

Adaptive Inverse Control and Its Application Research

【作者】 柳晓菁

【导师】 吴士昌;

【作者基本信息】 燕山大学 , 控制理论与控制工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 传统的控制和自适应控制采用的反馈控制方式是将输出和干扰同时反馈来提高系统性能和消除干扰,这样在两者之间只能折衷实现。而自适应逆控制需要很少的先验知识,不需要知道被控对象的数学模型,就可以设计出性能优良的自适应逆控制系统。自适应逆控制对对象动态响应的控制和消除扰动的控制是分别进行控制的,二者互不影响,这样就可尽量提高系统动态性能和尽可能消除干扰。设计出的自适应逆控制系统,不仅可以得到好的动态响应,还可以使噪声和扰动减小到最小。本课题主要研究自适应逆控制及其应用。 首先,论文研究了针对线性对象的自适应逆控制,在经典的自适应逆控制理论的基础上,提出了两种改进的自适应逆控制系统。在原来的X-滤波LMS算法自适应逆控制和-滤波LMS算法自适应逆控制方法的基础上,引入了新的变步长LMS算法,在计算量增加不多的前提下,能同时获得较快的收敛速度和较小的稳态误差;引入自适应的反馈补偿控制克服了被控系统的直流零频漂移,使控制系统在初开始工作阶段快速收敛;还引入自适应扰动消除器,它能最大限度的消除扰动。其次,论文研究了非线性自适应逆控制。给出一种结构新颖的非线性自适应滤波器进行自适应建模,逆建模,及控制器的设计。提出了一种带自适应扰动消除器和反馈补偿的非线性自适应逆控制系统。仿真结果证明了这种非线性自适应逆控制系统收敛速度非常快,消除扰动能力很强。具有应用价值。 最后,给出了自适应逆控制的两个应用。第一个应用是用自适应逆控制的原理设计了一种新的抗噪声电话。第二个应用是将自适应逆控制应用到可控硅直流调速系统中。

【Abstract】 The feedback control mode of conventional control and adaptive control is to enhance the system’s performance and to erase disturbance through feeding back output and disturbance simultaneously. Adaptive inverse control doesn’t need too much advanced knowledge. We can design good adaptive inverse control without knowing plant’s mathematic model. The control of plant’s dynamic response and plant’s disturbance erasion is respectively done. They don’t impact each other. So we can best enhance the system’s performance and erase disturbance. We can not only acquire good dynamic response, but also make noise and disturbance minimum. In this paper, we concentrate on adaptive inverse control and its appliance. Firstly, based on the classical adaptive inverse control theories, linear adaptive control is studied and two kind of improved adaptive inverse control is put forward. Based on X-filtered LMS algorithm and -filtered LMS algorithm adaptive inverse control, we use a new variable step size LMS algorithm. Adding little computation, variable step size LMS algorithm can result in fast convergence speed and low residual error simultaneously. The adaptive feedback control can counteract the beginning error of the system. The adaptive disturbance canceler can best erase noises and disturbances. Secondly, nonlinear adaptive inverse control is researched. We introduce a kind of shunt-wound structure with a linear adaptive filter and a nonlinear adaptive filter. Using it, we design adaptive modeling, adaptive inverse modeling and controller. This paper presents a kind of nonlinear adaptive inverse control with -filtered algorithm, which has adaptive disturbance canceler and feedback compensation in it. Simulation studies have shown that this nonlinear adaptive inverse control system can erase disturbances and result in fast convergence speed. So it is convenient for appliance.Finally, two appliance of adaptive inverse control are given in this paper. The first appliance is a new anti-noise telephone based on adaptive inverse control theories. The second appliance is designing adaptive speed regulating systems using the theories of adaptive inverse control.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 燕山大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2003年 02期
  • 【分类号】TP273.2
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】442