

【作者】 郭正刚

【导师】 刘欣;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 机械电子工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 焦炉机械是炼焦生产的重要设备,它们负责煤和焦炭的物流及开关炉门等动作,但国内很多炼焦厂由于焦炉机械的自动化管理程度低使得炼焦生产率低,事故频发并且工人劳动强度大。论文提出了在原有设备的基础上安装测控系统提高其自动化管理程度的解决方案,对于提高炼焦生产率,降低事故发生率,减轻工人劳动强度有很大的帮助。 系统由位于主控室内的主控计算机和安装在各个焦炉机械上的焦车子站组成。主控计算机负责综合分析各个焦车子站上传的现场状态,并形成控制命令发布给焦车子站执行。焦车子站负责采集焦炉机械的现场工作状态和具体的执行主控计算机发布的命令。主控计算机和焦车子站之间通过无线通讯网络进行通讯。论文分别对工作现场信号的生成和采集,焦炉机械动作的控制,通讯网络的实现,主控机组态软件的编制等方面进行了论述。在焦车子站硬件实现部分引入了CPLD(Complex Programmable Logic Device复杂可编程逻辑器件),自制了一片ASIC(Application Specific Integrated Circuit专用集成电路)。将CPLD引入系统是一个创新点。 系统的信号采集方案,通讯方案,组态软件,焦车子站的软硬件的实验结果良好。为最终的安装调试打下了良好的基础。

【Abstract】 Coke-Oven vehicles are important equipments in coking plant. They are responsible for transporting coal and coke as while as switching the Oven doors. Because of low automation level, low productivity, accident and fatigue are apparent. The article brings out a feasible way to solve these kinds of problems through a set of control equipment.The control equipment is composed of several parts: main computer, four Coke-Oven vehicle controllers. The main computer knows exactly what Coke-Oven vehicle are going on. And orders are made about what coke-Oven vehicles are going to do out of main computer’ s analysis. Messages about Coke-Oven vehicle as well as orders are transported through a wireless communication net .This article discuss how to achieve coke-oven machine control, how to acquire the coke-oven vehicle working condition information, how to build the wireless communication net, how to program main computer software etc. CPLD is introduced to the coke-oven vehicle controller. A piece of ASIC (Application Specific Integrated Circuit) is designed for the system.The system operates well in test stage. It is a sign for successfully operating in the future working circumstance.

  • 【分类号】TQ520
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】130