

【作者】 陈序广

【导师】 陈培久;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 Web服务技术是一种新兴的互联网应用程序开发技术。利用各种不同的Web服务,人们可以自由的定制自己所需要的应用程序。Web服务技术利用XML语言做为基础,实现了跨平台,跨数据库之间的松散耦合。 当前的网上采购系统是一种需要大量人工参与的被动的采购系统。系统无法主动的寻找网上采购的最佳信息,不能与企业现有的管理系统有机的结合起来。不能有效的利用互联网资源众多,信息快捷,成本廉价的优势,采购效率低下。不同的企业之间的网上采购系统由于使用数据格式的不一致,导致无法便捷的交换彼此间的信息,系统集成成本很高。 本文论述了Web服务技术的组成部分以及其特点,并利用Web服务技术实现了一个主动式网上采购系统。新的主动式网上采购系统突破了原有系统的被动局限性,实现了主动发现,动态查找,自我定制,网上交易等功能,大大增强了采购系统的自动化,智能化。利用XML交换数据也使不同平台的交易更加容易,降低了系统集成的成本。主动式网上采购系统可以很好的与企业已存在的其它信息系统互交,实现了企业生产过程中的流程化网上采购。最后本文结合Web服务技术讨论了本系统中的事务处理以及安全保证问题。实践证明了利用Web服务技术实现网上采购系统是可行的,并将会对电子商务的未来发展产生深远影响。

【Abstract】 Web Services is a new development technology of internet application software. With using various Web Services, people can customize freely programs which they need. Web Services use XML as foundation language to realize loosely coupling different databases and OSs.The architecture of Web Services is studied in this paper, and an active online procurement system is suggested. The suggested system breaks through the passive limitations of the traditional online procurement system, and realizes the functions of active finding, dynamic searching, self-customizing, online trading, etc. Thus the automatic and intelligent features of the traditional online procurement system are greatly improved. The businesses among different systems are much more easier to realize by using XML in exchanging data, at the same time costs of system integration are reduced greatly. Finally, the transaction processing as well as the security of Web Services are discussed. It is proved that the active online procurement system which uses Web Services is effective and feasible. Web Services will affect profoundly the future of the development of electronic commerce.

  • 【分类号】F713.36
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】320