

On Structure Optimization of China’s Utilization of Foreign Investment

【作者】 黄佐钘

【导师】 吴凤平;

【作者基本信息】 河海大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 在全球经济日益一体化的今天,中国巨大的潜在市场需求吸引了大量的外商直接投资。外商投资的方式、规模分布、区域结构和产业结构对国民经济和区域经济的发展具有显著的影响,优化利用外资的项目结构、区域结构和经济结构,从而使外资发挥最大的益处,扬长避短,具有深远的意义。 论文阐述了国内外对利用外资理论的研究进展和新形势下我国利用外资研究的新动向。随着全球经济一体化的发展,国际资本的流动迅速增长,外国投资对东道国经济的影响也日益显著。国内外学者从多方面多角度对利用外资理论进行了研究。但是对如何优化外商投资规模和结构,使之更好地与东道国经济发展相衔接,从而更好地发挥利用外资的效率,目前还鲜有研究。 论文从利用外资的项目结构、区域结构和经济结构三个方面分析了我国利用外资的现状。在利用外资的项目结构部分,首先回顾了我国利用外资的历程,分析了我国利用外资的方式及其规模的变化过程,目前我国利用外资进入了一个新的阶段。利用外资的区域结构分为外资来源的国别和地区结构以及我国利用外资的区域分布。利用外资的经济结构分为利用外商直接投资经营方式的结构变化、外资在中国投资的产业结构和部门结构两部分。分析了外商直接投资对我国经济发展的积极作用和消极作用,并对我国未来几年利用外资的特点进行了分析。 在分析利用外资三种结构的基础上,计算了利用外资结构与经济发展的关联度。通过对利用外资结构与经济发展的关联分析,测算出在利用外资项目结构、区域结构和经济结构中哪些利用方式对经济发展的贡献大,哪些利用方式对经济发展的贡献小。 探讨了几种常见结构优化模型的优劣,并选择目标规划模型进行实证分析。结合我国利用外资的数据,从我国利用外资的项目结构、外资来源结构、利用外资区域结构、利用外资经营方式、利用外资行业结构等五个方面进行目标规划,得出我国利用外资的结构优化结果。最后从项目结构、区域结构和经济结构三个角度提出优化我国利用外资结构的政策建议。

【Abstract】 Today, with the development of global economic integration, China’ s huge potential market demand has been attracting a large amount of foreign direct investment (FDI) whose style, scale distribution, regional structure and industrial structure of foreign investment (FI) obviously influence the development ,of both national and regional economy. It carries great significance to optimize the project, regional and economic structures of foreign investment utilization (FIU) so that it can do its best, develop its advantages, and avoid disadvantages.This article includes the domestic and foreign research headway of theories on the utilization of FI and the tendency in China under new conditions. Due to the development of global economic integration, international capital is flowing fast and foreign investment plays an increasingly important role in influencing domestic economy. Lots of domestic and foreign scholars have been studying theories on the utilization of FI in different fields and in different ways. However there is little research on how to optimize the scale and structure of FI so that it can closely cooperate with domestic economy and increase its efficiency.The present situation of China’ s FIU is analyzed in three ways: the project structure, regional structure, and economic structure. The analysis of its project structure includes the review of the history of China’ s FIU, the progress of the style and scale, and the discussion of China’ s new age. The regional structure of FIU includes the kinds and the structures of those rial ions from which come foreign investment, and the regional distribution of China’ s FIU. According to the economic structure, structural change of the operational style of FDI’ s utilization is expressed as well as its industrial and branch structures in China. FDI’ s favorable and unfavorable effects on China’ s economic development are discussed and the characteristics of China’ s FIU in the following years is also analyzed.On the basis of those structures, the related degree of FIU’ s structure to economic development is calculated and it is pointed out that among those three structures some utilization styles make great contribution to economic development and some do less.Advantages and disadvantages of several well-known structure optimization models are discussed and the Target Programme Model is also positively analyzed. Based on statistics of China’ s FIU, target programme is designed for the analysis of FI’ s project,structure, source structure, FIU’ s regional structure, operational style, and industrial structure. In this way cones the optimized structure of China’ s FIU. Finally, policy suggestion :?or the optimization of China’ s FIU structure is proposed from three points: the project, regional, and economic structures.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河海大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2003年 02期
  • 【分类号】F832.6
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】743