

【作者】 陈志成

【导师】 廖列文; 陶思佺;

【作者基本信息】 广东工业大学 , 化学工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国丙烯酸工业的迅速发展,亟需发展其下游产品。高分子量聚丙烯酸钠是一类广泛用于烧碱和纯碱行业盐水精制、氧化铝生产的赤泥沉降分离、味精厂废水中蛋白质回收和制糖等行业的高分子材料。也是丙烯酸使用量很大的一类产品。在我国市场需求量很大但生产能力很小,产品性能欠佳。因此建设能够生产产品性能好、具有一定规模的高分子量聚丙烯酸钠生产厂,对于促进我国丙烯酸产业的发展,和提高我国高分子量聚丙烯酸钠的生产、质量水平都具有重要的意义。 本设计是针对我国高分子量聚丙烯酸钠在性能上存在分子量上不去、水溶解性能差、溶解时间长和生产上存在设备投资大、生产操作复杂、能耗较高的问题。经过多年来的研究和在生产性试验的基础上,遵循技术上先进、工艺上可靠、经济上合理、系统上最优的原则完成。生产所用的主要原料是丙烯酸和氢氧化钠,生产方法是盘式水溶液聚合法,即使用氢氧化钠中和的丙烯酸水溶液,在复合引发剂存在下,加入有助于提高分子量和水溶解性能的有机胺等聚合助剂,在自行设计的反应盘中进行常温聚合,湿胶体产物经肉类绞碎机造粒,干燥,压散,粉碎而制得分子量高达2500万以上、水溶解性能好(无凝胶物)、溶解速度快(<30min)、使用效果好的聚丙烯酸钠商品。所采用工艺的特点是:丙烯酸钠溶液采用能高效脱除阻聚剂的方法去除阻聚剂,在聚合过程使用复合引发剂、加入具有提高分子量、促进水溶解性能的聚合助剂,在常温下进行反应;反应在专门设计的带条形格涂有不粘涂料的反应盘中进行;胶体产物采用肉类绞碎机造粒;生产工艺简单、设备投资小、能耗较低。 本设计的主要内容包括:对高分子量聚丙烯酸钠的国内外研究状况、应用领域和应用现状、生产概况、市场需求情况和应用前景的综述;通过试验对工艺流程中聚合方法、阻聚剂脱除方法、造粒方法、干燥和粉碎方法进行选择和论证;对生产的物料及能量进行了衡算;详细介绍了生产工艺流程及控制;并简要说明了主要设备选型和工艺尺寸的计算、设备投资估算、车间的设备布置、原料的消耗和定额;对建设工程、技术经济指标进行了简单分析。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of acrylic acid industry in our country, it is in urgent need to develop products from acrylic acid. Polymeric sodium polyacrylate is not only a kind of macrolecule material widely practiced in purification of salt solution in industries of caustic soda and soda, red soil sedimentation separation in producing alumina, recovery of protein in waste water from monosodium glutamate factory, and refining sugar industry, but also a kind of product consuming a great deal of acrylic acid. It is in great demand of domestic market, but less in production capacity and bad in properties of product. So a certain size of polymeric sodium polyacrylate factory is to be built to supply better properties of goods which is of important sense on promoting development of acrylic acid industry and improving the level of production and quality.This design is focussed on the problems on difficulty to increase molecular weight, bad water solubility and large equipment investment, complicated operation and wasted energy in production of polymeric sodium polyacrylate. Based on the study on polymeric sodium polyacrylate and experiments in production for many years, and according to the principles of advanced technology, credible technics, reasonable economics and optimized system, the design is completed. The 籱ain raw materials are acrylic acid and sodium hydroxide, which are made reaction by pan polymerization in water. That is, the acrylic acid solution neutralized by sodium hydroxide is being polymerized at normal temperature in the designed reaction tray, with the composite initiator and polymerization promoter, such as organic amine to increase molecular weight and to improve water solubility. The product in wet colloided state is made into grains by disintegrator, dried by desiccator, and smashed into the fine of sodium polyacrylate with molecular weight over 25 million, better water solubility (without gel left ), and fast solution (within 30 min ). The characteristic of this technology are as follows: (1) the sodium polyacrylate solution that the inhibitor can be eliminated by the efficient method, with the composite initiator and polymerization promoter able to increase molecular weight and improve water solubility on polymerization, can be made reaction at normal temperature; (2) the reactor is a kind of ingotal grid tray coated with non-sticking coating,; (3) The product is made into grains by disintegrator; (4) It is simple in technology, less equipment investment and saving on energy.The main contents of this design included: Summerization on the Status of Research on Polymeric Sodium Polyacrylate in Domestic and Abroad, Field and Current Status of Applications, the Situation of Production, the Need of Market and Applying in the Future; Selection and Demonstration on Polymerization Method, Eliminating Inhibitor, Granulation, Drying and Smashing in the Technological Process; The Calculation of Raw Materials and Energy; Technological Process and Controlling; The Design of Main Equipments; The Calculation of Investment; The Arrangement of Equipments in Workgroup; Consumption and Quota of Raw Materials; Illustration on Construction Engineering; Economic Analysis.

  • 【分类号】TQ314.253
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】1028