

【作者】 刘震

【导师】 艾孙麟; 曾晓玲;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 金融学, 2003, 硕士


【摘要】 中国保险市场已经逐渐开放,在此背景下,中国保险公司要生存、发展、直至壮大,首先必须要对国内外的整个行业环境有一个全局性的把握,即一种高瞻远瞩的战略眼光,必须知道——是什么力量驱动着产业中的竞争?对手将会采取什么样的行动?一个行业将如何演进?战略规划者如何对竞争行为做出反应?一个公司怎样在长期竞争中取得最佳定位?……在一个追求双赢甚至多赢的时代,仅仅知道从宏观和行业结构特点寻找竞争优势是远远不够的,还必须基于自身的努力和特点进行竞争,因此中国的保险公司从目前“大而全”、“小而全”的职能定位倒错向具有核心专业优势的定位过渡,而在其非核心领域与市场中的其他参与者展开全面合作,充分利用外部优秀资源已势成必然。于是,中国的保险公司要想在日益激烈的竞争中夺取战略高地,就必须具备“既见森林,又见树木”的眼界。本文就是在这两方面做出的一次初步的尝试:对保险公司进行战略性的宏观分析,使之“既见森林”;又对保险公司进行微观层次的核心竞争力分析,使之“又见树木”。对行业进行战略性研究肇始于美国哈佛商学院教授迈克尔·波特在20世纪80年代初期发表的《竞争战略》,随后的《竞争优势》以及发表较晚的《国家竞争优势》共同构成了著名的竞争三部曲,也奠定了他在战略研究领域的宗师地位。竞争的5种作用力、3种基本竞争战略,以及价值链的分析框架这些光彩夺目的思想就是在这几部书中提出的。时代的变迁,政治经济环境的进化,商业竞争已逐渐从你死我活的贴身肉搏阶段向追求双赢甚至多赢的合作竞争阶段过渡,合作的意义凸显,已被提高到了一个战略高度——在西方管理学中派生了一个新词“竞合(co-opetition)”,它是“竞争(competition)”与“合作(cooperation)”的嫁接产物,竞合理论由此诞生。1990年,美国学者C· K·Prahalad和英国学者G·Hamel在《哈佛商业评论》上发表《公司核心竞争力》一文,核心竞争力理论横空出世,该理论构成了20世纪90年代西方最热门的企业战略理论,是对几十年来美国大企业战略理论的一个更高层次的发展。核心竞争力理论既强调竞争又强调合作(如外包理论),因此<WP=3>与竞合理论有着天然的内在联系。本文采用了竞合理论的框架结构来分析中国保险公司竞争与合作的战略,同时对核心竞争力的论述贯穿于整篇文章。本文由前言和四个章节组成,其基本思路和结构安排如下:前言部分介绍了研究的目的和意义,国内外研究现状和发展趋势,研究的方法、对象的界定以及逻辑结构,最后指出了本文的不足之处和还需深化的地方。论文的第一章首先阐释了竞争的演进,为后续章节的分析做了铺垫。只有当竞争不断演进,合作的竞争才成为可能,这也是本文研究的起点。相应的,此章分为三节,分别论述竞争形态的演进所经历的三个阶段:对抗的竞争,宽容的竞争,合作的竞争。本章简要分析了这三种竞争形态的特点,出现的原因以及演进的轨迹。第一节分析对抗的竞争。在市场演进初期,在直接方式的粗线条分工中,企业可供选择的分工领域十分有限,分工的简单化导致了处于同一分工状态下的企业同质程度很高,使得最终产品的同质程度也很高,这就意味着企业之间与产品之间都可以相互代替,而并不损坏整个社会的分工链条。所以,企业之间是对立的,很容易遭到同行攻击,产品同质程度高又使得价格成为最常见的攻击手段。第二节分析宽容的竞争。市场的演进,分工水平提高了,生产规模扩大了,生产方式改变了。分工日益细化,生产链条的长度逐渐加长,表现为在原有横向展开基础上的纵向拓深,分工的拓展所推动的市场规模的扩大又极大的提高了市场消费量,企业之间的差异化程度大大提高,这使得企业之间差异化共存成为可能。差异是宽容的基础。第三节分析合作的竞争。市场的进一步演进,差异化不仅是宽容的基础,也成为开展合作的基础。“竞合”,就是将竞争与合作紧密的结合起来,当共同创造一个市场时,企业间更多的表现为一种合作的关系;当进行市场分配时,企业间更多的表现为一种竞争的关系。对于商业活动来说,你的成功并不一定需要别人的失败,这里可能存在多个赢家。一个企业的竞争对手甚至能为它带来战略价值,如竞争者剩余。第二章是全篇结构的枢纽,搭建起了整篇文章的理论平台。首先,分析保险公司的价值网络。本文的竞争与合作是广视角的,不同于传统<WP=4>上仅限于同替代对手的竞争与合作。因此,在这里引出了保险公司的价值网络图和其他参与者——客户、供应商、互补者、替代者。同时分析了各个参与者的多重身份及作用,规则。其次,分析如何成为价值网中的一员,如何对规则和对手有一个初步的了解以明确自身优势和劣势,找准在行业中的位置。第一,要对保险业的结构进行深入的分析,它影响着行业规则的确立与保险公司潜在可供选择的战略,在这里,又分为三个部分:一是分析竞争激烈程度,运用到了迈克尔·波特的五种基本竞争力量的结构分析模型;二是分析行业类型,结合初现的新行业,转化时期的行业,全球性行业三种类型来分析保险业所处的基本产业环境;三是预测行业趋势,预测影响保险业结构的根?

【Abstract】 With the door of Chinese insurance market being opened, Chinese insurers are facing the challenge of gaining a comprehensive understanding of the domestic and international market environments. The questions emerging include: Which forces lie beneath the competition in the industry? What actions opponents may adopt? How will the industry evolve? How do strategic decision-makers respond to competitive behaviours? And how can a company keep favourable standing during long-term competitions? In the era of pursuing Dual-wins or even Multi-wins, it’s far from enough to seek competitive advantage only out of macro and industrial considerations. A company must compete on the basis of its own efforts and characteristics as well. Therefore, Chinese insurers must transfer from the models of ’big and complete’ and ’small but complete’ to Core Specialized Advantages. In the fields of non-core businesses, an insurer should cooperate fully with other participants and make full use of outer resources. Chinese insurers must pay attention to both the macro and micro aspects in order to secure its Highland in the daily fierce competition. Based on the above considerations, this thesis tries to achieve balance between its macro-levelled and micro-levelled analyses. Michael Porter, a Harvard Business School professor, started the industrial strategic research. The publication of his three famous books—Competitive Strategy, Competitive Advantage, and Competitive Advantage of Nations—made Michael Porter the forerunner in the field of strategic research. Michael brought out the brilliant thoughts such as Five Forces, Three Basic Competitive Strategies, and Value Chain. With eras’ changing and political and economical environments’ evolving, corporate competition has taken a new form of Dual-Wins and Multi-Wins out of the old form of face-to-face battle. Cooperation, therefore, is becoming a prominent and<WP=8>strategic topic. A new word Co-opetition, which is derived from two words of ’Competition’ and ’Cooperation’, has emerged in the dictionary of management, leading to a newly born theory of Co-opetition. In 1990, American scholar C. K. Prahalad and British scholar G. Hamel published their paper The Core Competence of the Corporation on Harvard Business Review, marking the birth of Core Competence Theory. It pushed the main corporate theories in the past decades to a new level, and became the most heated theory of corporate strategy. The theory of core competence emphasized not only on competition but also on cooperation (such as theory of outsourcing) and therefore it is naturally connected with the co-opetition theory. Based on the framework of co-opetition theory, the thesis tries to analyse the competitive and cooperative strategies for Chinese insurance companies with core competition concept being applied throughout the analysing process. This thesis is composed of preface and four chapters as organised as follows:Chapter One explains the evolution of competition, which provides a platform for the further research in the later chapters. Cooperative competition, the starting point of the whole work, is the advanced phrase during the competition evolving process. This chapter is divided into three sections of Antagonistic Competition, Tolerant Competition and Cooperative Competition. Each of them respectively represents a phrase during the evolution of competition. The chapter briefly explains the characteristics, reasons of emerging and process of evolution of the three competition shapes. Section One is about antagonistic competition. In the earlier period of market evolvement, the room for labour distribution is very limited. The simple distribution of labours leads to high-levelled similarity among the products of various producers. One product in the market can be easily substituted by others without damaging the chain of labour distribution of the whole society. The corporations are antagonistic against each other and easily attacked by<WP=9>their competitors. Price is the most common way used to compete

【关键词】 竞争合作竞合核心竞争力
【Key words】 CompetitionCooperationCo-opetitionCore Competence
  • 【分类号】F842.3
  • 【被引频次】2
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