

Study on Catalytic Synthesis and Separation of Glycine with Monoethanolamine

【作者】 卢祖国

【导师】 蔡振云;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 化学工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 dd本论文在总结了工业上几种甘氨酸生产工艺的基础上,提出了用一乙醇胺在氢氧化钠的碱液中经Raney Cu催化氧化合成甘氨酸钠,再经中和,电渗析膜分离提纯甘氨酸的新工艺。 本文用贵金属改性Raney Cu,催化剂的最佳粒径为200~400目,反应温度控制在150℃~190℃,反应压力维持在0.5~1.2MPa。通过多次的对比实验,比较了在不同催化剂的作用下一乙醇胺的转化率、甘氨酸钠的选择性、反应所需要的时间以及催化剂本身的重复使用次数。实验结果表明经改性的Raney Cu催化剂有更好的活性和更长的使用寿命,既提高了一乙醇胺的转化率和甘氨酸钠的选择性,又缩短了反应时间,催化剂的使用寿命达15次以上。一乙醇胺的平均转化率为95%以上,甘氨酸钠的选择性为99%。 反应后的混合物用盐酸中和,得到甘氨酸和氯化钠的混合物。本文提出用电渗析膜分离的方法除去混合物中的氯化钠,浓缩得到产品甘氨酸。分别研究了不同流量对极限电流、电渗析效率、脱盐率以及能耗的影响,实验取得了比较满意的结果,甘氨酸的收率≥92%,纯度可达98%,实验结果为中试和工业放大提供了可靠的基础。

【Abstract】 On the base of summarization of several processes to industrially synthesize glycine, the paper studies a new glycine preparation process: monoethanolamine is contacted with the aqueous solution of sodium hydroxide and oxygenated at the presence of Raney Copper catalyst to obtain sodium salt of glycine, which is neutralized with hydrochloric acid and separated with sodium chloride using electrodialysis and membrane separation technology to obtain pure glycine.In this research Raney Copper catalyst is developed with noble metals. The optimal reaction temperature is between 150癈 and 190癈, 0.7MPa - l.lMPa for pressure and 200-400 mu for catalyst size. Through a number of contrastive experiments, we compare the conversion rate of monoethanolamine, selectivity of sodium salt of glycine, repeated times of catalyst itself and reaction time under the action of different catalysts. The experiment result demonstrates that the developed Raney Copper catalyst can not only improve the activity of the catalyst and last the longevity, but also can increase the conversion of monoethanolamine and shorten the reaction time. The conversion of monoethanolamine can reach 95% on the average, the selectivity of sodium salt of glycine is 99 %.The reacted mixture is neutralized with hydrochloric acid to obtain the mixture of glycine and sodium chloride. In this paper the electrodialysis and membrane separation technology is introduced to separate sodium chloride from mixture to get pure glycine after being condensed. We research the effect of varied flux on limited electrical current, time, separating rate of sodium chloride and energy consuming. Satisfied results are obtained, the yield of glycine can reach 92%, with 98% purification, which provides the basic data for pilot-experiment and industry producing.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2003年 02期
  • 【分类号】O623.736
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】203