

【作者】 王万弘

【导师】 罗珉;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 工商管理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 水泥产业作为国家最重要的物质基础产业,对实现中国社会经济发展的战略目标,促进社会经济与环境的协调发展具有十分重要的作用。水泥生产的工艺流程是否科学,生产装备水平是否先进都直接影响到我国水泥行业的健康发展。目前,我国水泥行业的产量结构严重不合理,大量工艺流程落后,装备水平低下的生产线需要改型换代。国家正对我国水泥产量结构进行着大力调整,用先进的新型干法水泥生产线替代落后的生产线,而承担这一调整任务的水泥建材设计研究院可以说是重任在肩,市场前景一片光明。成都建筑材料工业设计研究院(以下简称为成都院)作为全国三大水泥建材设计研究院之一,在过去传统的计划经济体制下,没有生存的压力和发展的动力,也就不需考虑发展战略问题,只要完成国家下达的计划即可。但在国家建材局撤局改会后,这三大水泥设计院都分别进行了改制工作。随着我国经济由计划经济向市场经济转变,特别是进入二十一世纪,水泥建材设计研究院的内外部环境发生了巨大的变化,国内竞争日趋激烈,市场竞争进一步加剧。在这种形势下,成都建材设计研究院要想适应竞争激烈的外部市场环境,必须对能有效帮助企业充分利用市场机会、提高企业的发展质量、打造企业可持续发展的核心竞争力和企业长期生存发展的战略管理进行研究。同时,水泥建材设计研究院的生产经营模式长期以来一直以单纯设计为主,这不仅不能适应市场经济环境,与国际行业接轨,更重要的是限制了企业的创新与发展。因此,本文将重新从整体考虑,结合市场实际环境,对水泥建材设计研究院的商业经营模式做一些研究和探索,并将他融入到企业发展战略研究中去。论文分为五大部分,第一部分主要是研究对象介绍。说明研究的背景和动机,企业情况,和期望达到的研究目的和研究方法等。第二部分主要是基于国内外经济、产业形势和政策、行业与竞争对手的企业外部环境分析,以及基于企业现有资源和综合能力的内部环境分析。<WP=3>第三部分主要是针对企业商业经营模式进行分析和创新。第四部分主要是企业的SWOT分析,确立企业的战略目标和企业发展战略的选择。第五部分是企业战略实施和关键性对策。即按照已形成的战略选择,围绕构建成都建材设计研究院的核心竞争力,在公司业务组合、组织结构调整、资源再配置,以及市场营销、研究开发等职能性战略进行规划;同时,对在战略实施中存在的风险提出解决的办法。本文主要以水泥行业的成都建材设计研究院为研究对象,运用战略管理的基本理论对企业所处的内外部环境进行了比较全面和深入的分析研究,在总结企业所面临的机会、威胁,以及所拥有的优势、劣势基础上,结合实际,对成都建材设计研究院未来的发展提出基本的战略构想和主要实施方案,为我国水泥建材设计研究院的发展提供有益的参考思路。特别对水泥设计研究院的商业经营模式进行了分析,并根据市场的变化和需要对企业的商业经营模式进行重新设计和创新。这对加强水泥建材设计研究院的生存发展能力以及促进我国水泥行业的健康发展具有较强的现实意义。

【Abstract】 As one of the fundamentals of a country, cement industry plays a critical role in fulfillment of China’s social and economic strategy as well as harmonious development of economy and environment, while the sustainable growth of the industry heavily depends on optimal flow process and advanced production machinery. However, at present most of the domestic cement products come from out-of-date production lines which should have been driven out of the market. Therefore the government now is focusing on replacing the old production lines with the advanced precalcining ones, which brings a bright future to design institutes of building materials industry.Chengdu Design & Research Institute of Building Materials Industry (hereafter referred to as CDI) is one of the most prestigious design institutes among China’s building materials industry. The sole objective of CDI under the planning economy system was to complete programs assigned by the government without encountering any stress or motive or considering long-term schemes. But after the National Administration Bureau of Building Materials Industry was withdrawn and became an non-official association, CDI along with other institutes has been undergoing thorough reforms. With conversion of our economy from planning to market, especially in the 21st century, the design institutes are now facing severe competitions under varying surroundings. In this case, CDI must dive into series of management tactics that enables CDI to get the opportunities accessible in the market and promote quality and sustainable development of the enterprise to confront the growing competitions.Furthermore, the conventional operation mode of domestic design institutes of building materials industry, namely taking design as the only business, has considerably hindered the institutes to adapt to the market economy, kept pace with international practice and more importantly proceed with initiation and innovation. Hereby, this article based on the general status and the actual market situation, will probe into commercial<WP=5>operation modes of the design institutes and integrate them into the overall development strategy.The article is divided into 5 parts, among which Part 1 is the introduction of the researching object, background of the research and what should be gained through the research; Part 2 includes analysis of external factors like economy at home and abroad, industry trend, policy and status of competitors, as well as resources and competitiveness of the enterprise; Part 3 mainly aims at operational mode and its innovation; Part 4 is SWOT analysis to set up strategic targets and demonstrate selection of development tactics; Part 5 explores implementation of strategies and essential countermeasures, which follows the selected strategies and striving for core competitiveness of CDI to elaborate schemes of functional mechanism regarding businesses combination, organization adjustment, resources reallocation, marketing and research. And meanwhile puts forward solutions to possible ventures.Taking CDI as the researching object and employing basic theories of strategic management, this article makes a comprehensive and thorough analysis and research on internal and external environment confronted by the enterprise, sums up opportunities and ventures together with advantages and disadvantages of CDI and then brings forward schemes and implementation proposals that may offer some useful references to further development of domestic design institutes of cement industry. Besides, operational modes of design institutes are particularly explored in the article and innovated in line with various market demands, which bears profound significance to enhance survival of the design institutes and sound growth of China’s cement industry.

  • 【分类号】F279.26
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