

Study on the Design Mould and Development of Modern University Teaching-building

【作者】 蔡捷

【导师】 姚时章;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 建筑设计及其理论, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 建筑的外部形态是内部空间符合逻辑的反映,内部空间则以满足各种功能需求为前提,而功能的需求则是随着时空的变化不断更新的。随着社会的发展,教育观念、教学形式与方法的不断转变,对教学建筑的研究范围及领域更加广阔。特别是在我国上个世纪末至本世纪初的高校合并,形成具有国际竞争力的综合型大学的转变过程中,高校教学建筑的功能要求发生了新的变化,对教学建筑空间的研究更加深入。在以“以人为本”的观念为出发点的基础上,研究教学活动的主体——师生的各种行为特点及心理需求,进而创造出更合理的教学物质环境空间,提出现代高校教学建筑的设计模式,这就是本论文的探索目的。适宜的空间能促进师生间的交往及互动式学习的深入进行,从而培养出具有综合素质的高层次的现代教育人才。 教育建筑的发展是个有一定历史的过程,是在一定条件制约中的创作行为。本论文以研究国内外教学建筑发展中形成的观念为指导,从对教学建筑的空间形态构成、与师生的行为及心理需求的结合为出发点,进行现代教学建筑设计模式的研究。 第一章首先对教学建筑的概念进行了界定,进而分四个时期对我国近现代高校教学建筑发展进行了分析,探讨了各个时期以及未来发展过程中,教学建筑设计理念对设计的指导意义。 第二章主要系统的分析了教学建筑空间形态构成,其次对教学建筑创作中的艺术性进行了研究。分点状、核心型、动线型、格网型、综合型五个方面分析了国内外教学空间形态的构成,探讨了做为构成校园中心空间的最主要的元素——教学建筑空间形态的整体性设计,指出了“院”这一基本模式在教学建筑空间形态构成的重要性。 第三章结合当前的先进理念,研究教学建筑的内外空间,为本论文的理论重心。首先以“以人为本”的设计观为出发点,分析了高校中的主体——学生的行为方式的多样性、心理需求的复杂性,提出了教学建筑应创造多层次的空间满足行为与心理需求,并进而着重剖析教学建筑的内部空间、外部空间。从创造多层次的交往空间,适应师生行为、心理需求的生态的教学环境的角度研究了教学建筑的空间设计原理与方 武汉理工大学硕士学位论文 一 法。 第四章首先分析了教学建筑建造的进程,指出教学建筑的设计上应 强调引入公众——即校园中师生的参与,促成教学建筑建造的理想化与 合理化。然后分析了先进技术——智能化技术引入教学建筑中带来的空 间变化。 在论文第五章,结合教学建筑实例:美国K比sge学院、深圳大学、 武汉大学的理论分析与建筑实态的调研,论证了教学建筑空间与环境,;与师生的行为及心理需求的结合。在此系统地研究了高校长期发展过程 中,教学建筑的整体性、文脉性,以及教学空间的多层次性原则,为新 建教学建筑设计提供了思路,具有一定的现实意义。 总之,本论文着重从理论与实践上对教学建筑与环境的联系、与师 生的行为心理需求的结合进行了论述。从教学建筑空间形态构成的整体 性、空间形式的多层次性两方面分析,探寻了现代高校教学建筑的发展 模式轨迹。通过对一系列的教学建筑作品的调研,以及对大量设计实例 和第一手资料分析的基础上,并结合当今及未来的发展趋势,提出新建 高校教学建筑的设计原理与方法,以期对当代我国教学建筑设计及未来 发展有所启发。

【Abstract】 Outside space come from logical inside space and fulfill the requirements of diverse functions is the major premise of inside space design, but architecture function requirements are transformed by the movement of the space time. With the development of the society, the teaching concepts, the teaching forms, the teaching methods are changed, the scope and field of the research of the teaching-building extends. The paper, based on the concept of pay attention to human beings, aim at gain the design principal method by analyze the behavior psychology characteristic of the main active parts-teachers and student, in the university. The appropriate space can extend the communication activities between the teachers and students and foster excellence person which fits the new requirement of the society.The teaching buildings’ history developed for a certain long way, its design is limited by some certain conditions. From analyze the development of the spacial structure of teaching-building and the behavior psychology characteristic of modern teachers and student to research the mould of modern teaching-building,In chapter one, firstly define the concept of the teaching-building, then divide the development of our modern university teaching-building into four periods for analyze, make sure the teaching buildings’ designs come from the principle of the teaching-building.In the second chapter, mainly systematic analyze the five teaching-building forms: point, core , floating line, grid, composite, which compose the holistic university’s central space. As a ruslt, confirm importance of the fundamental mode, which compose the teaching-building form. Then research the artistic quality of the teaching-building.In the third chapter, aim at the inside space and outside space of the teaching buildings. Under the concept of pay attention to human beings, starting from analyze the diversities of the behavior psychology of the students in the university, point out to create multi-level space in the teaching buildings to satisfy the behavior psychology requirement of the students. Try to systematic research the design principal method of the teaching-building.In the fourth chapter, firstly analyze the design process of teaching-building,emphasize on the public-teachers and students in the university, participate to make the design more ideal and reasonable. Secondly, analyze the space transforms after use the advanced technique-intelligentized to teach.In the fifth chapter, the theories mentioned above are applied into the selected three designs of teaching-building for analyze: Kresge institute(U.S.); Shenzhen university; Wuhan university. The teaching buildings’ holistic designs, with the attitude of respect history , should be paid much attention on its environments and the behavior psychology of the universities’ teachers and student.In conclusion, the paper concentrate on the universities’ holistic space structure design and the multi-level space forms by analyze its environments and the behavior psychology of the universities’ teachers and student. Based on the analysis of great deal of design instance and first-hand information, the principle and method of the teaching-building design are summarized. Combined with the nowadays and future college development, the design strategy of new teaching-building is defined, which to be expect to benefit to our country’s teaching-building design practice and development.

  • 【分类号】TU201-4
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】720