

A Research on the Development of Overwater Lifesaving and a Comparative Analysis of Overwater Lifeguard Training System at Home and Abroad

【作者】 方千华

【导师】 梅雪雄;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 本文采用文献资料法、调查法、数理统计法、比较法以及系统分析法,分析了国内外水上救生发展状况及我国水上救生存在的问题,运用系统论的方法剖析水上救生系统的要素、功能、特点和运行,对国内外救生员培养体制进行比较,我国水上救生存在的问题,提出促进我国救生发展的建议对策,以便为新世纪我国救生工作的开展提供理论和实践上的指导。研究结果表明:国外早期成立的水上救生组织以及国际救生协会对促进水上救生的发展具有重要作用,目前世界各大洲之间以及不同国家之间的水上救生发展不平衡。根据不同时期的管理状况,可将国内水上救生分为四个阶段。我国大部分省市政府部门在游泳池(场)管理条例中都对水上救生工作做了明确规定,有效地保证了水上救生工作的顺利开展。我国水上救生员总体文化基础状况良好、年龄结构较合理、主要来源于五个部门,级别越高工作年限越长,性别比例不平衡。从系统论方法分析,水上救生系统主要包括游泳者、溺水者、救生员、救生器材和环境五大要素,水上救生系统具有目的性、开放性、动态性,其功能主要是保护大众游泳者安全、提高大众游泳者救生意识、提高与改进救生技术。我国救生员培训机构职能与国外不同,救生培训机构缺乏一定的监督机制,影响救生员的培养质量。救生发达国家已形成一套完整的救生员培养体系,具有齐全的培养类别及证章,而我国救生员培养类型较单一。各国对溺水事故的预防和现场急救都比较重视,但英美等国还十分重视对先进救生设备的使用、信息传递、脊柱损伤处理及书写操作程序、专业举止和身体训练等方面,同时注重教材内容的更新,而这些方面却是我国较薄弱的环节。我国对救生员的思想素质的培训比较重视。我国水上救生全国规范管理历程短,还存在许多问题,障碍其进一步发展。因此,现阶段为促进我国救生的发展,应该完善救生员培训体制,适应新世纪救生员培养的需求;完善救生的管理体制,形成规范、有序的管理体系;增加水上救生资金投入,加快救生的发展步伐;加强救生宣传,提高大众救生意识;结合救生实践,加强救生理论研究,完善救生理论体系。

【Abstract】 Based on documental data, investigations, mathematical statistics, comparative law and systems analysis, this paper discusses the development of overwater lifesaving at home and abroad, and our domestic problems in this respect. Aimed at providing theoretical and practical guides for our lifesaving work in the 21st century, the paper, through systems analysis, analyzes the factors, function, features and operation of overwater lifesaving system in our country, makes comparisons between domestic and foreign lifeguard training systems, and makes proposals conducive to our lifesaving development.As the research findings show, overwater lifesaving organizations were founded early in foreign countries, and there is currently a disequilibrium in lifesaving development among continents as well as countries; Lifesaving on water in our country falls into four different stages in terms of management; Most provincial and municipal administrations have made definite precriptions on lifesaving in management regulations of swimming pools,which effectively guarantees the development of lifesaving work; In our country, lifeguards, mainly from five departments, are in general well-educated, comparatively well-composed in age, with promotions depending on long working years, but not well-proportioned in sex; Standardized for only a short period, the national management of overwater lifesaving still has a lot of problems; By systems analysis, overwater lifesaving system, characterized by its clear objective, openness and dynamism, mainly includes five essential factors-swimmers, drowning men, lifeguards, lifesaving equipments and surroundings, with the function of safeguarding the life of swimmers, increasing the nation’s awareness of lifesaving and developing the skills of lifeguards on water; Different from those of foreign countries, our lifeguard training system lacks certain supervising mechanism as well as variety in the types of lifeguards. England, one of the developed countries of overwater lifesaving, however, has set up a perfect lifeguard training system with a complete range of types and certificates; China, like the US and the UK, has attached great importance tofirst aid on spot, the cause of drowning and its precautions, but the writingprocedures, professional behavior and physical training for lifeguards are almost neglected in our country; Different points are emphasized in the lifeguard training and tests of our country and of the US and the UK, and there are similar as well as different emphasis put on our domestic training of lifeguards of all levels.Therefore, to promote the development of our lifesaving work, we should at present take some effective measures as followed: first, perfecting overwater lifeguard training system to meet the demands in the new century; second, improving lifesaving management system and building up a standard and orderly frame; third, increasing the investment in lifesaving on water to quicken its pace of development; fourth, widening the publicity for lifesaving to increase people’s awareness; finally, conducting more theoretical research as well as practice to perfect the theory system of overwater lifesaving.

  • 【分类号】G861.17
  • 【被引频次】8
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