

Studies on Plastic Drainage Technique and Its Applications in Improvement of Soft Soil Deposits in the Reconstruction Project of the Shenyang-Dalian Superhighway

【作者】 吉文志

【导师】 栾茂田; 李亚木;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 土木工程/岩土工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 沈大高速公路改扩建工程是全国最大规模的高速公路改扩建工程。如何有效地采用新工艺与新材料减少新建成后的路面开裂,特别是纵向开裂,减少新旧路基在结合部分的不均匀沉降,是摆在沈大路改扩建工程面前的一个重要课题,这个问题在软土地基段更显得尤为突出。 本论文选题密切结合这项大型工程建设项目,在查阅与分析了有关软土地基处理的理论与实践的基础上,着重阐明了塑料排水板法的特点和原理,并结合淤泥河试验路段的详细设计施工情况及沈大路加宽技术研究课题组的研究成果,论述塑料排水板法在沈大路软土路基段加宽工程中的适用性。 为了在技术上寻找沈大路软土处理的经济合理的办法,以尽量加快地基固结,减少工后沉降。淤泥河试验段采用了塑料排水板处理方法、粉喷桩处理方法、直接铺筑70cm石渣地基处理的三种方案,通过现场填筑并对路基沉降、变形等进行观测,对这三种方案的沉降等各种规律进行了深入而详细的研究,由此推算了各种方法的工后沉降量,通过比较选择出一种适合于沈大路软土地基的合理而有效的地基处理方法,以满足工程上的要求。

【Abstract】 The reconstruction project of the Shenyang-Dalian superhighway is one of the major large-scale construction projects in China. The controlling and reduction of road cracks with use of the new techniques and new materials is one of most important technical issues. Therefore the rational and economical improvement of soft soil deposits becomes particularly significant.Based on review an evaluation of a number of treatment and improvement technologies of soft soil foundation, the characteristics and principles of the plastic drainage method are examined in this thesis. The applicability of this method in the Shenyang-Dalian superhighway reconstruction project is also discussed.In order to find the most economical and rational technique used for improvement of soft soils in Shenyang-Dalian superhighway reconstruction project, three types of design schemes are proposed in the tests of silt river areas, i.e., the plastic drainage method, the powder spry piles method and direct-pavement method. After evaluating the observation results of post-construction settlements and deformations and settlement patterns of three individual treatment method are analyzed and then the most optimal and rational design scheme is determined to satisfy the engineering requests. Finally, the related design parameters are defined through analyses.

  • 【分类号】U416.1
  • 【被引频次】19
  • 【下载频次】450