

Study of Agricultural Climate Resources Information System in Fujian Province

【作者】 谢先全

【导师】 晏路明;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 自然地理学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 农业气候资源是大自然为农业生产获得产品所提供的基本物质和能量,也是农业生产重要的环境条件。农业气候资源评价和农业气候区划素来是区域开发与国土整治的一项重要工作,国内用传统方法在这方面研究的历史比较长,对各地的农业发展曾做出过重大的贡献,但从信息时代的要求来看,传统方法的研究手段及成果的表达和运用显然已不能满足各方面的要求。而地理信息系统(GIS)技术的运用,则为农业气候资源的分析和开发利用提供了有效的新方法和新技术,有着广阔的应用前景。 本文首先通过对国内外运用GIS进行农业气候资源研究的现状的分析,阐明了建立农业气候资源信息系统的重要意义:接着以ArcView GIS为软件开发集成环境,并以Avenue和VB为开发语言,进行了福建省农业气候资源信息系统的设计和开发,设计出友好、实用的用户界面,开发出较为完善的系统功能;最后在该系统的支持下,以福建省基础地理数据和71个气象台站的农业气候资源数据库为数据源,应用多元统计、模糊数学等数学分析技术,构建了农业气候资源的小网格推算模型,将福建省农业气候资源的41个有关指标推算至0.004经度×0.004纬度的地表网格单元上,全面地揭示了全省农业气候资源的空间分布规律,并在此基础上完成了比较细致、精确和可靠的农业气候系统功能的模糊综合评价,以及综合农业气候区划和专题农业气候区划。

【Abstract】 Agricultural climate resources is the basic material and energy provided by nature for agricultural production to obtain products. It is also an important environmental factor of agricultural production Agricultural climate resources assessment and agricultural climate regionalization is always an important task to regional development and territory rehabilitation. The domestic research in this aspect using traditional methods lasted a long time, which has made a great contribution to regional agricultural development. However, according to the demands of information age, the traditional research means, as well as the expression and application of fruits can not meet the reqirements in all aspects obviously. Having a wide foreground,the application of GIS technique provides an effective new way and new technique for analysing and developing of agricultural climate resources.Firstly, having analyzed the present research situation on agricultural climate resources by GIS at home and abroad, this thesis illustrates the importance of establishing agricultural climate resources information system. Secondly, basing on developmental and integrative environment of Arc View GIS software, as well as developmental languages (Avenue and VB), we design agricultural climate resources information system in Fujian province with friendly and practical graphic user interface, together with comparatively perfect functions. Finally, supported by FJACRIS, based on Fujian province fundamental geographic data and agricultural climate resources database on 71 weather stations, relied on mathematic analysis techniques (such as multiple statistical analysis,fuzzy mathematics etc), a group of models are established to reckon the agricultural climate resources on small grids 41 indexes of agricultural climate resources are reckoned to the small grids that are 0.004 longitude multiplied by 0.004 latitude. The spatial distributing rules of agricultural climate resources in Fujian province are fully revealed. On this basis, comparatively meticulous, accurate and reliable fuzzy comprehensive assessment of agricultural climate system function, comprehensive agricultural climate regionalization as well as thematic one are completed.

  • 【分类号】P208
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】334