

【作者】 陈萍

【导师】 骆小所;

【作者基本信息】 云南师范大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 现代语言随着社会科技的发展,向着理智、逻辑和准确的方向发展,使得语言与心灵之间出现了难以弥补的鸿沟,于是文学家们开始感叹语言带给他们的痛苦。因而,艺术语言,作为汉语中与科学语言并存的语言,是一种精神的语言,一种情感的语言,一种变化着的语言,于是得到了越来越多人们的关注与青睐。 艺术语言是对常规语言的超脱和违背,它的辞面意义与辞内意义常有一定的距离,它表面上用词不当、成分残缺、不合逻辑,但它所蕴涵的情感却是真实的,在它的下面有一个深厚丰盈的心理世界存在。 艺术语言注重用主体的精神去拥抱客体,以直觉感情去导引和化解创作时的复杂情绪,并将它升华到作品中去,使作品呈现出意蕴无穷的“言外之意”。“言外之意”出现于话语和文本中,它涉及到许多非语言因素,因而成为语义学、语用学、文艺学、哲学等学科共同关注的现象。 本文将从艺术语言的角度去分析“言外之意”。笔者认为“言外之意”有着源远流长的理论基础,古代、现代学者都有颇为精辟的论述,但还有许多有待填补的学术空白存在。笔者首先分析了文学作品和话语中的“言外之意”现象,并对艺术语言的“言外之意”作了一个界定。笔者剖析了艺术语言“言外之意”产生的原因是情感的外化和语境的显示,并用大量篇幅论述了如何去理解艺术语言的“言外之意”。鉴于“言外之意”是一个复杂的修辞现象,众多学科都对它发生过浓厚的兴趣,因此我们要利用相邻学科的理论,在文章的最后,笔者尝试着把语用学的“会话含义”规则纳入艺术语言“言外之意”的研究中。 众多人文学科都探讨过“言外之意”现象,但研究成果还不尽如人意,本文算是对这一传统命题所作的一点点不成熟的思考和初步的探索。

【Abstract】 Scientific language is in linguists’ good graces, since it states the facts precisely, and obey the grammer . As modern language develops towards the reason , logic and accuracy , there appears a wide gap between heart and language . So writers began to complain that they suffered from language .As a energetic , emotional and varying language , artistic language is a good medicine to cure the linguistic suffering .Artistic language violates the general linguistics. Its literal meaning is far from its real meaning . It uses the word wrongly and doesn’t conform to the logic on the surface. But it contains the true feelings .There exists a deep and full psychology world under the artistic language .Artistic language appeals to our emotions rather than to our reason . It raises of the strong feelings of any kind to a higher level . So the literary works emerge endless implication which involves so many elements which have nothing to do with language . Therefore it become the phenomenon that is followed with interest by semantics , pragmatics , literature and philosophy .This article dealt with the problem , the meaning is implied , from the artistic language angle. The author believe that there are much brilliant expositions about the problem , but we have to fill the gaps in science . I first analysed some literary works and words. Next , looked back of the scholar’s theories . Then , examined the reasons which account for the occurrence. Last ,gave the methods to understand the problem wide coverage .Also we should examine the matter from various angles.The word in the works and spoken should not be taken in its literal sense .The words come to an end ,but the meaning is inexhaustible . I plan to study the implication , although I haven’t thought this idea through.

  • 【分类号】I045
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