

Demonstrate How to Develop the Students’ Writing Skill by Using Their Own Personality

【作者】 陈冬梅

【导师】 潘新和;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 教育, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 人的主体性的发展水平的高低是衡量一个社会进步程度的重要标志之一,是人的发展水平的重要尺度。当我们面向世界、反思自己的时候,一种危机感油然而生——我们培养的人缺少主体性,缺乏自主性、主动性、创造性。随着时代的发展,对人、对教育都提出更高要求,培养、发展人的主体性成为教育改革的一个主题,也是深化当前教育改革的一个重要突破口。写作是一种比较宽泛的课程,任何生活和学科都可以从中找到合乎自身表现的形式,但写作者要能传达出自身对自然、社会、人生的思考和体验,就需要写作者发挥主体精神。因而写作教学是最需要发挥学生主体性的学科,也是最能培养学生的主体性的学科。本文正拟通过学生写作主体性的培养提高学生的主体性水平,使写作教育承担起素质教育的重担。 本文首先理清概念——弄清学生写作主体性的内涵,并对现状进行分析。面对中学写作教学现状,我们遗憾地发现学生写作主体的严重失落,于是从教材、教师、环境、学生等角度反思写作主体失落的原因。作为教师,重点反思教师在学生写作主体失落上所应承担的责任。为了进一步明确培养学生写作主体性的重要性,本文继续探究培养写作主体性的意义,并在此基础上重点探索培养写作主体性的途径。

【Abstract】 The degree of individuality of its people is an important measure of the progress of that society, as well as being a measure of the individuals themselves. When we look at the world and thenexamine ourselves, we face crisis--the people we cultivategenerally tend to be lack of individuality, initiative and creativity. In the modern world, we need to engender these qualities in our people, and in this quest education must play a vital role. The cultivation and development of a person’s individuality has become a focus of educational reform. A crucial part of this reform is in the teaching of writing. The common thread of all learning is that ideas are conveyed through writing. Those who would communicate their thoughts and experiences about nature, society and life need to develop their spirit of individuality. The essay argues for the development of students’ individuality through the cultivation of their individuality in writing, and for the writing education to play a significant role in overall quality education.When faced with the current situation of writing education in high school, people are sorry to discover the loss of individuality in writing. By reflecting on the cause of the loss of individuality in writing and the significance of cultivating individuality in writing, this essay tries to examine the methods of cultivating individuality in writing.

  • 【分类号】G633.34
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】391