

【作者】 蒋长芸

【导师】 沈禹钧;

【作者基本信息】 上海海运学院 , 民商法, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 随着互联网的发展,消费类电子商务(B2C)在我国呈现蓬勃发展的态势,其发展的速度、影响力、优越性都是不容我们低估的。然而,我们也应看到,B2C毕竟还处于发展的初期,受相关网络环境、政策法律环境、消费意识及市场环境的制约,还存在着安全性得不到保障,产品质量售后服务与厂商信用得不到保障,付款不够方便,送货渠道不畅,商品信息不够丰富等诸多弊端。而要及时解决这些问题,确保B2C的顺利发展,尽快建立有效的网上购物消费者保护体系应届当务之急。也就是,只有我们将B2C中一些新形态的法律关系及时地纳入我国消费者法律保护的体系中,使在B2C中所产生的一切行为都能够有法可依,有章可循,才能使消费者的合法权益得到有效的保护并从根本上保证电子商务的长远发展。 正是在此背景下,本文试图对电子商务B2C中关于消费者保护的几个问题作一深入探讨,并就电子商务B2C的法治环境建设提出一些个人见解。 基于这一设想,本论文主要分为三大部分: 一.B2C中现存问题及解决方案 1.B2C中在线信息披露。只有当消费者充分了解了有关信息后,才可能做出是否交易的判断。生产经营者的在线信息披露是进行B2C交易的前提和基础。因而,B2C中生产经营者的在线信息披露义务远大于传统交易。现存的法律对经营者的信息披露义务的规定完全不能适应B2C这种新的交易形式,因而有必要对现已有的法律进行修改或重新制定新的法律规范经营者在线信息披露义务。本文第一章中阐述了这一问题。主要分为两大部分,1)经营者在线信息披露的范围,包括经营者信息、商品或服务信息、交易信息三大部分;2)信息披露的原则。 2.在网上,由于经营者不可能和每一个消费者分别磋商和签订合同,从而导致格式合同的广泛应用。而在这些格式合同中,不公平、不合理的格式条款比比皆是,已严重侵犯了广大消费者的利益。所以本文第二章就论述了格式合同的规范,主要分为四部分:(1)网上格式合同\格式条款现状;(2)格式合同的法律规制;(3)格式合同的非法律归置;(4)格式合同标准文本的设计。 3.由于B2C中消费者不能实际看到或触摸到商品实物,经营者的表述也难免有偏差,消费者可能会因此购买了自己实际上并不需要或不喜欢的商品。这种情况下,消费者可否“无因退货”?这就是本文第三章所要阐述的内容。主要从以下几个角度进行分析:(1)对国外和我国台湾地区有关无因退货制度的介绍和分析;(2)探讨我国关于消费者退换货的现有法律规定并提出修改意见。 4.B2C交易中,消费者对经营者缺少足够的信任,消费者尤其担心经营者收 电子贡务mC?式要考保护法律研纪 到货款后不发货。这己经成为严重阻碍BZC交易快速发展的“瓶颈”。多次有关网 上购物的调查结果也证明了这一点。本文第四章中介绍并分析了解决这一问题的办 法:*)外部解决方案:邮政托收、网上提存:仅)网站内部解决方案:雅宝、易趣。 二.BZC交易纠纷的解决 产生上述问题时,难免发生纠纷,本论文第二大部分主要分两大章探讨这一问 题: 1.BZC交易纠纷的责任认定和损害赔偿。O)责任认定,通过对现存的购物网 站经营形态的分析(电子商店、电子商城)来认定责任主体。()损害赔偿,为及时、 有效保护消费者,避免各责任主体的相互推倭,BZC交易纠纷损害赔偿需做特别规 定(如先行赔付卜 2.BZC交易纠纷的解决机制。具体分两种:*)内部解决机制;o汐部解决 机制。重点探讨了国际上流行的 Online ADR方式。 三.建设安全健康的电子商务BZC环境 之所以会出现上述种种问题,最根本的原因在于没有一个足以使消费者完全信 任的电子商务环境。而建设一个安全健康的电子商务环境,可从以下几方面入手: 1.他律:*)法律制度建设。口建立网上信用体系。将经营者的有关信用信息 在网上披露,方便消费者查询,从而选择信用好的经营者交易,保护消费者权益: 同时也促使经营者视信用为生命,保障两者的良性循环。*)政府管制和消费者保护 团体监督。 2.自律:加强电子商务业者自律,建立行业公会,进行行业内监督。 相信只要以上双管齐下,一个安全健康的电子商务环境指日可待。

【Abstract】 Accompanied with the Internet’s development, B2C in our country is presenting the booming trend; its development benefits all the consumers. However, B2C is still in the initial stage, and affected by the related network environment, policy, law, the consuming consciousness and the market system, still exists many problems, for example, safety, product quantity, after service and factory reputation, inconvenient pay and delivery, etc.In order to resolve these problems in time and insure the B2C ’s smooth development, we have to establish the valid net system to protect the consumers as soon as possible.Basing on the above ideas, the author completes this dissertation. This dissertation primarily is divided into three big parts:A. Extant problems and solutions of B2C1. On-line information publishing. The realization of the right to know the truth is depending on online information publishing completely. The provision of extant law can’t completely satisfy this kind of new bargain form of B2C. Therefore, it is necessary to modify or refresh the on-line information publishing. In chapter 1, the writer discusses this problem.(1) Online information scope, including the information of operators, merchandises or service information, bargain information; (2) Publishing information principles.2. On the net, because the operator is impossible to sign the contract with each consumer, the format contract is used extensively. But in these format contracts, there are many unfair articles, which infringe the rights and interests of the consumers seriously. Therefore chapter 2 discusses the format contract.(1) The net format contract’s actuality;(2) the law system of format contract;(3) other ways to control the format contract;(4) the design of standard format contract.3. Because B2C’s consumers can’t physically see or touch the real object of the merchandise, consumer may purchase the merchandise, which is not needed actually.(1) the introduction and analysis of right of withdrawal without penalty and without giving any reason in Taiwan and abroad ;(2) our country’s rules concerning exchanging goods’ and modifying opinions.4. In B2C, consumers lack enough trust to operators, particularly worrying that operators don’t deliver goods after receiving the payment. This has alreadybecome the" bottleneck" to baffle B2C seriously.Introduce and analyze the ways of this problem in chapter 4:(1) exterior solution: postal collection, net drawing; (2) internal solution: yabao, eachnet.B.B2C dispute’s solution1. Liability and Indemnity2. B2C dispute’s solution mechanism(1) the inner solving mechanism;(2) the exterior solving mechanism. -Online ADRC. Construct the health and safe E-commerce environment1. (1) Construct the legal system. (2).Establish the net reputation system. Publish the relevant reputation information on the net in order to consumers’ search conveniently; and urge the operators treat reputation as life, and guarantee both of virtuous cycle. (3). Government and consumer group2. Self-discipline: Enhance the EC operator’s self-discipline, and establish the profession association.If so, a safe , health electronic commerce environment can be expected soon.Jiang Changyun(Civil & Commercial Law) Directed by Vice-professor Shen Yujun

  • 【分类号】D912.29
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