

Pragmatic Implicature and Literary Translation

【作者】 王云松

【导师】 王大伟;

【作者基本信息】 上海海运学院 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 翻译就是翻译意义,这一命题在翻译界似乎已达成共识。但深入到对“意义”内涵的把握以及在译语中如何实现对“意义”的表达,则是见仁见智,莫衷一是。至于文学隐含意义的翻译,虽有学者论及,如陈文伯(1996:92)提出隐含义“何者该显何者该隐”的问题,但缺乏理论支持,也未分类加以说明,无法指导实践。本文试图在文学隐含的翻译这一问题上做一客观、系统的分析。 本文第一章分别介绍了翻译学与语用学的发展现状,说明语用学与翻译的结合为翻译研究开辟了一条新的道路。 第二章详细说明了会话含义理论的由来,探讨了隐含意义在文学中的运用。结合巴赫金的言谈理论,论证了会话含义理论运用到文学文本的可行性。 在第三章中,作者从翻译的理解和表达两个方面入手,论证了文学隐含话语的大量存在是由其审美特性决定的。译者必须充分考虑读者的反应,尽可能将原作者在行文叙述中的隐含意义和人物对话的隐含意义保留在译文中;同时,指出文学翻译中制约隐含意义的三个要素:语境、非言语符号和推理。 在第四章至第六章中,作者围绕这三个要素,通过实例分析,说明翻译的原则与方法。由于译文读者不熟悉原作中的文化背景而形成的文化空缺,译者应尽可能消除,甚至可以用加注的方法;对于译文读者所不熟悉的源语中容许的行文空缺,译者必须小心地予以保留。只有这样,才能给读者留有参与文学作品结构活动的余地。 最后,作者总结和明确了自己的观点:语用含义理论并不能解决文学翻译的所有问题,但语用学理论的运用会为翻译研究的发展拓展出很有前途的新领域。

【Abstract】 It is the consensus of the translation circles that translating is translating meaning; however, opinions differ from each other as to the connotation of meaning and the realization of meaning in the target language. Due to the lack of theoretical sustainment, scientific classification of specific examples, many translation problems involving pragmatic implicature remain unsolved. This thesis purports to offer a fair, objective and systematic approach to the translation of pragmatic implicatures in literary texts.Chapter One provides a detailed introduction to the development of translation studies and pragmatic studies, indicating that the application of pragmatics to translation will shed new light on translation studies.Chapter Two is a tentative study on application of Grice’s theory of conversational implicature to literary translation in the light of Bakhtin’s theory.In Chapter Three, based on the premise that in all translating processes, there are two moments: the moment of comprehension and the moment of expression, the author points out that it is the aesthetic power of literary texts that decides the existence of many sentences with pragmatic implicature. The translator, therefore, must take the reader’s response into full account. Through an analysis of three tendencies of translating pragmatic implicatures, the author draws attention to the importance of retaining literary implicatures in the target language.From Chapter Four to Chapter Six, the author introduces three parameters of translating implicatures through examples: context, nonverbal symbols and inference.Finally, as the conclusion for the whole dissertation, the author restates that the implicature theory cannot, on its own, serve as a theory of literary translation, but the application of pragmatics explores a new and promising vista for translation studies.

  • 【分类号】I046
  • 【下载频次】208