

A Study on the Learning Mechanism in Playing PC Games

【作者】 韩庆年

【导师】 张增荣;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 教育技术学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 关于电脑游戏,现代社会中存在一个矛盾。一方面是青少年乃至成人对它的热爱,它已成为无法回避的生活事件;另一方面是教师、家长和许多教育研究人员喊打之声不绝于耳。简单的否定或一味的颂扬都不能实质性的化解这一矛盾。 本文试图对游戏做一番追根溯源的考察,揭示游戏和电脑游戏之于人的意义,形成合理的价值判断。在此前提之下,进一步探求电脑游戏中的学习机制,采用个案研究的方式对角色扮演类、即时战略类和益智类小游戏进行系统分析,揭示出其中的学习模式和学习过程,并指出游戏的过程就是一个基于问题情境的探究性学习过程。最后,从教学设计、教学软件和虚拟学习环境三个方面简单分析了电脑游戏对于教育教学的辐射意义。

【Abstract】 There is a contradiction about playing pc games in our society. On one hand, lots of people have great passion in playing pc games, and playing pc games has become a crucial thing in their life, especially for those teen-ages. On the other hand, teachers, parents and many researchers are basically against to it. Dogmatical denying it or blindly extolling it can’t alleviate this contradiction.By ascending to the history of the researches on playing games, this dissertation attempts to disclose the significance of playing games for human being, and develop a sensible estimation about playing pc games. After establishing this premise, I probe into the learning mechanism in pc games, analyzing the system of a sampled RPG, SLG, and some little games, revealing the learning process and learning mode embedded in those pc game, and reaching the conclusion that playing pc games is problem-based learning. Finally, I briefly discuss the educational effect of pc games, especially on Instruction Design, educational software and Virtual Learning Environment.

【关键词】 游戏电脑游戏学习
【Key words】 Playing GamesPlaying PC GamesLearning
  • 【分类号】G434
  • 【被引频次】45
  • 【下载频次】975