

【作者】 胥柱坤

【导师】 吕先锫;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 会计学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 2001年末美国安然事件使全世界一片哗然,安然的突然破产给投资者造成的重大损失,安达信公司出具的隐瞒虚假财务信息的审计报告具有不可推卸的责任。同年我国国家审计署对16家具有上市公司年度会计报表审计资格的会计师事务所本年度完成的审计业务进行了检查,结果表明注册会计师审计业务质量令人担忧。虽然上述事件的发生一方面是由于现存审计理论及技术的先天缺陷造成的,然而更大程度上是由于注册会计师本身忽视职业道德建设而造成的审计失败。因此,笔者选题注册会计师职业道德研究,从注册会计师职业道德及道德准则入手,剖析道德缺失的深层原因,以期探求加强职业道德建设的措施。本文第一部分为注册会计师职业道德的重要性:首先对相关的几组概念作一个厘定,如道德与职业道德,职业道德与诚信,职业道德与法律等。本文认为,在注册会计师行业中诚信的含义等同于职业道德。这是因为注册会计师行业内所讲的诚信,并不单是指个人人品,而是指当事人或交易主体能信守诺言,履行义务,并有能力履行义务。这与注册会计师职业道德的内涵一致。而职业道德与法律则是相辅相成的。接着阐明职业道德的重要性。由于受托经济责任的产生才有审计职业的存在,所以审计人员必须对公众负责。如果审计人员不遵守职业道德,那么就会损害公众的利益。本文第二部分是对注册会计师的职业道德准则进行经济学分析及国际比较。正是由于职业道德的重要,所以需要有一致的道德来进行约束,这就是职业道德准则。从经济学的角度上看,注册会计师职业道德准则在性质上是一份注册会计师职业服务市场中的关于注册会计师职业服务质量的合约。受托经济责任使社会公众产生对独立审计服务的需求,而为了保证独立审计服务的质量,克服公众所处的信息劣势,有必要对注册会计师与相关利益当事人交互行为做一个约定,明确界定注册会计师的行为空间。经过注册会计师职业服务市场<WP=3>的长期发展,这些职业道德准则逐渐得到公认和标准化,从而得以从各单位的交易合约中独立出来,由注册会计师职业团体发布,对全体注册会计师均具有约束力,成为一份公共合约。 这份公共合约,虽然从表面上看只是注册会计师职业界自身共同达成的,但其实是注册会计师职业界作为职业服务的供给者与其需求者(社会公众)共同签署的。有了这份公共合约,就减少了社会公众用于收集获得和处理有关注册会计师执业质量信息方面的时间和精力,使社会公众得以能应付各种复杂情况及超载的信息。社会公众参与签署的方式除了直接提出要求之外,更强有力的则是通过有关针对注册会计师职业服务质量的法律诉讼程序和要求政府加强注册会计师职业管制等来参与。 鉴于我国只是制定了基本上属于框架性质的基本准则,所以接下来只就准则结构及其基本原则进行国际比较。通过比较可以看出,国外会计师职业道德准则,都已形成一个层次分明的体系,大致包括基本原则 规则 规则解释三个由抽象到具体的层次。这三个部分特征不一,规范力不等,按照从抽象到具体的层次排列,层次分明,自成体系,能够为注册会计师提供不同程度的、不同范围的指导,具有较强的操作性。因此可以说,这种框架有其合理性。而《中国注册会计师职业道德基本准则》将基本原则和行为规则混合在一起,就显得层次不够分明,二者关系也不够明确。因此,本文认为,应将我国注册会计师职业道德准则分为指明注册会计师理想行为标准的基本原则和规定注册会计师最低行为标准的规则两大层次,并在适当的时候对规则的具体运用予以解释说明,和进行道德裁决。对基本原则的比较可以看出,有的原则已趋于一致,诸如正直、客观、应有的关注等;有的原则差异很大。笔者认为,责任和公众利益这两个原则刻画了注册会计师的特征,能对注册会计师行为起方向性的指导作用,因此,应将其列入基本原则。本文建议的职业道德准则基本原则包含以下内容:注册会计师应以公众利益为重,以自己正直、客观的精神来履行自己的责任。<WP=4>本文第三部分,是在对职业道德准则进行分析比较后,就目前我国注册会计师行业的职业道德现状作因素分析。就一般层面上,中国会计信息失真,作为职业道德的体现,确实已到了非常严重的地步。 在对职业道德的现状进行政策、法律、文化、经济等因素分析后,我们得出结论:人是经济人,总在追求特定约束条件下的自身效应的最大化。注册会计师职业道德之所以现状如此,与恶劣的执业环境是分不开的。政策的多变、法律的不规范、不完善、传统文化与市场经济的不合拍,以及对高质量审计服务的供求不足,都说明了注册会计师实在没有遵循职业道德的外在、内在动机。本文第四部分是在第二、三部分分析的基础上对职业道德建设提出的对策与措施。由于受托经济责任的存在,导致了对独立审计的需求。因此,要建设注册会计师的职业道德,我们的着眼点必须要放在公众利益上,否则这一行业没有存在的必要。在此基础上,我们认为,建设注册会计师的职业道德可以分成两个层次:(一)以原则为导向的准则。笔者认为应以原则为导向来完善准则。基本原则指出了注册会计师所?

【Abstract】 The end of year 2001 had witnessed panic of the whole world. The Enron’s bankruptcy had brought damage to the wealth of the investors. In this event, Arthur Anderson for sure had to take undeniable responsibility. As for domestic auditors,their auditing quality is also frustrating.The reason for the happening of these events lies largely on the ignorance of the professional ethics of certified public accountants. As for this, this paper will begin from the professional ethics and the code of professional ethics to find out the underlying reason that causes the ignorance, so as to search for some solutions for the construction of professional ethics of CPA.The paper is divided into four parts: the first part is to describe the importance of professional ethics of CPA; the second part is to make an economic analysis and international comparison of the code of professional ethics; then, the third part is set on to analyze the current situation of the professional ethics in China, in several aspects such as policy, economics, law, and culture; the last part is trying to give some suggestions to the construction of professional ethics. The first part is about the importance of CPA professional ethics: first, several concepts have to be defined, for instance, ethics, professional ethics, integrity, and law. Here in this paper, the concept of integrity just equals the concept of professional ethics, for the author thinks, integrity means not only the personality of a person, but also the ability to fulfill his commitment. That is the same meaning of professional ethics. And then goes the illustration of the importance of professional ethics. Due to the existence of accountability, the CPA industry came into being. So CPAs must be responsible for the public. If they don’t abide by the professional ethics, then the public interest will be<WP=7>hurt.The second part of the article is to make an economic analysis and international comparison of the code of CPA professional ethics. Because of the importance of the professional ethics, there must be a standard to restrict it, and that is the code of CPA professional ethics. Actually, it is a contract about the service quality of CPA in the CPA service market, which reaches agreement on the mutual behavior of CPA and interest-related parties. After the long-time development of CPA service market, the codes of professional ethics have been generally accepted and standardized, and become independent from the various transaction contracts. Now they are issued by CPA professional society, and have general restriction to all the professionals, as a public contract. The public contract actually is signed between the CPA professionals and the public, so as to avoid the time-and-energy wasting of public. And the public can participate by some other means, for example, through lawsuit and calling on the strengthened governance of the CPA industry.Then there goes the comparison of structures and principles of the codes among several professional organizations. And we draw a conclusion: the structure of the code for CPA conduct of China is the shabbiest one. We have to do some reform on it. We need to divide it into three categories: principles, rules and rules explanations. As for the principles, we think it should be as follows: public interest, responsibility, integrity, and objectivity.The third part is to analyze the current situation of CPA professional ethics through the aspects of policy, economics, law, and culture. And so we know, to a large extent, they are influenced by the harsh environment they are in. Factors such as the changing policy, the imperfect legislature, the disagreement between the traditional culture and the marketing economy, and the lack of both needs and supplies of high quality of auditing services determine that CPAs really don’t have the motive to<WP=8>keep their integrity.The forth part tries to give some suggestions to the construction of professional ethics. Our opinion is, to build the CPA’s professional ethics, we can s

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