

【作者】 俞悦

【导师】 何干强;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 随着改革开放的不断进展,中国农民从总体上看,已基本摆脱贫困,生活开始由温饱逐渐向小康过渡。但自90年代中期以后,农民收入呈逐年下降的趋势,成为我国进入小康社会的巨大障碍,直接影响到十六大提出的建设全面小康社会宏伟目标的顺利实现。 本文研究了改革开放以来农民收入的实际变化,并深入分析了学术界关于这一阶段农民收入持续下降专题讨论的多种观点,认为导致农民增收困难的原因是多方面的,必须以唯物辩证法为指导,抓住主要矛盾,并辅以一系列配套措施,才能真正实现农民收入的稳定增长。 本文阐明,影响农民收入的主要矛盾是农业领域的劳动生产力过低。解决这个主要矛盾,必须抓好两大相互联系的重要措施,其一、完善家庭承包经营制,促进土地规模经营;其二、推进城镇化,转移农村剩余劳动力。同时,围绕解决好这个主要矛盾,还必须采取“加大投入与减轻农民负担相结合、调整农业结构与推进产业化经营相结合、提高农民素质与引导农民走向市场相结合、农民增收与思想政治教育相结合”等配套措施。

【Abstract】 With the development of reforms and opening up, the farmers’ living standards have improved significantly and, in general, the rural areas are moving from the stage of being adequately fed and clothed to moderate level of prosperity. Nevertheless, since the mid-1990s, Farmers’ incomes tend to decline continuously, which has not only hindered the process of building the well-off society, but also impacted the smooth realization of our grand objective to build an overall well-off society put forward at 16th Party Congress.On the basis of detailed investigation concerning the constant changes of farmers’ incomes since the reforms and opening up, as well as a deep analysis of different viewpoints on the issue of continuous drop of farmers’ incomes, this thesis holds a view that what cause the difficult growth of farmers’ incomes, we must give prominence to the principal contradiction, supported with some auxiliary measures under the guidance of material dialectic.The author clarifies his view that the principal contradiction impacting farmers’ incomes lies in the low labor productivity in agriculture. To solve this contradiction, another two auxiliary measures are stressed: First, perfect the household contract responsibility system towards a large-scale production. Second, promote the process of urbanization to transfer surplus labor forces in rural areas. In addition, the resolution of this principal contradiction should be coordinated by combination of increasing government’s funds and reducing farmers’ burdens, by combination of adjusting agricultural structure and promoting industrialization, by combination of improving farmers’ quality and leading them towards market economy, and by combination of raising farmers’ incomes and conducting ideological education.

  • 【分类号】F323.8
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】426