的地位和作用及其相互关系,并对控辩双方的力量进行了对比,考察其是否符合公正性和正当性的基本要求。在文章的第四部分,主要介绍了“中国辩诉交易第一案”的具体情况和其产生的意义,并把辩诉交易与我国简易程序和普通程序简易审两类简易化程序进行了比较分析。通过分析可以看出,我国刑事诉讼受诉讼效率问题的驱动,向辩诉交易制度越靠越近。文章的第五部分详细论述了我国对待辩诉交易应持的态度,即不仅应对辩诉交易制度进行合理借鉴,还应在对之进行本土化改造、创新的基础上,建立起中国式的辩诉交易制度。在这一前提下,文章分析论证了建立中国式辩诉交易制度的必要性和可行性,并进行了相应的立法构想。最后,文章指出,制度的移植、改革与创新一定要理念先行。只要理念普及了,相关制度的建设并发挥作用就会水到渠成。

【Abstract】 American plea bargaining system is a law system with vivid character. As the efficiency question occurring and the efficiency value becoming important, the due procedure becomes simplified, many kinds of summary procedures are set up, plea bargaining system’ s globalization is obvious, and it go into the visual field of Chinese criminal judicial system. This article’ s chapter one introduces the plea bargaining system’ s derivement, development and the trend and behavior of its globalization, defines and analyzes the concept. And also introduces the plea bargaining system of America, British, Germany and Italy. In chapter two, the article reviews the controversy on the justice of plea bargaining, then analyzes the theory base of plea bargaining’ s justice in economic and law, and reviews its value pursuit, expatiates on harmonizing the justice and efficiency. The chapter three analyzes plea bargaining procedure’ s structure, discloses the subjects’ status and action, and compares the force of prosecutor and appellee, and to find if it accord with the justice’ basic appeal. The article’ s chapter four mainly introduces "the first plea bargaining case in china" and its significance, and compares the plea bargaining procedure with Chinese summary procedure and simplified common procedure. Through the comparing, we can find that our criminal procedure absorbs in more and more merit from the plea bargaining procedure. In the chapter five, this article expounds our attitude to plea bargaining. We should establish Chinese plea bargaining system on the base of reconstructing and improving the plea bargaining system. With the precondition, the author analyzes the necessity and probability of establishing Chinese plea bargaining system, and puts forward assumption on how to construct it. In the end, the author brings forward a viewpoint that the idea is important, if the idea become popularized in society, the system would be carried on smoothly.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 安徽大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 01期
  • 【分类号】D915.3
  • 【下载频次】196