

【作者】 汪璞

【导师】 蒋正雄;

【作者基本信息】 上海海运学院 , 国际法学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 本文分析比较国内外相关成文法对代位求偿权的规定,参考国内学者的相关观点,对国内法律关于海上保险代位求偿权的相关规定进行探讨。为了使研讨比较深入系统,本文研究了一些与代位求偿权密切相关的问题。在一些颇具争议的问题上,力图形成自己的观点。论文从中国法与国际法关于海上保险求偿权的规定的比较入手,研讨国内关于海上保险代位求偿权的法律规定,进而从民法的角度说明代位求偿权与“权益转让书”的关系,以及诉讼中的保险利益、诉讼当事人、诉讼标的、诉讼时效问题,最后浅谈我国加入WTO后海上保险代位求偿权的法律适用。 首先,从海上保险代位求偿权的概念切入,进而谈到代位求偿原则的功能。 其次,试图将中国法与国际法关于海上保险代位求偿权规定从适用的法律、代位求偿权的行使方式、范围、取得代位求偿权的时间以及对待“收据及权益转让书”的态度五个方面进行比较。 英国海上保险代位求偿权适用1906年海上《保险法》中的有关规定,不适用英国国内制定的非调整海上保险关系的一般《保险法》法律。我国《海商法》与《保险法》均调整海上保险关系,也均有代位求偿权方面的规定。作为一种程序上的权利,英国是通过判例法来发展和完善海上保险代位求偿权制度,与之不同,我国《海事诉讼特别程序法》以成文法的形式对代位求偿权作出程序性规定。 根据英国1906年海上《保险法》,保险人是以被保险人的名义提起代位求偿权诉讼。根据我国《海事诉讼特别程序法》第94条的规定,保险人应当以自己的名义提起代位求偿权诉讼。行使方式的不同,是中英海上保险代位求偿权制度最主要的区别。 第三、探讨了我国关于海上保险代位求偿权的法律 《海商法》、《保险法》和《海事诉讼特别程序法》对海上保险代位求偿权的法律规定存在歧义。 上述三部法律中对代位求偿权的取得和行使的方式规定基本上是一致的,但对于代位求偿权的范围的规定显然是不同的。根据《海商法》的上述规定,保险公司的代位求偿权的范围不以其向被保险人赔偿的金额为限,保险公司可以就“保险责任范围内的损失”全额向第三人主张,但超过其支付的保险赔偿的部分,应退还给被保险人。而根据《保险法》的规定,保险公司的代位求偿权的范围以其支付的保险金额为限。《海事诉讼特别程序法》明确规定保险公司行使代位求偿权应以保险赔偿范围为限。 结合我国的司法实践,建议对《海商法》中有关代位求偿权的规定进行规范。一方面,作为实体法的《海商法》与作为程序法的《海事诉讼特别程序法》对代位求偿权的规定应当统一,避免引起不必要的困惑,另一方面,建立一套先进而行之有效的代位求偿权制度也有利于保障我国海上保险市场健康有序地发展,进一步增强我国海上保险业的国际竞争力。 在保险人行使代位求偿权的条件方面,需要探讨的是被保险人因海上保险事故对第三人有损害赔偿请求权。保险利益原则是指保险利益构成保险合同的效力要件,投保人对保险标的应当具有保险利益,不具有保险利益的保险合同无效。其实,在财产保险合同有效成立后,仍然要求投保人对保险标的具有保险利益不尽合理。因为投保人和被保险人并非均是同一人,投保人丧失对保险标的保险利益的情况经常发生,但是,被保险人在保险合同项下的利益,不应因投保人丧失保险利益而受影响,只需被保险人在发生保险事故时对保险标的具有保险利益即可。 通过广西保险公司诉 JOHNY C轮船东 M.B.MOUNDREAS SHIPPWG CO.SA的具体.案例,详细阐述保险人行使代位求偿权的条件,其中一个重要条件是保险人必须是已经向被保险人实际支付保险赔偿。还探讨了被保险人的保险利益,不足额保险等问题。 第四、代位求偿权与“权益转让书”的关系 保险代位求偿权的本质是法定的债权让与,无须被保险人同意,在保险公司进行保险赔付后,被保险人对第三人的债权自动转移给保险公司。保险公司向被保险人支付保险金后,被保险人通常还向保险公司签署“权益转让书”。如果保险公司没有向被保险人支付保险金,被保险人签署的将其对第三人的索赔的权利转让给保险公司的“权益转让书”就是保险公司与被保险人的债权让与协议。保险公司因此可以获得向第三人索赔的权利,但不是保险代位求偿权。司法实践中,保险公司不能仅提供“权益转让书”,不证明其已向被保险人支付了保险金,而行使保险代位求偿权。中保财产有限公司广西分公司诉 JOHNY C轮托运广西桂林桂广滑石开发有限公司案,保险公司代中国有色金属进出口株州硬质合金公司诉广州外运和”穗港驳513”轮船东广州港船务公司案就是因为保险人不能证明己向被保险人支付了保险金而败诉。 第五、与代位求偿权相关的保险合同的保险利益问题 国际海运货物保险的保险利益是主宰国际海运货物保险的灵魂。长期以来,保险利益及其相关问题,我国法律的规定很不完善,过于原则难以操作,无法形成准确、统一的认识。给保险追偿带来不少麻烦。 我国《保险法》第14条第1款规定:“投保人对保险标的应

【Abstract】 The treatise analyzes and compares the regulations on the right of subrogation in domestic and overseas statute laws, and discusses the related regulations in domestic laws concerning the right of subrogation of marine insurance. To present an in-depth and systematic study and discussion, the treatise studies some questions closely related to the right of subrogation, and tries to shape an independent view in terms of some controversial questions. Starting from the regulations on marine insurance in China’s laws and international laws, the treatise studies the legal regulations on the right of subrogation of marine insurance both domestically and abroad; furthermore, the treatise explains the relationships between the right of subrogation and the "Letter of subrogation in terms of civil laws, as well as insurable interest, litigants, objects of litigation, and extinctive prescription; at last, the treatise discusses the application of law concerning the right of subrogation of marine insurance after China’s entry into WTO.First, start from the concept of the right of subrogation of marine insurance, and discuss the functions of the right of subrogation principle.Second, try to compare the regulations of China’s laws and international laws concerning the right of subrogation of marine insurance in five aspects, i.e., the laws applied, the implementation mode and scope of the right of subrogation, the time in getting the right of subrogation, and the attitude towards "Receipt and letter of subrogation".The right of subrogation of British marine insurance is applicable for the related regulations in the marine "Insurance Law" of 1906, and not applicable for the common "Insurance law" domestically instituted in Britain, which is not aimed at adjusting the marine insurance relationships. Both our country’s "Maritime law" and "Insurance law" adjust the marine insurance relationships, and present regulations on the right of subrogation.According to Britain’s marine "Insurance Law" of 1906, the insurer files a suit against the right of subrogation in the name of the insured. However, according to the regulations in our country’s "Special Procedural Law of Maritime Proceedings", the insurer shall file a suit against the right of subrogation in his own name. The deviation of implementation mode is the most outstanding distinction between China and Britain in terms of the systems of the right of subrogation in marine insurance.Third, discuss our country’s laws concerning the right of subrogation in marine insuranceThere are different definitions in the laws and regulations in "Maritime Law", "Insurance Law" and "Special Procedural Law of Maritime Proceedings" in terms of the right of subrogation in maritime insurance.The three laws mentioned above are fundamentally compliant in their regulations on the procurement and implementation of the right of subrogation, however, their regulations on the scope of the right of subrogation apparently differ. According to the "Maritime Law", if the scope of the right of subrogation of insurance companies is not limited by the sum they compensate for the insured, the insurance companies are entitled to claim the total sum to the third party in terms of the "Loss within the scope of insurance responsibilities", however, the insurance indemnity exceeding the sum they pay shall be returned to the insured. However, according to the regulations in the "Insurance Law", the scope of the right of subrogation of insurance companies is limited by the insurance sum they pay. The "Special Procedural Law of Maritime Proceedings" clearly ordains that the implementation of the right of subrogation of insurance companies shall be limited by the insurance compensation scope.In consideration of our country’s judicial practice, we recommend standardizing the regulations on the right of subrogation in the "Maritime Law". On the one hand, the regulations on the right of subrogation should be unified in the "Maritime Law" as a material law and the "Special Procedural Law of Maritim

【关键词】 海上保险代位求偿
  • 【分类号】D922.29
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