

Research on Lng Vehicle Engineer Enclosure Eclectronic Control System

【作者】 白庆华

【导师】 董正身;

【作者基本信息】 河北工业大学 , 机械设计及理论, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,我国许多大城市的大气污染日趋恶化,环境污染形势十分严峻。造成城市空气污染的重要原因之一就是汽车排放污染。随着我国排放法规的日趋完善和石油价格的上涨,清洁汽车成为解决该问题的重要方法之一。 清洁汽车是指低排放的燃气汽车(LPGV、CNGV)、混合动力汽车、电动汽车以及采用多种技术手段大大降低排放污染的燃油汽车以及其它代用燃料汽车。大力发展清洁汽车不仅是当前控制城市大气污染的重要突破口,而且也代表了未来汽车的发展方向。发展清洁汽车对于保护大气环境、改善城市空气质量、保持汽车工业持续健康发展将产生深远的影响。 本论文主要针对LPG和汽油两用燃料汽车进行研究,主要可分为三大部分: 第一、通过了解世界LPG汽车的发展概况和趋势。介绍LPG汽车控制系统的三种方式。对于适合我国现阶段的电子闭环控制LPG燃料混合系统进行研究,此方法采用电子控制技术,在排气系统中安装了氧传感器,可以根据排气空燃比的变化,自动反馈调节供气量,使燃气汽车性能得到改善,安装三元催化转换器后,可以使污染物排放较同等水平的汽油车降低20%-50%左右,而发动机功率下降仅达5%左右。 第二、对发动机的基本控制原理、控制方法以及发动机电控系统的控制方式进行研究,找到LPG汽车所适合的控制方式。 第三、详细介绍LPG汽车的结构及工作原理。并对所需的部件的参数设计方法、理论进行研究。主要包括:液化石油气汽车用钢瓶及其附件工作原理及其设计:混合器的结构原理及其设计计算;燃料喷射模拟器的工作原理及其设计。最后做出喷油模拟器样件,并通过实验对其进行验证。 总之,本文提供了LPG汽车的电子控制理论、原理及其零部件的设计方法。对LPG汽车进行系统的研究,归纳。作为率先开发的国产燃气闭环电控系统,对于促进燃气汽车的推广应用、改善城市大气环境具有重要的意义,使我国燃气汽车发展走向自主开发的道路,将产生较大的社会效益和经济效益。

【Abstract】 In recently years, it is more and more serious environment pollution situation in a lot of cities in China. It is an important reason that the automobiles let out the emissions. LEV(Low Emission Vehicle) is the vehicle which has low emission including LPGV, CNGV, Hybird car , electronic vehicle and other car which can take some ways to reduce the emission. With advancement of the emission ordinance and the fluctuation of the oil, the LEV has become an important way to solve this problem, to improve air quality and keep a health feature.This lecture places points on the research of the dual-fuel vehicles. It makes up of three parts.First, through making the model of the engineer, we can master and research the basic control mechanism, control mind, and electronic control ways. And find the most fit to LPGV.Second, learning development of LPGV and the new trend of it, then introduce three control ways of it. The electronic enclosure control way of LPG fits to our country situation. It uses electronic control technology and places an oxide sensor in emission system, then according to the change of the rate of the air to fuel, adjust automatically the ejection of fuel. So it can improve dramatically the automobile performance. After installing three-way catalytic converter, it can make the pollutions lower 20%~50% than the same vehicle, and the power of car reduce only 5%.Last, it mostly introduces structure and working mechanism of LPGV and research accessory how to design and work, including the cylinder for vehicle, cylinder accessory, the pressure regulator, and injector simulator. Finally, do an experiment to testify the injector simulator.In a word, it includes the electronic control theory, the mind to design it, and the design way of its accessory. As the first research in our country, it can accelerate the fuel-gas automobiles development, and improve the air quality in city. It will have a great value, a bright future.

  • 【分类号】U464
  • 【下载频次】349