

【作者】 李向荣

【导师】 俞宏生;

【作者基本信息】 上海海运学院 , 电力电子与电力传动, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 港口起重机是港口装卸货物的主要设备,操作人员的技术熟练程度对港口生产安全、设备使用效率、使用寿命及经济效益起着决过定性的作用。与实机操作培训相比,仿真训练器在经济性,安全性等多方面有着明显的优越性。研究和开发港口机械操作仿真训练器具有重大的现实意义。 本文是“装箱起重机仿真模拟训练器”中的一部分工作,包括教员台系统的设计和部分功能的实现。教员台控制系统包括教员台主机及显示屏、场景监视屏、驾驶室操作监视器以及相关的输入输出设备,其中教员台主机为整个系统的控制中心。该系统可以完成的主要功能包括;系统自检、系统参数设置、操作训练环境条件设定、起重机类型及相关设备的设定、系统控制及仿真过程监视、仿真过程的记录和重演、自动评分和操作错误分析等。教员台系统按照模块化的方法进行设计,其主体用VB编写。 集装箱运行轨迹优化和学员操作的模糊评判是教员台系统的两个重要功能。通过把学员操作产生的实际路径与教员台自动产生的集装箱最优运行轨迹进行对比作为对学员操作进行评价的标准之一,这是本项目中的一个特色。通过对集装箱运行过程的数学分析可以看出用解决优化问题的常用方法如极小值原理和动态规划等方法对集装箱运行轨迹进行优化是困难的。在对问题做了简化后,先根据每次装卸的起点、终点和各障碍点的具体情况,作基本折线。不考虑工作过程中集装箱的摆动,并且只在连接起点和终点并包络各障碍点的折线族中寻求最优。为实现相邻折线段之间的速度改变,引入磨光函数对折线进行处理使其成为可通过操作实现的集装箱运行轨迹。 在实现对学员的操作进行模糊评判时,从操作步骤、操作质量、故障处理和教师印象这几个分项来对学远的操作打分。步骤评分程序通过每三十毫秒读取一次设备状态信息来跟踪学员的操作。步骤评分通过多条基于操作规程的评分规则来实现的。操作质量评分程序依具学员操作的效率和在操作过程中的碰撞情况进行评判。当教师在教员台设置了故障后,自动评分系统就会根据学员处理故障的情况给出故障处理评分。教师印象分由教师在教员台输入。在得到学员的各分项评分后,使用模糊推理方法得出综合评分。首先对各分项评分进行“模糊化”形成输入量的模糊集合矩阵。然后根据知识和经验确定模糊规则并形成模糊规则矩阵。按最大—最小规则对模糊集合矩阵和模糊规则矩阵进行合成得到模糊输出。如果要输出分数,则对模糊输出进行非模糊化。使用模糊方法可把人的经验形式化、模型化、变成计算机可以处理的数学模型。由于这种方法模拟了人推理时的思维过程,所得的结果比加权平均等方法更能反 上海海运学院硕士学位论文映实际情况。

【Abstract】 Port crane is the main load and unload equipment in port, how good the manipulator’s skill is the key factor in determine the safety, efficiency , durable and profit of using the equipment. Compared with train in real equipment, train simulator has obvious advantageous in economical and safety, So , it is of great realism sense to developing port crane train simulator.This paper describe part of work in the project "train simulator of container crane", Including the design of teacher worktable and the realize of some of it’s function. Teacher worktable control system including main computer, instruct screen, scene watch screen, driver chamber monitor and relative input output equipment. Main computer is the control center of the whole teacher worktable system. The main function of the system include self check; parameters set; train condition set; selection the type of container and relative equipments; system control and monitor of the simulator process; record and replay of the train process; automate evaluating and mistake analysis. Teacher worktable system was designed with modularized method and the main part was written with VB.Container movement track optimization and the automate evaluating of student’s action are two important function of the teacher worktable. Comparing the moving track of container with the optimized moving track of container generated automatic as a way of judge the operation of student. It is a feature of this project. It is difficult to solve the container movement track optimization problem by using general method to solve optimization problem such as minimum value method and dynamic plan. This can be seen clearly through mathematic analysis. After Simply this problem, make elementary fold line according to the start point, the end point and the hinder point between them. Not consider the sway when student are operating and just search for optimal track in the fold lines which through start point and end point and cover the hinder point. For the sake of.realize speed change between two linked part of a fold line. Using grind function to process the fold lines to change it into realizable moving track.In realize the automate evaluating of student’s operation, judging the operation in four ways: the step of operation; the quality of operation; the dispose in failure and the impression of teacher, the impression of teacher was input by teacher through teacher worktable. The step evaluate program read the state of equipment every other thirty millisecond to track the student’s operation. The step evaluate program realize evaluate by using some rule based on operation formula. The quality evaluate program works according to operation efficiency and speed of collision. The dispose in failure evaluating program evaluate how good the student process failure when teacher set failure in teacher worktable. The teacher’s impression evaluating was set by teacher in teacher worktable. Using Fuzzy method to obtain the integration evaluating. First fuzzy the evaluating obtained in different ways to get the matrix of fuzzy collection and then get the fuzzy rule according to knowledge and experience. Using maximum-minimum rule to integrate the matrix of fuzzy rule and the matrix of fuzzy input to obtain the fuzzy output. Defuzzy the output If points is needed. Using fuzzy method can formalize and modelize the experience of people and change it into model that can be processed by computer. This kind of method can reflect the reality better than average method with weight for it can simulate the experience of people.

【关键词】 集装箱起重机教员台优化模糊评分
【Key words】 container craneteacher worktableoptimizefuzzyevaluating
  • 【分类号】TP391.9
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】96