

【作者】 方强

【导师】 袁晖;

【作者基本信息】 安徽大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 在世纪之交众声喧哗、语言狂欢的舞台上,方方可以说是其中具有独特的言说方式的一位作家。从当年开着“大篷车”闯入文坛,到展示另一片“风景”而成名,方方以她特有的笔调和文人的大气,一直辛勤耕耘在武汉这片热土上,从容而执着地描摹凡俗人生世相的本真状态,构筑了一个雅俗共赏的审美世界。其语言色彩纷呈,多滋多味,本文拟从以下四个方面进行品评。 一、地道的“汉味”。方方着力于开采江城的语言资源:显著的武汉地域特征和地域文化的描写,加上原汁原味的“汉腔”和地道纯正的汉口方言的自然真实溶入,使语言贴近存在的底层,其文本深深打上了“汉味”的烙印。 二、独特的“辣味”。小说营造了极具意味而又隐匿了众多的暗示的反讽文本,或针贬时弊,或揶揄人生,语言老辣,内含芒刺。 三、诙谐的“俏味”。“俏皮话能将地球由圆说方”的方方,把女性的柔婉,大大咧咧地一脚踹开,用或为原色的,或为灰色的,或为黑色的幽默,把人世间的滑稽、丑恶、畸形置于哈哈镜前加以扭曲放大,使之显得荒诞不经,其语言诙谐俏皮、幽默戏谑、富有生活情趣。 四、鲜活的“陌生味”。方方小说无拘无束,挥洒自如,“怎么写起来舒服就怎么写”,率性而为。或词与词之间语义出现超常搭配;或打破常规的语法规范,使用了不常见或少有的语法模式;或创造出“方方式”的长句,体现出口语化特征;或刻意于对扭曲、畸形的描绘对象的语言形式的营造,别具一格,风味独特。

【Abstract】 On the stage of uproarious talks and revelry language in the edge of centuries, Fang Fang is well-known as one of the authors who possess the special language-expression way. Fang Fang, who broke into the literary word by driving the box wagon and is famous for expressing another piece of scenery, always labors assiduously on Wuhan city, the lively land in the way of her own peculiar tone and grand literal style; depicts the innocence of common herd calmly and persistently and forms an aesthetic world of both refined and popular tastes. Considering the colorful languages and different tastes, the author is to appraise four aspects:I . Pure tone of Wuhan: Fang Fang puts forth effort to explore linguistic resources. She describes them in the obvious local features of Wuhan, and adds the original culture tone of Wuhan and pure dialect of Hankou naturally and authentically to make the language relevant to the existing base and leave the version ironed with the tone of Wuhan.II. Peculiar touch of irony: The novel constructs plenty of meaningful and hidden versions of irony to point out advantages and disadvantages, or ridicule the life in which the language is shrewd and ruthless with prickles hidden.HI. Humor witty remarks: Being sure to make people believe the earth is flat instead of round, Fang Fang-gets rid of the female softness carelessly, however,-exaggerates the worldly comic, ugliness and deformity in front of the distorting mirror by using the sense of humor which might be primary, grey or even black to leave those fantastic and keep the language both jocular and charming.IV. Lively strange tone: the novels by Fang Fang are unrestrained, smooth and unreserved, which might be written as the writer likes. The author mixes the words of different and strange meanings up, or breaks the normal grammatical rules by using some rare and unusual grammatical patterns, or creates the long sentences of FangFang-way to embody the oral characteristic, or strives to describe the linguistic style of distortion and deformity to have the novel distinctive and unique.

【关键词】 汉味辣味俏味陌生味
【Key words】 Wuhan ToneIronyWitty RemarksUnusual Linguistic Style
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 安徽大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 01期
  • 【分类号】I207.42
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】464