

The Research on the Crimes of Illegally Granting Loans

【作者】 李稚天

【导师】 魏东;

【作者基本信息】 四川大学 , 刑法学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 违法发放贷款犯罪包括违法向关系人发放贷款罪、违法发放贷款罪和用账外客户资金非法发放贷款罪,均是刑法新增设的罪名,对其进行探讨和研究,具有极其重要的现实意义。本文拟以刑法典为基础,对违法发放贷款犯罪的理论和实践进行一些尝试性的探索。 首先,在概论部分,通过简要地对贷款业务、贷款风险的现状及其成因、贷款的基本原则制度进行分析介绍,阐述了我国对信贷业务的管理以及违法发放贷款犯罪的危害性。同时对违法发放贷款犯罪的含义及罪名设置进行论述,认为现行刑法把违法发放贷款行为纳入其调整范围有深刻的必要性和现实意义,指出我国已形成民事、行政、刑事三种法律制裁责任相互结合、相辅相成的调整违法发放贷款行为的法律体系,使法律对贷款业务的保护日趋科学性和完整性。 其次,在犯罪构成特征部分论述了违法发放贷款犯罪的四个构成特征。首先对成立该类犯罪从主体、主观方面、客观方面、客体进行了总体界定,认为该类犯罪是由特殊主体,即银行或者其他金融机构及其工作人员实施的犯罪,主观方面由间接故意或过失构成,客观方面都要求以特定损失的发生为成立要件,侵犯了双重客体,即金融机构的财产权利以及国家的信贷管理制度或金融监管制度。接着分个罪逐一进行了详细论述,明确了违法向关系人发放贷款罪、违法发放贷款罪和用账外客户资金非法拆借、发放贷款罪各自的构成要件及其特征。 再次,在违法发放贷款犯罪的司法认定部分对三个罪名的认定进行了具体的探讨,以期为司法实践提供一个明确的认定标准。论述了违法向关系人发放贷款罪、违法发放贷款罪、用账外客户资金非法发放贷款罪与一般违法行为的界限,与相近似犯罪的比较研究,以及探讨该类犯罪中涉及的法条竞合、牵连犯的问题,以求司法操作中能做到正确区罪与罪之间的界限,从而准确地定罪量刑。 最后,本文论述了违法发放贷款犯罪的刑罚处罚问题。通过阐述对该类犯罪刑种的立法筛选,说明了有期徒刑、拘役、罚金刑在该类犯罪中的适用理由及具体方式。指出刑罚处罚尚有待进一步完善,提出了从资格刑、罚金刑等方面予以完善的相关看法。同时论述了在处罚时应注意到的其他问题,如损失数额的认定以及单位犯罪的处罚等,使本文的论述从定罪进一步落实到量刑的问题上,完成了对违法发放贷款犯罪的整体研究。

【Abstract】 The crimes of illegally granting loans include the crime of illegally granting loans to connections,illegally granting loans,and the crime of illegally using the funds absorbs from the clients instead of entering down into the account book as loans,which are all new crimes created by our criminal law. It is very necessary to make a thorough inquiry into this field. Based on the effective criminal code of our country,this paper studies the theory and practice of the crimes of illegally granting loans.The first part is the introduction of the operation,risk,and the fundamental theory of granting loans and the necessity of regulating these activities by using criminal laws. This part also introduces the legislation of our country and points out that we have set up the legal system of protecting granting loans,which consists of criminal laws,administrative laws,and civil laws.The second part lists the elements of the crimes. First,it discusses generally the characteristics of the crimes of illegally granting loans and defines their subject,object,subjective circumstances,and objective circumstances. Second,this paper demonstrates the four aspects of the crime of illegally granting loans to connections,illegally granting loans,and the crime of using the funds absorbs from the clients instead of entering down into the account book as loans respectively.The third part deals with the implementation of the criminal codes. It analyzes differences between the crime and non - crime,and the differences between the crimes and other similar crimes. Besides,this part studies some problems that may come up in practice such as the coincidence of articles and implicated offenders. The purpose is to provide a certain standard of correctly defining the crimes for judicial practice.The fourth part finishes the paper by discussing the criminal punishment of the crimes of illegally granting loans. It points out the justifications and patterns of criminal detention,fixed-term imprisonment,and fine respectively. Meanwhile,the author suggests some other problems regarding crimes committed by a unit to which we should pay attention and gives some advices on how to improve the regulation of the crimes.

【关键词】 贷款犯罪构成司法认定刑罚处罚
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 四川大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2003年 02期
  • 【分类号】D914
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】250