

On Cognitive Motivation of Polysemy

【作者】 朱炜

【导师】 王开玉;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 多义词是指一个语言形式有多种具有相互联系的意义的语言现象。多义词具有任意性还是理据性?这里所谓的任意性是指语言符号与所指之间的关系是任意的,无依据可寻的;所谓的理据性是指语言符号与所指之间的关系反应了人的认知结构和人类所从事的活动。 索绪尔的任意说在语言学和语言哲学一直占有重要的位置,以此为基础,出现了结构主义的思想。传统方法(主要是结构主义)在研究多义词多项意义之间联系时,局限于语言的内部结构,从语境、心理的角度来讨论多义词,忽略了语言的外部因素,如人类的认知手段、生活体验等等,认为多义词不过是语言的巧合现象,因此没有把握多义词的全部和本质,无法完整地、令人信服地解释这一语言现象。 既然语言符号的任意性不能完整地解释多义词,那么我们可以通过语言和外部世界的关系来研究多义词,即多义词具有一定的理据性。认知科学的发展使我们可以突破结构主义的樊篱,从语言的外部世界,即从人类言语活动的主体在客观世界的活动来解释一词多义形成的原因。本文以体验主义为哲学基础,结合当代的认知学理论,在类典型模式下,对多义词进行了分析,认为多义词是通过人类认知手段,如隐喻、转喻,由一个词的中心意义或基本意义向其他意义延伸的过程,是人类认知范畴和概念化的结果,有其一定的理据性。本研究旨在说明任意性不是语言符号的唯一特性;语言是人类在客观世界中实践的产物;从某种意义来说,语言理据性是对索绪尔任意说的补充。

【Abstract】 The multiplicity of meanings of a word constitutes the category of polysemy. Is polysemy arbitrary or motivated? By "arbitrary" here is meant that the relationship between signifier and signified is arbitrary without any evidence of motivation. By "motivated’ here is meant that the language sign reflects human cognitive structure and his interaction with the world.Saussure’s theory of arbitrariness has occupied the predominant position in linguistics. It forms the basis for structuralism. In the traditional approach (structuralism), the researches on the relationship of different senses of a polysemous word are confined to the internal structure of language. They discuss polysemy from the perspective of context and psychology, ignoring the external elements of language, such as human cognitive devices, his experience in the world, and so on, and come to a conclusion that polysemy is nothing but linguistic coincidence. Therefore, the traditional researches haven’t revealed all the facts of polysemy or grasped the essence of it and can’t explain the linguistic phenomenon of polysemy completely and convincingly.Since arbitrariness of the language sign can’t offer a satisfactory answer to polysemy, it is assumed that we can probably make a research on polysemy through the relationship between language and world. That’s to say, there is evidence for the motivation of polysemy. The development of cognitive science helps us break through the fence of structuralism and explain the motivation for the multiplicity of meanings ofa polysemous word from the external world------from the human subjective interactionwith the objective world. Based on experientialism and combined with modern cognitive theories, the thesis makes a tentative study on polysemy in the prototype model and comes to a conclusion that polysemy is the process of the extension to the other senses from the core or basic sense by the means of cognitive devices, such as metonymy and metaphor, and the result of human cognitive categorization and conceptualization. Polysemy is well-motivated. The significance of the thesis is that the arbitrariness is not the unique characteristic of the language sign. Language is the product of human’s interaction with the world. To some extent, the motivation of the language sign is a strong complement to the theory of arbitrariness.

【关键词】 多义词任意性理据性类典型模式
【Key words】 polysemyarbitrarinessmotivationthe prototype model
  • 【分类号】H032
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】606