

【作者】 李志鹏

【导师】 方泉根;

【作者基本信息】 上海海运学院 , 载运工具运用工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 为了避免船舶碰撞事故的发生,维护海上安全航行和保护海洋环境,国际海事组织制定并通过了一系列的规则、公约。如《1972年国际海上避碰规则》、STCW78/95公约等。同时,为了更好地执行这些规定,贯彻落实规定中的内容,按照教育超前的一般规律,对航海教育也就提出了更高的要求,势必应对当前的航海教育做出一定的改革。在航海类专业课程中,《船舶避碰与值班》是最重要的专业课之一。《船舶避碰与值班》教学的好坏决定了学生对避碰规则的理解与运用,影响船员在船舶操纵与避让中能否采取正确的行动,并最终影响碰撞事故的发生。如何改善教学手段,增强学生对规则的理解与运用能力是当前航海教育界普遍关心的问题。 船舶避碰计算机辅助教学与碰撞局面模拟系统就是针对上述形势而研究开发的一个多媒体课件,旨在运用先进的教学手段,提高教学效果。该软件主要分两个部分:一是船舶避碰教学系统;二是船舶碰撞局面的模拟系统。船舶避碰教学系统主要讲述了《船舶避碰与值班》的教学内容,它充分运用多媒体的优势,采用了大量的声音、图像和动画,使整个课件生动、形象,对提高教学效果起到明显的作用。船舶碰撞局面模拟系统主要是围绕船舶会遇当中几种典型局面而展开。它主要有三个部分内容:一是对各种局面进行定义,并利用动画模拟各种局面中船舶之间的相对位置;二是说明在各种局面情况下船舶的避让行动规则,并通过动画模拟船舶的避让行动;三是运用典型案例来模拟分析船舶避让当中可能或常见的问题。 本论文紧紧围绕该软件进行文字材料的组织,其正文主要由六个部分组成:第一部分为论文的概论部分,介绍了本研究课题的背景知识和开发研究该项目的实际意义;第二部分讲述了软件的开发工具、软件功能和软件整体构架,软件功能和构架又分别从两个方面介绍,即船舶避碰教学系统和船舶碰撞局面模拟系统;第三部分介绍了软件开发设计的流程图和软件各界面特点;第四部分是本文的重点,它详细讲述了教学系统的声音、图像、动画素材及文字脚本的制作思路和方法,重点介绍了软件系统各界面的设计原理及过程;第五部分介绍了船舶会遇的几种局面及其特点,重点介绍了船舶碰撞局面模拟软件的设计思路和方法;第六部分为论文的结束语。在论文最后还附有该软件的操作使用说明,属论文的附录部分。

【Abstract】 In order to avoid ship collision accidents, ensure the safety of the navigation and protect the marine environment, IMO has made and issured a series of rules and regulation. Such as the "INTERNATIONAL REGULATIONS FOR PREVENTING COLLISIONS AT SEA, 1972" and STCW78/95. At the same time, for the implementation of these regulations and according to the universal leading law of education, higher request for navigation education has been put forward, certain reforms should be undertake on the present navigation education. Among the navigation professional courses, "Prevention of Collisions and Watchkeeping of Ship" is one of the most important courses. The teaching quality of this course will determine the students’ comprehension and application of the avoiding collisions rules. It also influences whether the crew can adopt the correct action in ship handling and the avoidance of collision. It comes to become the key point receiving all attention from the education circle of navigation for how to improve the teaching means and strengthen students’ comprehension and applied ability of regulation.The system of the computer-assisted instruction and simulation for preventing collision is a multimedia courseware of research and development against above-mentioned situations and it aims at using the advanced teaching means to improve the teaching results. This software is mainly composed of two parts: first is the teaching system of shipping avoiding collision, second is the simulation of the ship collision. The teaching system for avoiding ship collision is mainly involved with the content of the course "Prevention of Collision and Watchkeeping of Ship" with all the advantages of the multimedia means. This system employs a large number of sounds, pictures and cartoons, making the whole courseware vivid and lively, and plays an important role in improving the teaching quality. The simulation system of the situation of ship collision mainly shows several kinds of typical situations. It is divided into three parts. First one defines various kinds of situations, and the relative position between the vessels in these situations. Second one describes the rule for preventing collision in various kinds of situations, and utilizes the cartoon toimitate the avoiding action; Third one uses the typical case to imitate and analyze the questions that may appear or occur often in the action for preventing collision.On the basis of this software, the characters of the paper made up of six parts mainly: The first part is an outline part of the thesis, introducing the background knowledge and the actual meaning of the subject. The second part introduces the developing instrument, the system function and the whole framework of the software. The function and framework of the software is introduced from two aspects respectively of, namely ship collision avoiding system and the simulation system of the ship collision situation; The third part provides the flow charts and every interfaces characteristic of the software; The fourth part is the key part of this text, explains the thought and method of sound, picture, cartoon material and the characters script of the instruction system, especially the design principle and course of every interface of the software system; The fifth part presents several kinds of situations and characteristics that shipping will be probably met and introduces the way of design and method about the software of ship collision situation simulation; The sixth part is a conclusion of the thesis. There is operation manual this software at the end of the thesis, belonging to the appendix part of the thesis.

  • 【分类号】U675.96-4
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】133