

【作者】 王志栋

【导师】 王旭坪;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 工商管理, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 设备是企业生产经营的基础。设备技术状态的好坏,直接影响企业所生产的产品的数量与质量,决定企业的服务水平。作为企业管理重要组成部分的设备管理在企业生产经营活动中发挥着举足轻重的作用。设备管理信息系统是一个由人、计算机等组成的能进行设备管理信息收集、传递、储存、加工、维护和使用的系统。研制企业的设备管理信息系统具有十分重要的意义。本文以设备管理理论和管理信息系统理论为依据,结合齐鲁烯烃厂设备管理实际,做出了该厂设备管理信息系统总体规划。 在本课题的研究过程中,作者从齐鲁烯烃厂设备管理现状分析入手,针对齐鲁烯烃厂设备管理体系、设备管理业务流程现状、现行设备管理系统的不足和齐鲁烯烃厂设备管理特点,对设备管理信息系统的目标和信息需求进行了系统分析;对设备管理功能进行了划分;应用企业系统规划法和U/C矩阵,确定了设备管理过程和数据类,结合模块式设计的思路,完成了对新系统结构、功能和系统流程图的规划;最后,论述了系统开发中的问题与对策,利用业务流程再造的理论,分析了设备管理信息系统对设备管理组织以及组织中人的影响,指出了齐鲁烯烃厂设备管理组织业务流程再造的方向。 由于采用了重流程而不重职能的原则和模块式设计,使得本文设计出的系统更易于实现和维护,避免了同类项目中模块功能重叠、交互处理能力差、信息共享程度低、易受组织功能变动影响的缺点。新系统完全可以适应齐鲁烯烃厂在知识经济时代对设备管理的要求。

【Abstract】 Financial management is a major function of management in an enterprise. Almost any activity in an enterprise will related to using money, also will involve using the function of financial management directly or indirectly. If an enterprise uses well the function of finance, it will get strong existing ability and self-developing ability. Otherwise the corporation will fall into a difficult position of using money, even will go bankrupt.Being an independent enterprise is a major premise to using function of financial management. Inner Mongolia Power Company (IMPC) had been a limited company since 1998.But being influenced by planning economy for many years, there are still many defects in financial management. For example, financial system is still the model of concentrating money into company’ s headquarters, the headquarters is profit center, and the subordinated company is cost center. The function of financial management is not divided from function of accounting. Finance is still a part of accounting. The methods of financial management is not widely used, IMPC only tried budget, but not deeply use calculation to forecast or to control finance. The funds management is static.Financial management is the basic work and bottleneck in IMPC, so strengthening financial management is especially important.First, financial management must be involved into strategic management because the decision about long term investment and assets annexation are made by board of directors, the effects of these decisions will cover broad and exist in long time.Second, the system of financial management must make a distinction between the company & it’s subsidiaries and the general company & it’s branches. System of the company & it’s subsidiaries stresses on owner’s right, but system of the general company & it’ s branches emphasizes operating performance control system.Third, IMPC should strengthen using functions of financial management, including emphasis on capital decision, channel of long-term funds raising, flexibility of short-term funds raising, building the investment appraising system and dynamic cash flow system.To methods of financial management, IMPC should use quantity prediction, should build system of overall budget, especially budget analysis and feedback system, should establish financial management control system.Then IMPC should change its financial organization structure. The financial management division and the accounting division are different . Financial management branch should be independent.

  • 【分类号】F425.4
  • 【被引频次】3
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