

【作者】 王霞

【导师】 吴泽兵;

【作者基本信息】 西南石油学院 , 机械设计及理论, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 三牙轮钻头是石油钻井的重要工具,其性能和质量对钻井速度和成本影响很大。三牙轮钻头结构复杂,其中齿面结构直接与地层接触,对于岩石破碎过程和钻头工作性能的影响最大。进行齿面结构设计时,应用先进的CAD技术来进一步改进和提高其设计手段非常重要。 著名的3D CAD/CAM系统Pro/E由于具有参数化设计特性,在全世界范围内受到广泛应用。在Pro/E环境下开发三牙轮钻头的啮合设计在国内外还未见到,因而本系统选择Pro/E为二次开发平台,采用参数化设计思想,利用Pro/Toolkit和Delphi联合编程,适合三牙轮钻头二维啮合设计、牙轮牙齿三维实体造型和装配。 本人主要做了以下方面的工作: 1.建立了以下几种二维参数化模型:(1)牙轮初始轮廓;(2)六种牙齿,包括平顶齿、锥形齿、球形齿、楔形齿、边楔齿和勺形齿;(3)十二种齿槽,其中六种牙轮齿圈之间的齿槽、六种牙轮顶端的齿槽。 2.绘制了井底击碎曲线,并且井底击碎曲线能随着井底击碎图上牙齿位置的变化而变化。 3.解决了三牙轮钻头二维啮合设计中的关键技术—联动布齿,通过鼠标移动和旋转任意一个牙齿,同一齿圈上的其它两个牙齿做相同的位置变动。 4.自动计算相邻牙轮之间牙齿与齿槽的最小啮合间隙和牙齿底部到牙轮内孔的最小壁厚。 5.对三个牙轮进行了三维实体造型。 6.建立了六种牙齿的三维参数化模型。 7.对牙轮和牙齿分别进行了装配,为三维啮合间隙计算做了充分准备。 通过本软件的应用,可以缩短三牙轮钻头的设计周期,提高产品的设计质量,提高企业的技术创新能力和市场竞争能力。

【Abstract】 Tri-cone rock bit is the important tool in oil drilling,so its capability and quantity affect the speed and cost of oil drilling greatly. The structure of tri-cone rock bit is complicated. As the cutting structure touch the stratum directly,it affects the process of breaking rock and the performance of tri-cone rock bit. When we design the cutting structure,it is very important to improve and enhance the design means with advanced CAD technology.Owing to its characteristic of parametric design,the famous software Pro/E of PTC,one 3D CAD/CAM system,is applied worldwide. It is not reported that any software has been developed on the engaging design of tri-cone rock bit with Pro/E workbench in China and other countries. Therefore,this software is developed with Pro/E2000i on 2D engaging design and 3D models design of cones and inserts and their assembly,and the program languages are Pro/Toolkit and Delphi.The content of this paper includes as follows:1. Set up the following 2D parametric models:(Dinitial contour of cone. (2)six types of inserts:cut insert,conical insert,ovoid insert,chisel insert,gage insert and scoop chisel insert. (3)twelve types of slots:six slots between the rows of inserts;six slots on the head of cone.2. Draw the curve of breaking rock on hole,and the curve changes along with the position of the inserts.3. Solve the key problem during the 2D engaging design of the tri-cone rock bit. If you move or rotate any insert with mouse,the other two inserts in the same cycle change same positions.4. Calculate the engaging distance between inserts and slots and the least thickness from bearing to contour of cone automatically.5. Create the 3D models of three cones.6. Set up the 3D parametric models of six inserts.7. Assemble inserts and cones respectively,and prepare for calculating 3D engaging distance of tri-cone rock bit.Application the system to the design of tri-cone rock bit,willshorten the developing cycle of new products,and improve the design quality,and increase the technology innovation of enterprise and enhance the market competition.

  • 【分类号】TE921.1;TP391.7
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】431