

【作者】 李永义

【导师】 李力;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 诉讼法学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 起诉便宜主义现已被世界各国所接受,并主要是通过各具特色的酌定不起诉制度得以体现。由于历史与现实的原因,起诉便宜主义在两大法系的适用尚存在较大的差异,英美法系国家以起诉便宜主义为基本原则,大陆法系国家则将其作为起诉法定主义的必要补充,具体表现在酌定不起诉适用的案件范围、对其的监督制约以及救济程序等方面的不同。起诉便宜主义具有深厚的理论基础,体现了刑罚目的从报应到预防的转变、刑事司法中自由裁量的必然存在、人权保障的需要以及对诉讼效率的追求和公共利益的考虑。我国的酌定不起诉制度赋予了检察机关有限的自由裁量权,是对起诉便宜主义积极价值的认肯,但其在制度设计上还有缺陷,主要是适用范围过于狭小、操作缺乏透明度、监督制约机制不合理。应当充分学习和借鉴国外优秀的制度和成功的做法,并结合我国的实际,进一步完善我国的酌定不起诉制度,即扩大适用范围、明确适用条件、建立听证程序、重构救济途径。

【Abstract】 The doctrine of free evaluation prosecution has been accepted by many countries all over the world. And it is reflected by many forms of systems of non-prosecution by free evaluation. For some historic and realistic reasons there are many differences in the adoption of this doctrine in civil law and common law countries. The common law countries treat the doctrine of free evaluation prosecution as a fundamental principle. The civil law countries treat this doctrine as the necessary supplement of the doctrine of legal prosecution. These differences are mainly reflected by the scope of the non-prosecution and the procedure of the restriction and remedies. This doctrine has profound foundations. This doctrine reflects the goal of penalty which transforms from revenge to prevention. And it reflects the unavoidable existence of free evaluation in criminal proceedings, the needs of the safeguards of human rights, the pursuit of the efficiency of lawsuit and the common benefits. In our country the system of free evaluation non-prosecution endows the prosecutors with the right of free evaluation. This means that our country agrees with the doctrine of free evaluation prosecution. But this system still has many flaws. For example, the scope is too narrow and the operation of this system lacks transparency and the system of restriction is unreasonable. So we should learn the excellent and successful system and consider our realistic situation and improve the system of the free evaluation non-prosecution. This article suggests that we should widen the scope and the conditions, construct the hearing proceedings, re-establish the means of remedy.

  • 【分类号】D915.3
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】403