

About the Program Conformation of "Reality TV

【作者】 刘琳

【导师】 李幸;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 电影学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 “真实电视”是二十世纪九十年代世界电视出现的一种新的节目形态,它的出现与人们文化消费观念的改变,电视节目娱乐化的趋势,后现代思潮的“浮出水面”,以及数字时代人们对虚拟空间依赖程度的提高有着密切的联系。在节目形式上,“真实电视”融纪实、娱乐、游戏、脱口秀、室内剧,新闻等节目形态于一体,继承了广播、电影等媒体的特点,特别是将纪实手法运用于虚构类的游戏娱乐节目中,用电视续写了“真实电影”纪实美学的传统.在内容上,它多层次、立体的展示了人性的各个方面,在一定程度上满足了人们的窥视欲和好奇心,满足了人们内心深处的游戏娱乐情结。在节目制作方面,它对传统的电视制作观念带来了冲击,很可能预示着未来电视产业化运作的方向。“真实电视”对节目样式进行的新的探索对中国电视来说不无启发,但是对于中国电视节目制作者来说,同样需要面对的是如何看待“真实电视”带来的关于人性,道德、隐私等方面的争论,如何解决“真实电视”的道德评价、文化尺度等问题,担负起媒体应有的责任,如何使之与中国的文化传统相协调,真正从视听语言上满足观众。

【Abstract】 Reality TV" is a newly born program conformation, appearing around 1990’s. Its appearance is closely related to the following aspects: the change of culture consuming concept, the amusing tendency of TV programs, the emergence of the post modern thoughts, and the more dependence on the fictitious space in the digital time. In terms of the form of the program, "Reality TV" incorporates such program conformations as documentary, amusement, games, talk shows, indoor opera, and news reporting. Meanwhile, it also inherits the characteristics of broadcast and movie, especially applying the method of documentary to some fictitious amusement programs and extending the tradition of the documentary aesthetics for "cinema- verite" by using TV. In terms of content, it muhiple-dimensionally displays various perspectives of human characteristics, which to some extent satisfy the people’s curiosity as well as the complex for amusement. In terms of programming, it makes crash to the traditional concept of TV program, possible to prefigure the future tendency of TV industry. The new exploration of TV program brought by "Reality TV" is definitely an illumination for TV in China, but as for Chinese TV programmers, it is also necessary to appropriately treat the disputes also brought by "Reality TV" on human nature, morality, privacy and so on. Additionally, they also need to solve such problems as the moral evaluation and the cultural criteria for "Reality TV," shoulder the corresponding responsibility, and try their best to harmonize Chinese traditional culture, satisfy the audience indeed from both visional and audile perspectives.

【关键词】 真实电视节目形态纪实本土化
【Key words】 Reality TVprogram conformationdocumentarynativism
  • 【分类号】G222.3
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】510