

Study on Social Networks during Adolescence: Structure and Impact on Interpersonal Relationship

【作者】 郑思明

【导师】 程利国;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 发展与教育心理学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 基于“中国社会的人际关系模式”,本研究提出用社会网络分析的观点考察青少年人际关系的整体面貌与发展轨迹。采用半开放式的调查问卷——社会网络调查表(简称SNI)为主要研究工具,对分层抽取的170名被试进行调查研究。根据科学的编码原则确定的社会网络编码表极大的方便了对样本数据的整理与统计分析。本研究结合使用方差、回归等统计分析方法探讨青少年的社会网络构成、社会网络关系类型、社会网络关系力量以及青少年的社会网络规模与关系力量对青少年人际关系的影响。结果表明,从高中到大学,现在的朋友、同学,父母以及现在所在的班级都是青少年社会网络中极为重要的关系类型;作为社会网络关系力量中的重要指标之一,社会网络亲密度对于青少年的人际关系影响较大。本研究还提出针对青少年的社会网络结构特征,建立双层次、双途径的心理健康教育网络。在最后的研究展望中,笔者建议进一步完善从青少年的社会网络入手的心理支持系统与心理健康教育模式的建构,并将计算机网络与社会网络结合起来考察对青少年人际关系的影响。

【Abstract】 Based on "Chinese social model of interpersonal relationship", this research put forward the SNA (Social Networks Analysis) to analyze the developmental features and trait during adolescence. The SNI (Social Networks Inventory) was adapted as a main tool to investigate 170 participators who were divided into different levels. The social network coding inventory stemmed from the scientific coding rules made a great contribution to the data collection and analyses. Meanwhile some statistics methods such as, ANOVA and Ridge Regression were used to discuss the structure, relation types and strength of adolescent social networks, which resulted in great impact on adolescence interpersonal relationship. The result indicated that parents, friends from high school to university and present class were all important relation factors in the networks; furthermore as the important guideline of the relation strength, network intimacy greatly influenced the interpersonal relationship among adolescents. Then the author suggests building up bi-level and bi-channel networks for adolescent mental health education. In the prospect research, reseacher also raised some realistic advice to improve the network construction of mental supporting system and education mode, inspecting the influences to adolescence with combing computer network and social network.

  • 【分类号】D432
  • 【被引频次】25
  • 【下载频次】2706