

【作者】 韩放

【导师】 陈汗青; 汤重熹;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 工业设计, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 商业建筑是当今面积仅次于居住建筑的第二大建筑门类,作为城市公共空间环境的重要组成部分,是反映一个城市经济发展情况的重要窗口,是各种经济信息交汇与交流的重要场所,是塑造城市整体环境最具活力、最亮丽的风景线。购物空间是商业空间中面积较大,人流最集中,对城市环境设施配套要求较高的建筑空间分类,其环境与室内外空间的规划与设计也越来越多地影响人们的情感,趣味和生活方式。随着信息化,数字化等现代通信,管理方式的介入,网上购物和现代生活节奏的快速变化也使得商业购物空间环境与室内设计中对新的问题做出相应的调整与变化,本文努力在以下方面做出阐述和说明: 1、作为商业空间,在参与城市整体环境的塑造中应注意哪些问题,这些问题虽然是有关管理工作者和城市规划设计师所重点解决的问题,但是作为室内设计师了解了这些问题对整体的规划概念有一个综合的认识,会更好地融入商业环境整体设计中去。 2、随着人们生活水平的提高,购物行为从单一的“需求型”,更多的向“休闲娱乐型”发展,越来越多地成为人们休息、放松、娱乐活动所选择的空间,因此,作为公众活动空间,其环境的设计,创造也越来越多考虑这一种倾向。设计以人为本是创造优美空间环境的中心思想。 3、加强对人们购物心理与购物环境之间关系的研究与关注,通过对购物行为心理过程的研究,购物行为方式与诱发原因的研究,计划性购物与诱导性购物两种不同的购物心理和商品生产与销售单位的应对措施;通过对环境所提出的客观要求的研究,对购物环境的便捷性与经济性,购物环境的选择性与聚集性,购物环境的标志性与识别性,购物环境的舒适性与美观性,购物环境的安全性与可信性等方面的要求进行了整理(注:本章节借鉴和整理了国内学者的研究成果)和认识。 4、探讨了商业空间环境设计的广告宣传、品牌形象、企业文化和商业环境设计的文化性问题以及商业空间在城市中的地位与功能等方面的问题。 5、运用系统论的方法,对商业空间的内容和购物空间的内容进行分类。并且按不同的专业和不同的角度进行分类,如按建筑规模、按经营内容,经营方式和特点等不同角度进行分类和归纳,在分类和归纳的过程中对商业建筑的聚合态势以及各类商场的特点对照国外的情况进行了简述。 6、本文的着眼点在大中型综合商场的室内外空间环境设计,因为在购物空间中,它是对环境艺术与室内设计要求最高,综合性较强,最具代表性的,以它为起点,向上扩展可以参与城市商业街、区的整体建设。向下延伸可以设计,规划各个销售单元和专业商店,它也是人们休闲购物的主要场所。 7、文章的创新点:商业空间环境设计的文化性,体现在对顾客心理充分研究上的服务性问题,空间环境设计与人为本的问题,企业品牌形象展示的问题,对城市环境的贡献与作用问题。 8、文章叙述的特重点:商业购物空间设计的理论体系,和具体运用的实例,特别是作为工程硕士论文,注重商场各部份分解实例及要点。 理论联系实际,是本文努力追求的一大特色,作者本人在一九九八年作为第一作者曾出版《商业购物空间室内设计与实务》一书,(广东科技出版社,文字约8万、图片200多幅。该书目前还在国内部分省市新华书店发售,为大专院校教材和商业管理人员及设计人员参考书),加上作者参与或主持设计的商业空间环境设计的方案和施工图纸达到了十几万平方米,积累了相当的设计体会。因此,本文在尽可能多地查阅国内外有关图书、资料的基础上,努力在心理学方面、在工程学方面、在系统论方面、在环境艺术方面多角度、较为全面地论述商场环境与室内设计、规划的原理和方法,力争最后能在本文的基础上经扩充内容向大专院校的师生、向室内设计师与大建筑师、向商场业主奉献一本有实际参照价值、图文并茂的图书。

【Abstract】 The Business building , of which the area is only less than the living building has become the second largest category of architecture. Considered as an essential element of the public environment of the city , it reflects the development of the economy circumstances. It is an important place for the commercial information to be combined and exchanged. It is also a dynamic and magnificent landscape which help to create the beauty of the environment of the whole city. The shopping area, which is the most crowded, occupies a great deal among the commercial area. It requires the environmental facilities of high qualities. The design of the surroundings, space of both interiors and outdoors has great effect on people’s emotion, interests and life style. In response to the development of informational and digital communication and administration, shopping on the net and the rapid rhythm of modern life, the design of interior and outdoor environment of the shopping area should be adjusted and changed. The purpose of this paper is to illustrate as the following: 1. As the designer of the commercial area, what problems we should pay close attention to when we participate in shaping the integrated environment of the city. Although these problems should be concerned by the city administrators and designers, we architects should have an integrated view of the blueprints of the whole city. Thus we will be able to integrate these elements into the design of the commercial area.2. With the improvement of people’s standard of living, the purpose of shopping behaviors has changed from "Demands" to "Relaxation and amusement". More and more shopping area has become the place for people to release tension and take some amusement activities. Thus, it has become the tendency for architects to design and create such environment for public activities. The essential point of designing the elegant environment is based on the people.3. This paper enhanced the study and concern about the relationship between the shopping psychology and environment. To study the psychological process of shopping behaviors, the ways of shopping and its motivation, the different psychological process between planned shopping and derivational shopping, the response measures taken by the manufactory and distributors; Through the study of theobject requirements according to the environment, this paper illustrated the characteristics of the shopping environment including the convenience and economical elements^ selectivity and collection, symbol and recognition, comfort and beauty, security and reliability. (Notes: this chapter referred to some of the research achievements of both domestic and abroad.)4. This paper provided a discussion about the environmental design of the commercial area including the problems of advertisements, the image of the brands, the culture of the enterprises , the cultural problems of designing the commercial environment , the status and function of the commercial area in the city and etc.5. This paper classified the contents of commercial area and shopping area by means of the systematology methods. It also categorized the contents based on different specialities and angles, for instance, the scale of the architecture, the operation contents and its characteristics. During the process of classification and deduction, this paper also made a brief introduction about the collective situation and the features of different department stores compared to the conditions abroad.6. This paper focused on the interior and outdoor environmental design of the large and medium sized integrative department stores. These stores offer the highest qualities of the environmental art and interior design. They are typical and integrative. The up extension of these can participate the construction of the business street and district of the city, while the down extension can be integrated into the design of the contribution units and specialized stores. And they are a

  • 【分类号】J504
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】947