

【作者】 朱亚

【导师】 张留芳;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 新闻出版学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 由于出版经营活动中难免存有欺骗,于是就有遵守信用和破坏信用的矛盾斗争。在讲信用与反信用的长期斗争中,出版业形成了正常的市场秩序,诚实守信成为出版人的经营理念。为了能够在市场中通过等价交换实现自身利益最大化,成功的出版人往往比较重视商业道德的建设,奉行“诚信为本”的经营理念,视信用为出版业的灵魂,讲信用、重信誉、守承诺,成为现代出版的基本价值观并凝聚成为出版业的强大的向心力。 出版经营中信用问题研究最关键表现——客观实践。信用体系为这种实践提供了一种规范模式,但是这种实践更需要一种制度化的约束,那就是机制的建立。制度的建立将从根本上为出版经营活动提供一个追求长期利益的稳定预期和重复博弈的良好环境。 出版经营活动是一个作者、出版者、经销商、读者相互沟通,循环往复,最终达到帕累特最优(PARETO EFFICIENCY)的过程,中国传统伦理,讲求“内诚于心,外信于行”在此,也可以应用到出版运营的全过程之中,内诚于心,着重体现在诚信文化的构建基础上,外信于行是整个信用机制得以运行,在实践中发挥作用的一个必然途径,即所谓,言必信、行必果。

【Abstract】 As long as the cheating in activities of publishing management cannot be avoided, the struggle between abiding by one’s credit and violating one’s credit exists. During this long-term struggle the normal order of publishing field formed and publishers tend to take "to be honest and abide by our words" as their management concept. In order to maximize their interests through exchanging at equal value in market, successful publishers pay much attention to the building of commercial moral, implement the management concept of "basic principle of abiding by our own words" and regard credit as the soul of publishing field. Abiding by one’s words, attaching importance to one’s reputation, keeping one’s promise forms basic moral concept and strong centripetal force of publishing field.The key manifestation in the research of publishing credit is objective practice. The system of credit provides a normative pattern for this practice, but this practice needs a more systematical restriction that is the establishment of mechanism. The establishment of mechanism can provide a favorable environment for publishing management to ensure long-term interests and repeated game in the publishing market.The publishing activities are processes of communication among writers, publishers, agencies and readers in order to achieve the Pareto Efficiency. Chinese traditional ethics attach great importance to "to be honest inside and achieve reputation outside", which can be applied to the whole processes of publication. "To be honest inside" embodies the constructional basis of the culture of honesty; "to achieve reputation outside" is the necessary path through which the mechanism of credit can work and play an active role. In one word, one should abide by his own words and try his best to achieve a good result.

  • 【分类号】G230
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】74