

Using Automated Text Categorization Technology to Design Educational Material Management Software

【作者】 陈乐

【导师】 刘炳升;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 教育技术学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 本文就人们对大量文本资料和媒体素材缺乏有效的分类管理手段这一实际问题出发,综合并借鉴了前人在智能文本分类、多媒体数据库技术中的研究成果,结合自身实际情况,就开发“基于智能文本分类技术的素材管理软件”进行了探索和研究。全文首先讨论了课件本身的局限性,引出了“积件”的思想,继而论述了建立基于积件思想的素材库的必要性。然后就如何实现对素材进行高效率的分类和管理,提出了自己的看法,指出将人工智能技术运用于教学实践中的可能性、必要性和迫切性。本文第二章介绍文本分类和多媒体数据库中的关键性技术,比较并总结这一领域中的研究动态。第三章中,详细介绍了软件的设计方案。在前人研究成果上,予以创新,设计了一套无需词典支持、简单易行的中文分词和分类算法,开发了“文档自动分类软件”,并对如何将这一技术与多媒体素材库相结合,实现对媒体素材的模糊查询和智能分类等问题进行了探讨,给出了软件设计的总思路和总方案。这些思路在随后的第四章中得到落实,包括对已经实现部分的主要功能介绍和其中关键性技术的实现方法,最后分析了工作中存在的不足,以及有待今后改进的方面。综上所述,本文是在教育信息化过程中,就教学信息素材的有效分类管理进行的一次有益的实践探索和尝试。

【Abstract】 Confronting the need of effective approaches to manage a mass of texts and multimedia materials, the author attempts to develop an educational material management software with automatic text classification ability, based on the research achievements done by other people and the creations or adaptable applications of his own. This paper first discusses the limitation of "courseware" to introduce the conception of "integrable-ware". Then it puts forward the necessity of building up material databases based on the integrable-ware conception. After that, the author gives his views on how to categorize and manage this database, and then points out the possibility, necessity and urgency of applying AI (Artificial Intelligence) technology in teaching practice. In the second chapter, the author introduces the key technology of text categorization and multimedia database and then sums up the research development in this field. In the third one, the author introduces the design of program in details. With a reference of others’ work, he designs a set of Chinese language segmentation and categorization algorithm without the support of dictionaries. Thus he develops an automatic text classification software and suggests further solutions to problems such as how to apply this technology to a multimedia database, and realize the media search based on contexts not keywords. With that, the author gives the main plan and overall design of his software. All these are realized in the last chapter, in which, the author introduces some of the functions already realized together with its technical details. Finally, the author summarizes the deficiencies in his current work and the way of further improvement. In a word, this paper, with all its work, is a practical and beneficial exploration in the effective categorization and management of teaching material during the process of Educational Informatization.

  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】131