

The Study of the Survey of Crime of Internet

【作者】 但未丽

【导师】 魏东;

【作者基本信息】 四川大学 , 刑法学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 网络的应用和普及,使得以网络系统为目标的犯罪行为迅速走入刑法的视野,本文着重涉及了侵犯网络罪的概念问题、侵犯网络罪的构成特征、我国关于侵犯网络罪的刑事立法与刑事司法几个方面的问题。 第一章:侵犯网络罪的概念。侵犯网络罪的基本特点有:网络空间具有特殊性,即客观性、全球一体化和平等性;犯罪主体的高智能化与低龄化;犯罪方式的隐蔽性与公然性交织;行为的全球性与无现场性;犯罪成本的低投入性及传播性;连续性,以及严重的社会危害性。关于网络犯罪、侵犯网络罪与计算机犯罪的关系,笔者指出,网络犯罪是计算机犯罪的主要形式,侵犯网络罪是网络犯罪的主要形式。侵犯网络罪的定义是:犯罪分子针对计算机网络系统实施的,利用网络技术,比如编程、加密、解码技术与工具或者其他方法,侵入、盗用、破坏、中断计算机网络系统,以及提供侵犯网络工具等侵害网络系统安全的触犯刑法且严重危害社会的行为。其中“网络”的外延,既包括各种国内网,也包括国际互联网。 第二章:侵犯网络罪的构成特征。侵犯网络罪的客体特征:侵犯网络罪是以计算机网络系统作为犯罪对象的犯罪,其侵犯的同类客体是使信息交流与共享得以正常进行的公共秩序,其侵犯的直接客体是复杂客体即一方面侵犯了计算机网络系统的安全保护制度或网络系统内部的管理秩序,另一方面,侵犯网络罪在侵犯了网络系统所有人的合法权益的同时,还可能使受害的网络系统中数据所涉及的第三人的合法权益造成危害,其侵犯的直接客体可能是多种多样的。侵犯网络罪的客观方面特征:侵犯网络罪的行为绝大部分是 作为,也可能是不作为。侵犯网络罪主体特征有:其犯罪主体是一般主体, 未满14周岁的人不能成为该罪的犯罪主体,14至16周岁的人可以成为部分 侵犯网络罪的犯罪主体。侵犯网络罪的主观方面特征有:其主观方面为故意, 其中有直接故意,也有间接故意,但过失行为不构成该罪。 第三章:侵犯网络罪的刑事立法。目前我国有关部门侵犯网络罪的立法;缺陷有:一是立法术语不规范;二是罪过规定不全面;三是刑种规定单一,”量刑过低;四是法条相互交叉重叠;五是罪名规定不科学。针对这些缺陷, 本文接着探讨了侵犯网络罪的罪名设置与体系建构,认为侵犯网络罪应有如 下罪名设置:非法侵入计算机网络系统罪,直接破坏计算机网络系统罪,制 作并传播计算机病毒侵害罪,非法中断网络服务罪,盗用计算机网络服务罪, 提供侵犯网络工具罪。鉴于我国关于网络领域的法律、法规、办法已有不少, 但尚没有系统的保障网络安全的法律,笔者认为有必要在现行《刑法》“妨害 社会管理秩序罪”中专门增加“侵犯网络罪”一节,将其作为“第十节”,并 对该罪的主观方面、客观方面、主体特征及刑事立法条文进行了全面设计的, 同时有关刑事立法条文作了简要说明。 第四章:侵犯网络罪的刑事司法。本章对侵犯网络罪的刑事政策和司法 认定进行了初步研究。刑事政策方面,对关于刑事责任能力问题,关于主观 方面存在差异的刑事责任,关于共同犯罪人的刑事责任进行了初步探讨。司 法认定方面,对关于两种过失行为的认定,关于此罪与彼罪的认定,关于法 条竞合时的认定,关于犯罪停止形态的认定等几个问题进行了分析界定。最 后对有关侵犯网络罪的刑罚裁量原则作了简要介绍,并对累犯的惩处和应当 数罪并罚的情况进行了具体说明。

【Abstract】 The popularity of the Internet has made Survey of crime of internet become part of the criminal law system. This paper emphasizes the concept and characteristics of Survey of crime of internet, and the criminal law legislation and jurisdiction in China.Chapter 1: The concept of survey of crimes of internet .The main characteristics of network crime are: the uniqueness, objectiveness, global nature, and equality of Internet space. The subject of crime tend to be young and highly educated. Crime techniques are either invisible or freely available. Impacts are global, and this is no crime scene. Cost of the crime is low and can be spread widely and continuously. Regarding the relationship among network crime, survey of crimes of internet, and computer crime, I point out that the most well known computer crime is related to the Internet. The definition of Internet crime is the attacking or breaking-in of any computer network system through any computer network techniques; i.e. using compiling, encrypting, decoding, or other methods to break-in, steal, sabotage, or interrupt network system. The extension of the network includes various domestic and international web sites.Chapter 2: The crime of Internet hacking The Internet hacking is the attacking of computer network systems. Survey of crime of internet violate the routine information flow and public guidelines among different objects in society. Internet hacking not only defies the legal right of other users in the same system but may also endanger other users’ legal possessions. Subjects who are younger than 14 years old will not be the subject of crime. Subjects between 14 and 16 can be the subject of crime. Most Survey of crime ofinternet involve either action or non-action. A voluntary action can include direct intention or indirect intension but failure to notice would be spared punishment.Chapter 3: The Criminal legislation of survey of crime of Internet .The problems of China Internet law are: l)Non-standardized legislative terminology 2) Non-extensive coverage of the crimes 3) Ineffective punishment 4) Overlapped and duplicated rules 5) Unscientific enforcement of the law. This paper discusses the establishment of Internet criminal laws. The creation of Internet laws includes illegal break-ins of computer systems, direct sabotage of computer systems, development and broadcast of computer viruses, illegal interruption of network services, stealing of network services, and providing tools for network crimes. China has published network laws and regulations, but lacks laws protecting Internet safety. I propose that we amend the existing Criminal Law to include Survey of crime of internet as the tenth section in crimes of obstruction the administration of public order, I extensively discuss the nature of the crimes and the legislation of these laws.Chapter 4:Criminal Jurisdiction of Survey of crime of internet.This chapter provides a preliminary study of the Internet criminal policy and jurisdiction. This chapter discusses the liability of the criminal suspect. As for jurisdiction, this chapter discusses the conviction of the crime. Also, the chapter introduce the system of the measurement of punishment about survey of crime of internet, expound the principle of punishment about recidivests and conditions which should be combined punishment for several crimes.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 四川大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2003年 02期
  • 【分类号】D914
  • 【下载频次】150