

【作者】 周建仁

【导师】 王超;

【作者基本信息】 河海大学 , 环境工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 随着经济的增长,张家港市水环境质量近年来不断下降,水环境状况与张家港的地位极不相称。为实现社会的可持续发展,进一步提高城市品位,张家港市决定实施引长江水改善城市水环境工程,利用长江水与市区河道水体动态交换的方式,使境内水体由静变动,流动由慢变快,加快水体稀释自净,改善水环境质量。 本论文结合科研项目,采用理论研究、资料分析、现场监测、数学模拟相结合的方法,主要进行了以下工作:通过资料收集与实地监测,对主要河流的水环境现状进行调查分析与评价,指出张家港市区大部分河道为V类或超V类水质,NH3-N几乎100%超标,局部河段水体黑臭;通过对工业点源、生活面源、内源等的统计分析,计算出了各自的污染物排放总量,指出生活污水和农业面源已是水环境污染的主要因素,生活污水处理和面源污染控制将是今后水环境治理的重点;在多方案分析比选的基础上,确定引水水位为3m,一干河和朝东圩港为引水河道,二干河为排水河道的引水方案。要实现河流Ⅲ类水质目标,间断引水方式,首次引水量为559万m3,调水在48h内完成。第二次以后暨阳湖与河网同时引水,引水量为403.7万m3,引水时间为48h。河网单独引水每次引水量为189.36万m3,调水在24h内完成。暨阳湖每隔100d引一次水,市区河网每隔36h引一次水。采用连续引水方式,引水流量不小于10m3/s;运用数学模型对引水进行水量水质模拟预测,计算结果是无论何种引水方式,新丰河、东横河开闸排水后4h内城区河道水流流向归顺,有利于城区河水排出原河道,从而改善市区水环境质量;针对要达到的市区河流水质目标,论文还提出了具体的治污规划及水环境保护措施。 论文通过研究指出引水改善水环境质量具有效果好、费用低、实用可行的特点,但引水工程偏重于治标,对水环境的彻底改善作用有限,从水资源的保护和合理开发利用角度来看,引水改善水环境质量还存在不足。

【Abstract】 Zhangjiagang City is famous for its economy development and tourism. But with the course of urbanization, the domestic wastewater and the industrial sewage, which contain a lot of organic component, were drained into the rivers. The water environment quality is from bad to worse. In order to realize the sustainable development of the society, the project that diverting water from Yangtze River to improve the water environment is determined to carry into execution. The water in Yangtze river is diverted to the urban rivers and the pollutants in the urban rivers are flushed out. Thus the water environment in Zhangjiagang City is improved. The main achievements of this paper are as follows: Analysis and evaluation of the current water quality situation. On the basis of observed data and field experiments, the present situation of the main rivers in Zhangjiagang City was analyzed and evaluated; Calculation of the contaminants total quantity. Through the survey and analysis of the point sources, non-point sources and internal sources and so on, the quantity of every important pollutant such as NH3-N was calculated; Studies on water diversion scale and operation mode of the project. The scale of diverting water to flush out pollutants in urban rivers was studied. Through the analysis and comparison of various schemes of water diversion, the optimum one for improving the water quality was obtained; Numerical simulation of water quality. Cleaning-up effect was simulated and predicted in use of the one-dimension non-stable water-quantity and water-quality models for the water network; Strategy for pollution abatement. In order to attain the goal of the water environment protection, some pollution control plans were proposed and specific strategy for pollution abatement was put forward. This paper indicated some features of the water diversion project such as low cost, easy to apply, etc. But the water diversion project also had some shortcomings.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河海大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2003年 02期
  • 【分类号】X321
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】349