

The Outer-Environment Analysis and Strategy of Sichuan Science & Education Travel Service

【作者】 赖斌

【导师】 周国华;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 工商管理, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 在中国加入“WTO”和“西部大开发”的宏观背景下,本土旅行社面对大量涌来的国内外强社、大社的雄厚资金实力、人力资源、管理经验和运作模式,不可避免地被推到了求生存、谋发展的十字路口。如何正视环境变化所带来的机遇,如何认识环境变化所带来的挑战,如何解决当前的矛盾,如何趋利避害,扬长避短,是旅行社在未来3至5年内要解决的首要战略问题。 本文以四川科教旅游公司为参照旅行社,试图着重从如下三方面进行分析研究: 首先是宏观层面,即旅行社的宏观因素分析,通过确认和评价目前旅行社所面临的政治—法律、经济、技术和社会—人文等宏观因素,使旅行社能根据外部经营环境的转变而适宜地“权变”; 其次是从中观层面,即通过行业内竞争力量的分析,了解五种力量对旅行社竞争力的影响。本文运用SWOT矩阵工具进行分析,提供了旅行社自我定位的方法及战略的选择。 最后是从微观层面,即在外部环境分析的基础上,提出了应对环境变化的管理策略及经营策略。旅行社在当前的市场形式下,应该立足本土优势和特点,大胆地引进其他行业的成熟研究成果,并移植到旅行社来,比如JIT思想,MRP思想,旅行社产品的设计与开发(差异化与个性化),全面质量管理体系,企业品牌策略,旅行社信息管理系统及电子商务手段,旅行社市场营销策略、旅行社人力资源策略等。 本文通过比较深入的理论分析和个案研究。希望能探讨出一套具有中国特色的旅行社经营管理体系,从而对即将面对WTO“洗礼”的中国的旅行社有一定的参考意义。

【Abstract】 Based the macroscopic background of entering WTO and developing western areas, the local travel service are fallen into dilemma inevitably when the powerful travel services with abundant funds, rich human resources, management experience and operation modal are poring in from domestic or abroad. How to handle the challenge with the environment changing, how to solve present contradictory, how to incline to benefit and avoid harm, besides, make best use of advantages and bypass the disadvantages, all of these are the key questions must be solved in future 3 to 5 years.With the typical ones of Sichuan science & education travel service, the paper try to give a detail analysis from three faces as follows:The first is from macroscopic level, the travel service could adapt in tactics appropriately by analysis of macroscopic factor, which contains political, economic, technology and social culture.The second is from middle level, the paper is described how the travel service influence on each other by evaluating five competition forces in tourism. Also, the ways of orientation and strategy selecting are applied by using SWOT.The last is from microscopic, the strategy of management and operation is put forward based analysis of outer environment. Faced the present market position, the travel service ought to introduce and apply from matured achievement, such as JIT, MRP, the design and development of travel service product (difference & personality), rules for testing quality, enterprise brand strategy, travel service information management and electronic business, travel service marketing, travel service human resource and so on, from other industry based itself upon local superiority and its character.The paper wish to explore the theory of travel service management & administration by deep theory analysis and case research. Thus, the achievement could have consult significant to a certain for the Chinese travel service faced the challenge of WTO.

  • 【分类号】F592.6
  • 【下载频次】343