

【作者】 赵立杰

【导师】 李建华; 林姜;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 电子与通信工程, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 目前,VCD播放机和DVD播放机以其优越的高音质和高画质,逐步取代了以往的各种音视频产品,而被公认为家庭影院配置中首选的音频、视频信号源。这两种产品不仅是今后一段时期内光盘的主流产品,而且还是本世纪将要普及的多媒体系统的核心。 本论文主要是详细地介绍了在VCD播放机和DVD播放机中使用的数字编码、数字纠错技术,以及对各电机和线圈的伺服驱动电路的研究。 为了避免在光盘轨迹上出现很长的连续无坑状态,并且为了能够提取稳定的时钟信号,经MPEG编码处理后的数字信号首先必须进行适当形式的码型变换,然后才能记录在光盘上。 激光头读出的光盘信息中往往会因光盘转速不稳使信号读出速率不均匀,而且光盘信息还会因光盘本身制作不良、人为划伤或者光盘上有污物等诸多因素引起信息错误。所以光盘信号经过解调后,还要进行纠错处理,从而消除和弥补数据在播放过程中所产生的信息丢失或信息错误。为了便于检查错误和纠正错误,就要在编码时预先采取一些措施。 激光头要想从光盘上正确地拾取信号,必须具有4个稳定的精确的伺服驱动系统:激光头的聚焦伺服驱动系统、激光头的循迹伺服系统、进给电机伺服系统和主轴电机伺服系统。

【Abstract】 VCD and DVD player are replacing every bygone audio and video products for their high quality of audio and video, and being thought as the preferred signal resource in the home theater system.This article introduces mainly digital encoding theory and digital correction theory, and researches how every servo circuit is driving motors and coils.EFM and EFM+ encoding technology is used to settle the problem that the 16 bits data of audio and video will form a long non-pit interval in the disc after MPEG encoding. Because a long non-pit interval will cause it difficult to control the disc track’s following. And a steady clock signal is necessary to judge the numbers of zero.During optical pickup unit reading information from a disc, the badness and damage and dirty of the disc will cause wrong information. CIRC correcting technology is used to check and correct errors.4 conditions is necessary for optical pickup unit reading information from a disc:1 .the focus servo system;2.the tracking servo system;3.the traverse motor servo system;4.the spindle motor servo system.Nowadays, there are many versions of relative literature.

  • 【分类号】TN946.5
  • 【被引频次】2
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