

【作者】 高立波

【导师】 陈静云; 鲍卫平;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 土木工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 为解决和减少高速公路路面在通车后不久即出现车辙、泛油、坑槽等早期路面病害问题,本项目以沈山高速公路路面为研究对象,通过资料收集、路况调查、路面性能测试、钻芯取样、抽提、筛分等试验分析,对沈山高速公路路面设计、施工等进行全面评价;总结分析了沈山高速公路路面出现的早期病害形式及产生原因,对今后高速公路路面设计、施工、养护工作提出了具有建设性改进方案。部分结论和建议已被公路建设、管理养护部门采纳和应用,并取得良好效果,作到了科研与生产相结合。

【Abstract】 In order to settle and decrease the problem on road surface such as rutting, float oil, hole groove. Base on the collection of design and construction originality information, According to a lot of road condition survey of Shenyang to Shanhaiguan expressway, and examining, drilling hole, testing on the site. We sum up the forms of early stage distress on road surface, and analyzed the reasons. We put forward some prevention measures of highway’s design construction and maintain. Some conclusions and advices have been acceptted and gained good effects. Scientific research combined with production properly.

  • 【分类号】U412.366
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】196