

Application of Communication Technology in City’s Trail Transportation

【作者】 钟治国

【导师】 赵刚;

【作者基本信息】 上海海运学院 , 交通运输工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 城市轨道交通在现代城市公共交通中的地位日益显著。但如何保障轨道交通的安全、可靠运行是一个复杂的信息运用和管理过程。轨道交通运输是一个完整的大系统。它的各个部分都离不开通信技术的应用,通信在轨道运输中起着神经系统和网络的作用。 但是,作为在运输中起神经和网络作用的通信技术,在通信业界和学术界争论比较激烈,目前也没有统一的规范和标准。为此,笔者根据担任上海莘闵轨道交通线和明珠轨道交通线通信系统总承包负责人期间的经验,以及在工程实施过程中与设计、建设、监理等各方面技术专家的研究和探讨,提出了一整套为满足城市轨道交通安全可靠运行通信系统应达到的目标、系统组成原则以及应采用的技术。 本论文反映的主要研究成果体现在以下几个方面: 1、完整、系统地提出了城市轨道交通通信系统包含的主要内容:传输、公务、无线、专用、监控、广播、时钟、电源、乘客导乘及信息服务等,并提出各子系统的基本功能和要求以及与自动售检票、FAS、SCADA、火灾自动报警等的技术接口。 2、针对SDH、ATM、OTN和宽带IP技术,就骨干网采用何种形式的传输技术、特点进行了充分的论述和分析研究。围绕传输网这一主线,提出了涉及其他各通信子系统接口需求和技术要求,在技术上如何容纳接入各子系统的全部信息,符合国际标准和互相兼容。 3、网络总体方案的选择比较:针对城市轨道交通的建设投资大,时间跨越长,分线、分期施工建设的特点,将城市整个通信网分成骨干网和专线网。在骨干网中如何将各专线网的一个或多个骨干节点组合,实现跨线的业务传输。 在本论文中反映的主要研究结论是: 为了确保城市轨道交通列车运行的安全、可靠、准点、高密度和高效率,实现列车运营的集中统一指挥,城市轨道交通系统必须配备专用的、完整的、独立的通信系统。 城市轨道交通通信技术的应用,应围绕SDH传输技术这一主线,汇接容纳各通信子系统的信息数据流(话音、视频、图像),选择合理的SDH传输组网方式和SDH传输形式。经过实际工程的检验,证明了作者所提出的观点是正确的。

【Abstract】 City’s trail transportation has been gaining increasing importance in public transportation of modern cities. How to ensure the trail transportation a secure and reliable one involves complicated information application and its management. As a sophisticated integrated system, trail transportation cannot do away with the transmission of information, which functions as the nervous or network system for trail transportation.However, concerning communication transmission technology, the communication circle and academic circle have heated debates and have not reached any uniform norms or standards. Based on his experience when taking charge of Shanghai Xinmin Route and Pearl Route communication system construction, and research and analysis shared with experts on management, designing, construction and monitoring as well, the author proposes a whole set of overall requirements, objects and principles of communication technology to meet the safety running of the city’s trail system. City’s trail communication transmission system mainly contains: key technology of city’s trail communication transmission, choice of transmission module, choice of building transmission network andrectification in practical projects.This thesis has principally conducted research in the following aspects:1. It has rather thoroughly and systematically delineated the major contents in City’s trail transportation communication system: transmission, business, wireless, specialist, monitor, broadcast, clock, power, cable, ground, auto ticket selling and checking, FAS, SCADA, auto fire siren etc.2. Concerning the choice of transmission modules of backbone network, it hasgiven ample account and has conducted analytical research on various forms of transmission technology and features in terms of SDH, ATM, OTN and wideband IP technology that have been accredited by communication circles. Besides transmission network which constitutes the main import of this thesis, it has also touched upon the interfacing technology and requirements of the related communication sub-systems in order to meet the international standards and be compatible.3. In the aspect of the choice of the comprehensive network schemes, it proposes to have the whole communication network categorized into backbone networks and specialist networks, due to the fact that City’s trail transportation involves vast investment and lengthy construction and must be implemented line after line , period after period, etc. How to connect pots of specialist networks to backbone network so as to effect business transmission across lines has also been discussed.This thesis has reached the following conclusions:City’s trail transportation must be equipped with special, complete and independent communication system in order to ensure the transportation’s security, reliability, punctuality and efficiency, and also to enable an uniform direction over all runnings.In the aspect of the application of communication technology in city’s trail transportation, transmission technique of SDH functions as the most principal method. To accommodate information data flow (voice, visual and graphic) fromvarious communication sub-systems , to choose appropriate means of building SDH networks and SDH transmission modules constitute the keys to the application of communication technology in City’s trail transportation. Moreover, the views proposed here have been proven right through practical projects.

  • 【分类号】U239.5
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】584