

【作者】 马传松

【导师】 李振坤;

【作者基本信息】 广东工业大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 随着社会和计算机技术的发展,数据信息的存储越来越离不开数据库系统的支持,而Oracle数据库以其强大的数据处理能力,从众多数据库系统中脱颖而出,在各行各业得到了广泛的应用,尤其在很多电子商务和电子政务的大型系统中。所以我就提出了“基于Oracle分布式数据库远程数据的维护和安全性的研究”这样一个研究课题,并且结合实际项目进行了一定的研究,对一些关键技术进行了实现,为以后更好的进行系统开发做一个铺垫。 “Oracle分布式数据库远程数据的维护和安全性的研究”要解决的关键技术有多层次架构的实现与如何组织、工作流技术在办公自动化中如何实现、信息加密与保护技术的实现、业务监控与审计技术、信息保护和共享技术等地实现是解决这一问题的基本要素。所以本文从这几个关键技术入手,从软件工程的角度出发,结合多个实际项目和以前开发的系统为基础,从系统设计的基本思想、思路出发,结合一些基本依据分别以组件中间件、多媒体大数据对象、数据库的链接与快照、分布式数据库数据的处理、分布式数据库数据的安全问题、数据库的备份和恢复以及数据审计等具体问题进行比较详细的论述,并且将得到研究结果在项目和系统中予以实现加以验证。 多层次架构的实现,我们在实际项目中采用Oracle的中间层服务9ias来实现,在论述中描述了Oracle9iAS的体系结构,并且用EJB来加强数据库链接的安全性;多媒体大对象的维护我们通过对其进行研究,发现其特殊性,采用OracleDBMS_LOB包中的PL/SQL过程来对其进行实现,并且用加密的形式存储在数据库中;分布式数据库的数据的同步问题,是我们在项目开发过程中常常碰到的一个问题,对此问题我们采用了Oracle数据库中的快照来进行实现。在实现中对数据传输过程中的数据进行加密传送;分布式数据库的维护中数据库的备份和恢复是一个必须面对的问题,虽然只有数据库出现故障时,才会用到它,但是备份是保证数据库正常运行的不可缺少的一个功能;对于数据库的安全可能大家对这个问题的认识,远没有操作系统的安全那么重要,但是当数据库里存储的数据涉及商业机密信息时,一旦被盗用,由此将产生不可估量的损失。本文针对这一现象 广东工业大学工学硕士学位论文提出了基于Oracle数据库的数据安全性研究及解决方案并在开发的系统中予以实现。 Oracle 分布式数据库远程数据的维护和安全性是一个很重要也很现实的问题,对文中所举示例都在 Oracle st 8.1.7和 Oraclegi 9.2刀.4,OraclegiAS 9.0.4中得到实现,并且在所开发的项目和系统中得到验证。

【Abstract】 Along with the development of the society and the computer technologies, the storage of data information can not get away from the sustainment of database system. The database system of Oracle has powerful abilities for data management which talent showing itself. Now the application of Oracle database has been widely introduced into broad areas, and particularly in most systems for the electronic commerce and electronic governmental affairs. Therefore I raised such an issue as the maintenance and safety research of remote data based on Oracle Distributed Database, and did some researches on this topic to certain extension and implements some key technologies, for better system development hereafter.The key technologies, in my research, include how to organize and implement "Multi-Layered" structures, how to achieve "Work Flow" in "Office Automatization", how to implement the technology on the information communion, encryption and protection, the technology on business guidance and audit, and the technology on the information protection and sharing. This article starts with and dissertate these key technologies such as Middle Component, multimedia large object, connection and snap shop of database, data transactions of distributed databases, data security issue in distributed databases, data backup and recovery of databases and data audit in detail. The discussion would be done combining with some practical projects and previously developed systems from the software engineering point of view and achieve research results which had been applied and validated in the projects and systems.In the practical project, we adopt the Oracle Middle Layer Service 9ias to implement multi-layer structures. We described the Oracel9iAS system construction in the treatise, and the strengthened safety characteristic of the Database Connection by using EJB; We discovered the specialty on Multimedia Large Object through the maintenance on it, found that it is implemented by adopting PL/SQL process in the Oracle DBMS_LOB package and stored its encrypted data form in the database. In ourdevelopment process, we usually met with the problem with data synchronous in distributed databases. To solve this, we adopted the snap shot function provided by the Oracle database. It is essential for distributed databases to have backup and recovery functions to ensure it is properly running, though they are only be invoked when problems occur in database. The database’s safety issue is not cognized as much important as operating system’s. However, in case of the datum in the database involved some business secret information, once they were stolen, the potential loss would be considerable. Therefore, I aimed at this phenomenon to bring up a research in my thesis according to the data safety in Oracle database and provided practical solutions which have been implemented in the developed system.The maintenance and safety on remote data of Oracle Distributed Database are every important and realistic problem. All examples in my article are tested in Oracle 8i 8.1.7, Oracel9i and Oracel9iAS, and verified in the developing projects and systems.

  • 【分类号】TP311.133.1
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】484