

【作者】 徐世伟

【导师】 陈乙;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 工商管理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 目的和意义汽车工业经过百年的发展,已成为人类经济生活中不可或缺的重要组成部分。在世界汽车工业的发展过程中,载货汽车专用化的发展趋势十分明显。20世纪70、80年代,主要发达国家的专用汽车保有量占载货汽车保有量的50%左右,到今天这一比例已增至80%。这种汽车衍生产品逐渐成为汽车家族中的一个巨大分支,越来越占有重要的地位。我国的专用汽车到20世纪90年代初才真正形成一个行业,但随着我国经济的快速发展,与国民经济息息相关的专用汽车行业逐渐步入了发展的“快车道”,到2010年,我国专用汽车的年需求量将达到52万辆,专用汽车的保有量在载货汽车保有量中的比例将达到50%以上。四川专用汽车厂是中国第一汽车集团的全资子公司,是目前国内生产规模最大、品种最多的综合性专用汽车生产企业之一。在80年代,企业凭着“技术为王”的经营理念取得了非常好的经营业绩,但随着我国经济市场化程度的提高,落后的经营哲学和“大而全”的经营模式使企业在新一轮的竞争中逐渐处于下风,企业的经营前景不容乐观,如何迎接严峻挑战,本文就此进行探讨。基本思路和逻辑结构本文从国际国内专用汽车行业的发展着手,分析专用汽车市场的环境,运用波特模型进行产业结构五种竞争力量的分析,确定行业内的竞争对手是企业目前关注的要点。结合SWOT分析提出四川专用汽车厂应采用目标聚集的竞争战略,抓住本行业快速发展的契机,应用目标市场营销策略进行市场和产品定位,通过营销策略的探索,提出产品策略、分销策略、价格和促销策略,并积极进行营销创新。主要内容和观点本篇论文共分为四章,第一章笔者从专用汽车市场的特点入手,<WP=3>介绍了世界专用汽车市场、我国专用汽车市场和四川专用汽车厂的发展状况,提出了我国专用汽车发展趋势及市场机遇。第二章从我国专用汽车市场的环境入手,运用波特模型分析产业竞争的五种基本力量;分析了四川专用汽车厂面临的潜在威胁和机会,根据企业的优势劣势提出了目标聚集的竞争战略。第三章运用目标市场营销战略,在行业、地理位置、用户规模和产品最终用途细分的基础上,以城市环卫车、罐式油料车和军队市场为企业的重点发展领域,利用选择性专业化进行差别市场营销。根据3C进行定位,提出企业的重点、一般和可拓展细分市场,突出价值领先和质量领先。第四章就四川专用汽车厂的营销策略进行探索,分析专用汽车产品的特性和层次,提出附加产品(产品的附加服务)是企业进行产品差别化的重点,并针对不同细分市场的特点提出了不同的产品策略;在分销策略中,强调了观念的更新和渠道的架构,利用大“一汽”营销网络扩大企业产品的销售面,并积极开展网络营销;分析企业不同细分市场上用户和竞争对手的特点,灵活地选择订价策略;根据专用汽车产品的特点和企业的实际情况,提出了以人员促销(推式策略)为主、广告和公共关系为辅的促销组合模式;针对专用汽车产品和用户的特点,开展一对一定制营销,提高用户满意度,从注重产品的差别化转变为注重用户的差别化,建立“用户库”,探索营销创新。主要贡献本文在选题上紧密联系实际,在我国专用汽车行业快速发展的过程中,行业内的竞争处于激烈而又无序的状态,对四川专用汽车厂的市场营销进行分析并提出对策,对本企业和行业内其他企业的实际工作具有指导意义。目前尚未有类似的系统研究。本篇论文针对四川专用汽车厂的具体情况,明确了企业应采取目标聚集的竞争战略;强调产品创新的重点在于附加服务的创新;提出了直销为主、代销为辅的渠道通路模式;探索“一对一”定制营销在专用汽车行业中的运用。

【Abstract】 Writing purposeAfter having been developing for a century, the automobile industry has become a crucial part in mankind economic life. As a big branch of automobile family, the special vehicle has now played an important role in promoting the development of national economy. In the most developed countries, the quantity of this special vehicle was up to 50% in those of normal truck in 1970’s and 1980’s, and now, this ratio is 80%. Till 1990’s, special vehicle had become a real industry in China, but thanks to the rapid development of Chinese economy, this industry is now experiencing fast progress. Estimates from nation authority department suggest that, the demand of special vehicle in China should be 520,000 a year in 2010, and the quantity should be 4,250,000.Sichuan Special Motor Vehicle Plant (SSMVP) is a subsidiary of China First Automobile Group (FAW). Being one of the major special vehicle manufactures in China, SSMVP had an outstanding achievement in 1980’s. Unfortunately, being influenced by the long existing planned economy and the outdated operating philosophy, SSMVP is in the weak situation gradually in the new competition. The prospect of SSMVP is somewhat poor. This article will focus on how SSMVP is to cope with the challenge.Basic idea and logic structureBy discussing history of special vehicle industry development from international to domestic, using Porter Model to analyze five-competition power of special vehicle industry, it is concluded that the competitors inside the industry should be heavy concerned<WP=5>currently. By SWOT analysis, SSMVP should set up Focus Strategy and STP to take the golden chances from Western Region Development and the rapid development of Chinese economy, while improving 4P’s strategy and carrying out marketing innovation.The contents and main ideasThis article is composed of four chapters. In the first chapter, there is an introduction to the development status quo of World and China special vehicle market as well as SSMVP. By analyzing the feature of special vehicle, it elicits the developing trends and the opportunities of China special vehicle market. Chapter Two studies the substantial threaten and also opportunities for SSMVP by analyzing the surrounding of China special vehicle market and the five trends of the industry competition with Porter Model. The author recommends SSMVP should carry out Focus Strategy compatible with its advantage and disadvantage.Chapter Three studies the target market strategy by segmentation of industry, geography, customers’ scale and ultimate purposes of products. SSMVP should implement selective professional marketing in the market of City Sanitation Vehicle, Oil-tanker Vehicle and Army Special Vehicle, and should execute position on the value advance and quality advance in accordance with 3C Principle. In Chapter Four, the author explores the marketing strategy improvement of SSMVP. By analyzing the characteristics and level of special vehicle product, SSMVP should pay more attention to the augmented product. And then, the solution to product for different target markets is offered. The solution to place construction should combine direct distribution with indirect<WP=6>distribution, Internet selling as well as FAW’s distribution channels by analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of firm’s current distribution channels. In light of the features of customers and rivals in different markets, the price system of SSMVP should be fairly flexible. According to the characteristics of special vehicle product and status quo of firm, the personnel promotion combining with advertisements and public relationship should be a rational promotion mix to SSMVP. Finally, the author believes that marketing innovation such as one-to-one marketing will be helpful to enhance SSMVP’s market. Main contributionWith the application of related knowledge in business management and marketing, this article pays attention to how to improve SSMVP marketing strategy by combining its own condition with theory. This

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