

Study on the Process of "Organic-inorganic Compound Fertilizer" Made from Tea Residue and Effect of the Fertilizer on Tea Quality and Soil Environment

【作者】 陈利燕

【导师】 屠幼英;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 茶叶生物化学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 利用从自然发酵茶渣中分离到的多种微生物混合发酵废弃茶渣,研究开发出“茶渣有机-无机复合肥”,并进行了茶园田间试验,研究该复合肥对茶园产量、茶叶品质及茶园土壤的影响,得到以下结果: 1.从自然发酵茶渣中分离出好氧菌两株:假丝酵母Yeast和青霉菌Penicillium;厌氧菌两株:黑曲霉Aspergillusniger和白地霉OidiumLactis Fresenius。 2.对茶渣设置5个处理,进行发酵试验得到最佳发酵条件,即前3天好氧发酵后3天厌氧发酵。发酵后的茶渣的pH5.0、茶多酚4.5%、氨基酸1.85%、水浸出物22.12%、粗纤维21.30%、全氮量4.95%。 3.经过反复中试,确定最佳发酵条件和发酵工艺:茶渣有氧发酵→茶渣厌氧发酵→茶渣干燥→配方→磨碎机磨碎→拌料机搅拌均匀→造粒机造粒→干燥→包装机包装 4.在杭州施用茶渣肥后茶树的最低产量也比施用尿素的茶树高出18.7%,新昌4、5月份施用茶渣肥的茶树产量比施用菜饼的茶树分别增加8.5%和26.2%。杭州地区所采茶样的总儿茶素、咖啡碱都是施用茶渣肥的茶叶高于施用尿素的茶叶,氨基酸是4月和5月施用茶渣肥的茶叶比施用尿素的茶叶高出44.8%和10.8%,水浸出物是4月和10月施用茶渣肥的茶叶比施用尿素的茶叶高出18.1%和16.2%,从总体上看施用茶渣肥的茶叶各种成分略高于施用长征牌有机肥的茶叶。 5.茶渣肥对土壤酸化具有缓冲作用,而尿素对土壤则没有缓冲作用;施用茶渣肥后0—15cm土层的土壤有机质含量分别比施用尿素和菜饼的土壤增加80.7%和30.2%;茶多酚具有抑制脲酶的作用,施用茶渣肥后0—15cm土层的土壤脲酶的活性比施用尿素的土壤降低 16.4%,而施用长征牌有机肥的土壤的腺酶活性比施用尿素的土壤 增加26.9%:施用茶渣肥后士壤中细菌、放线菌以及真菌的数量比 施用尿素的土壤分别高出 69.0%、22石%和 162.5%。

【Abstract】 Tea residue was fermented by four species of microorganisms isolated from the landfill of tea residue. A new-type of organic- inorganic compound fertilizer of tea residue (OICFTR) has been researched and developed. The effects of the fertilizer on tea yield, tea ingredient, and soil were studied. The results were concluded as follows:1. Yeast, Penicillium, Aspergillusniger and OidiumLactis Fresenius had been separated from the landfill of tea residue.2. The optimum condition for fermenting tea residue was three days of aeration and then three days of anaeration. The physiochemical properties of the fermented tea residue were: pH 5.0, tea polyphenols 4.5%, amino acids 1.85%, water extraction 22.12%, crude fiber 21.30% and the total nitrogen content 4.95%.3. The process to produce OICFTR is as follows:aerobic microorganisms grew in tea residue medium anaerobicmicroorganisms grew in tea residue medium dried fermented tearesidue add some compounds and mixed triturated shaped dried packed OICFTR4. The tea yield of tea garden fertilized by the OICFTR in Hangzhou was 18.7% higher than that of the carbamide. Tea yields were 8.5% and 26.2% higher than those of by rape cake in April and May, respectively. The catechins and caffeine of tea used with OICFTR were higher than that of with carbamide in Hangzhou, the amino acid of tea used with the OICFTR was 44.8% and 10.8% higher than that of with carbamide inApril and May, the water extract of tea used with OICFTR was 18.1% and 16.2% higher than that of with carbamide in April and October. On the whole, tea ingredient used with the OICFTR was higher than that of with Changzheng organic fertilizer.5. The OICFTR had little effect on the soil acidity, but the carbamide did. The organic matter content of the surface soil(0-15cm) used with OICFTR was 80.7% and 30.2% higher than that of with carbamide and rape cake. The tea polyphenols could inhibit the activities of the urease, the activities of the urease used with the OICFTR was 16.4% lower and the activities of the urease used with Changzheng organic fertilizer was higher 26.9% than that of with carbamide in the surface soil(0-15cm). The amount of microbes, actinomyces and the epiphytes in soil used with the OICFTR was 69.0%, 22.6% and 162.5% higher than that of with the carbamide, respectively.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2003年 02期
  • 【分类号】S571.1
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】419