

【作者】 王辉

【导师】 康海贵;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 结构工程, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 沥青混合料施工配合比设计是道路施工中的一个关键环节,传统的“平衡面积法”,需要进行多次手工试算,计算工作量大,易产生误差,并且无法进行经济分析。针对这种情况,本文提出了精确解法,并结合所提出的沥青用量预估模型,实现了施工配合比的快速调整,可根据多种方案的比选进行优化设计。并根据实际施工需要,开发了沥青混合料施工配合比设计的计算机辅助设计系统,并结合具体工程的实际算例,与传统的设计方法做了对比,得出了如下结论: 1.利用本文的沥青混合料配合比辅助设计,实现了配合比快速调整以及配合比的优化设计。 2.利用本文提出的沥青用量预估理论,可以实现多种级配方案的经济比选,有利于降低工程造价,节约投资。 3.根据本文建立的油石比与稳定度、流值、密度、孔隙率、饱和度的数学模型,可以精确地确定沥青油石比,避免了人工画图带来的误差。 4.利用本文的沥青混合料配合比综合设计软件系统,可以迅速、精确、方便地进行沥青混合料配合比设计以及沥青用量预估和成本分析。 5.进行配合比优化设计后,混合料总体质量将大大提高,同时沥青路面的强度、耐久性、行车舒适性和安全性亦将大有改观,道路的运营、维护成本显著降低,使用寿命也将延长,整体社会效益比较显著。

【Abstract】 Asphalt mix design is a key tache in the construction of roads. The traditional method is trail calculation by hand. The speed is slowly and it is easily to make mistakes. In this thesis, a new accuracy method is brought forward. With the predicting models of asphalt dosage put forward by the thesis, the new method can adjust the mixing proportion quickly and it can make optimization design using many schemes. According to the actual demand a CAD system for asphalt mix design is developed by this thesis. Combining with the engineering examples; we have the conclusions as follows.1. Using the method developed by the thesis, it becomes into realization to adjust the mixing proportion quickly and make optimization design.2. Using the predicting models of asphalt proportion put forward by this thesis, it can compare the different gradation schemes and it is better to reduce the construction cost.3. According to die mathematical models developed by the thesis, the ratio of bitumen to stone can be gained accurately, and human error can be avoided.4. Using the software system developed by the thesis, it can make asphalt mix design and predicts asphalt dosage and does cost analysis quickly and accurately.5. Optimization design will improve the quality of mixture greatly. At the same time, the strength, durability, comfortability and safety of asphalt pavement can be improved greatly, and the cost of road maintenance can be reduced evidently. Also the road life will be prolonged and the distinguished social benefits can be gained.

  • 【分类号】U414
  • 【下载频次】120