

【作者】 居振宇

【导师】 林国龙;

【作者基本信息】 上海海运学院 , 交通运输工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 时间已经迈入二十一世纪,我们的世界面临着深刻的变化和强烈的挑战。对企业来说,市场竞争环境发生了迅速的改变,消费者需求趋于多样化、个性化,市场变得让人捉摸不透,信息技术的蓬勃兴起更加剧了企业的全球化竞争,传统的企业管理模式正在经受着严峻的挑战,企业间的竞争不得不转向供应链间的竞争,快速反应的供应链体系以及在此体系模式下及时制(JIT)生产的实现将改写企业竞争法则、主导企业在未来激烈竞争市场中的命运。本文通过对供应链管理(SCM)模式下JIT生产理论的研究分析,结合BDCOM公司的实际情况,来探讨中小型企业在供应链管理模式下建构JIT生产的方法和思路。 本文论述了在当今供应链管理时代,供应链管理模式下的JIT生产是促进企业运营成本的下降、增强企业的快速反应市场能力、形成优势核心竞争力的最有效途径,是获取利润的新源泉。作者还明确的指出,要在企业实现JIT生产,必须先行打造一体化的供应链体系及结构,在上、中、下游企业间实施一体化的供应链管理。本文还运用递阶层次分析法(AHP)分析选择在IT中小型企业实现JIT生产的基本策略方法,即物料控制JIT、库存控制JIT、采购管理JIT及生产作业过程JIT,及建立适当的软硬件基础环境。 本文在理论上阐述了实现物料控制JIT的重点是解决需求不确定性问题,控制需求放大对需求计划的影响。 本文还就中小型企业如何选择库存策略进行了独到的分析,指出联合管理多级优化库存策略是库存控制JIT的最优策略,通过建立模型,找到了BDCOM公司最优库存策略(s,S)。 本文建构了新的物料分类ABCD方法和运用TOPSIS法建构新的供应商选择策略,指出传统的ABC分类法不利于实现JIT采购。实证分析了BDCOM公司运用新的ABCD分类法和新的供应商选择策略实现JIT采购的途径。 本文分析了实现生产作业过程JIT的关键点在于建立拉动式控制系统、用ERP支持滚动式计划的执行、在过程中实施电子化时代的看板管理。 本文的最后还就中小型IT企业建立信息化的ERP系统,从而完善信息化的供应链体系进行了硬件和软件方面的初步规划,为企业JIT生产的实现提供工程物质基础。 作者在BDCOM公司的多个不同岗位服务了多年,深知传统的生产管理已经不适应现代竞争激烈且迅猛变化的IT市场,唯有实施JIT生产才是企业实现经营目标的必经之路。作者一直在尝试运用学过的供应链管理理论与BDCOM公司的实际结合,找到类似的中小型企业实现JIT生产之路,希望本文也能给其他读者带来一些新的思路和认识,为中小型企业创新管理发挥作用。

【Abstract】 In the 21st century, our world is facing profound changes and strong challenges. To enterprise the market environment has changed fastly. The demands of customers are becoming varied and individual, and the market has turned to be unpredictable. The rising of IT even charpped the worldwide competition for enterprises. The old style of business management now is facing strong challenges. The competition of enterprises should turn to the competition of SC. The reality of JIT producing and SCS which react quickly will rewrite the rules of competition and the development of the leading enterprise in future. We have analyzed the JIT producing theory by the model of SCM to study the ideas and ways of building the JIT producing with the situation of BDCOM.It describes that in the era of SCM the JIT producing by the model of SCM is a effective way which decreases the operation cost, increase the abilities of enterprise’ quick reaction and forms the core competition advantage. It is clear that it is a new resource of getting profits. The author still indicates definitely that it necessary to build the structure and system of the integration of SC firstly and carry out the integration of SCM among the upper, middle, Backwards branches. It still analyses the basis strategy to realizing the JIT production in middle and small enterprise by the means of AHP. Material control, inventory control, purchasing management and producing process JIT, to build suitable software and hardware basis environment.The article mentions the emphasis of JIT controlling materials is soluting the problem of uncertain demands and controlling the influence of magnifying demands on the demands plan in theory.The article also gives a special analyze of middle-small sized company how to select the strategy for inventory, points out the best strategy of inventory control JIT is united management and multi-level optimization and find the best inventory strategy for BDCOM company through building models.The article creates a new ABCD method of material classify and a new tactics for the supplier by TOPSIS, point out the traditional method of ABC classify is unfavorable for JIT purchasing, and also analyze the way to JIT purchasing for BDCOM company by apply a new method of ABCD classify and a new tactics of supplier selecting.The articles analyses the key to achieve the JIT in production process lies in building the draw-type controlling system by ERP and carrying out rolling plan , the electronic era board management in production process.The article finally gives a initial plan of the hardware and software for improving the supply chain system for information, as to build the ERP system for the middle-small sized company in order to provide project material basis for achieving JIT production.Has been serving for BDCOM in several positions for several years, author realizes that the traditional production management is no longer meet the sharp competition and rapid changing IT market today, the only way out is applying JIT production to achieve the company goals.Author always wants to find the way to achieve JIT production for middle-small sized company by combine his learnt supply chain theory and experiment in BDCOM. Wish this article can bring some new thoughts and recognize to readers,MEand do some help for the innovation and management of mid-small sized company.

  • 【分类号】F273
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