

Study on Canopy Solar Radiation Traits and Canopy Apparent Photonsynthesis Characteristics of High-yield Winter Wheat

【作者】 王之杰

【导师】 郭天财; 朱云集;

【作者基本信息】 河南农业大学 , 作物栽培学与耕作学, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 在大田条件下,连续两年对两个最具超高产潜力的多穗型小麦品种豫麦49和大穗型小麦品种周麦13的冠层结构、光辐射特征和光合特性进行了系统研究。试验结果如下: 1、两种穗型品种的叶面积系数(LAI)变化趋势均为单峰曲线,由越冬期到开花期LAI逐渐增大,开花期达最大值,然后下降。开花前两品种LAI随密度增加而增大,开花后B2(每hm2150×104基本苗)、B4(每hm2300×104基本苗)处理绿叶面积保持时间较长,同期豫麦49的LAI高于周麦13。两品种叶片分布(LD)都以B2处理较为合理。两品种叶倾角总的变化趋势均为,从越冬期到灌浆中期随生育进程逐渐减小,各时期处理之间均为高密度的平均叶倾角小于低密度处理,返青以前不同密度处理之间的差异较小,拔节以后差异增大,周麦13各处理灌浆末期的平均叶倾角比灌浆中期有所增加。两品种消光系数(K)值变化趋势为随天顶角增大而增大,B2处理冠层消光系数适中,对光的截获和利用率较高,B1(每hm275x104基本苗)处理漏光损失严重。开花期和灌浆中期两品种各处理从天顶角7.50°~67.5°直射辐射透过系数(TR)的变化都呈逐渐减小的趋势,开花期各处理之间有明显差异,到灌浆中期各处理之间差异变小。综合以上结果可知,无论多穗型还是大穗型小麦品种都以B2处理的冠层结构最优,表现为LAI大小适中,叶片分布合理,各叶层消光系数分布合理,光能利用率高。 2、两种穗型品种群体光合(CAP)速率在整个生育期内的变化趋势一致,均为单峰曲线,峰值出现在开花期;但生育前期豫麦49的CAP高于周麦13,而开花后周麦13有明显优势。豫麦49B2处理的CAP全生育期,尤其在孕穗以后保持较高水平;周麦13B2处理的CAP在孕穗以后保持最高。两品种的群体叶源量(CLSC)具有与CAP相同的趋势。开花期和灌浆中期的CAP日变化都呈 王之杰:高产小麦群体光辐射特征与光合特性的研究 单峰曲线,且峰值均出现在上午 10h左右。 3、两种穗型品种旗叶一生光合速率(Pn)和RUBP &化酶 (RUBPcase)活性的变化趋势一致,均呈由低到高再逐渐降低 的单峰变化曲线。从旗叶展开后开始,各处理Pn逐渐上升,并 于旗叶展开后第 10d达最大值,此后逐渐下降。两品种相比,旗 叶展开的 0叶 内豫麦 49各处理的 Pn及 RUBPcase活性均高于 周麦 13,而第 20d以后则周麦 13均高于豫麦 49。两品种 B。处 理的Pn、RUBPcase活性、竣化效率(CE)、叶绿素(Chl)含 量等几个重要光合生理指标均表现出明显优势。 4、对两种穗型品种开花期和灌浆中期的Pn及其影响因素, 包括叶温厂L卜光合有效辐射厌虹幻、蒸腾速率(Tr卜 气孔导度 (Gs卜细胞间隙CO。浓度(Ci)等日变化的测定结果表明,开花期 两品种都存在光合“午休”现象,豫麦49Pn日变化呈双峰曲线, 峰值出现在 10h和 14h;周麦 13 Pn日变化为单峰曲线,峰值在 10h。灌浆中期两品种均表现出一降不起型的严重“午休”现象。 相关和通径分析结果表明,开花期豫麦 49 shJ J 和 14h Pn 主要受气孔因素限制,16h、18h非气孔因素对 Pn的限制起主导 作用;周麦 13 sh、10h、14h和 16h Pn受气孔因素限制,12h和 18h受非气孔因素限制。灌浆中期sh、10h和14h气孔因素对豫 麦 49 Pn的限制起首要作用,而 12h、16h和 18h以非气孔因素 限制为主;周麦 13灌浆中期 Pn主要受气孔因素限制。 5、两种穗型品种产量性状存在着差异,豫麦49籽粒产量、 成穗数高于周麦 13;周麦 13穗粒数和千粒重高于豫麦 49。成穗 数随密度增加而增加,穗粒数和千粒重随密度增加而减小。两品 种均以BZ处理的产量最高,豫麦49 BZ处理与B4、BI处理的差 异达显著和极显著水平,周麦 13 BZ、B3、B4三处理之间的差异 不显著,它们与民处理的籽粒产量差异显著,其中BZ与民处 理的差异达极显著水平。 在此研究基础上,提出了两种穗型品种实现超高产的主攻方 2 河南农业大学硕士学位论文 向及相应技术措施:多穗型品种豫麦49超高产栽培应适当控制 基本苗数,尽量控制无效分莲发生,加强中后期管理,协调好群 体与个体的关系,把减少不孕小穗数提高单穗结实粒数作为实现 超高产的主攻目标。对于周麦13这一类的大穗型品种,应立足 于提高分莲成穗率,可适当增加基本苗数,前期合理促控增加有 效分蒙数,充分发挥其后期光合作用强、穗粒重高的优势夺取超 高产。

【Abstract】 The canopy architecture, solar radiation traits and apparent photosynthesis characteristics of both small spike-type cultivar(Yumai 49) and large spike-type cultivar(Zhoumai 13) had been studied under field conditions. The main results were as follows:1. The Leaf Area Index(LAI) of both the cultivars showed as a single-peaked curve and the peak value reached at anthesis. With the increasing of density, the LAI of all treatments enhanced before anthesis. The B2 and B4 treatments had longer green leaf area duration after anthesis. The LAI of Yumai49 were higher than that of Zhoumai 13 at the same stage. The leaf distribution of the 62 of the two cultivars were more reasonable than that of the others. With the wheat growing, the Mean Leaf Angle(MFIA) of the two cultivars decreased gradually. The higher density treatments had smaller MFIA than the lower density treatments. The differences of MFIA among the treatments after booting stage were larger than that of the stage before reviving. The MFIA of Zhoumai 13 at waxening stage were greater than Middle-filling stage. The Extinction Coefficant(K) of both the cultivars enlarged with increasing of zenith angle. Treatments B2 of both cultivars had a reasonable canopy architecture than others, which accounted for they had intercepted more solar63radiation. The Transmition Coefficient for Radiation Penetration(TR) for the two cultivars at anthesis and middle-filling stage declined with increasing of zenith angle. There were significant differences among all of the treatments at anthesis, but the differences were smaller at middle-filling stage. For the two spike-type cultivars, the B2 treatments were the best.2. There were the same trends in the change of canopy apparent photosynthesis (CAP) rate in both small spike-type cultivar and large spike-type cultivar. During wheat development, the CAP generally appeared as a single-peaked curve and the peak value reached at anthesis. Yumai 49 had a higher CAP before booting stage, but Zhoumai 13 showed obvious dominance in CAP after flowering stage. The change of CAP in canopy leaf source capacity(CLSC) of the two cultivars was similar to that of CAP. The diurnal changes of CAP at flowering stage and mid-filling stage were single-peaked ones and the peak value appeared at 10am. The differences existed in the CAP among different planting densities of the two cultivars.3.There were identical trends in the changes of net photosynthesis(Pn) rate and RUBPcase activity of flag leaf for both cultivars. At the beginning of spreading of flag leaves for both cultivars, their Pn and RUBPcase activity inclined gradually, and reached the max at the tenth day after spreading, then declined little by little. Compared with Zhoumai 13, Yumai49 had higher Pn and RUBPcase activity from the Oth to the 10th day after spreading of flag leaf. But there was contrary fact after 20 days. The B2 treatment of the two cultivars had apparent advantages in Pn, RUBPcase activity, carboxylation efficiency and Chi content of flag leaf.644. The diurnal changes of flag leaf net photosynthetic rate (Pn) for the two cultivars and its major affecting factors, i.e. Leaf Temperature (TL), Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR), Transpiration rate (Tr), Stomatal Conductance (Gs) and Intercellar CO2 Concentration (Ci) were tested. The results indicated that both cultivars showed midday depression phenomenon at anthesis. The Pn of Yumai49 varied as a two-peaked curve, whose peak values appeared at 10h and 14h, but Zhoumai13 varied as a single-peaked curve with peak value appeared at 10h. Both cultivars showed serious midday depression phenomenon at middle-filling. The relation between flag leaf net photosynthetic rate and its affecting factors was analysed by the correlation analysis and path analysis. At anthesis, the Pn of Yumai49 at 8h,10h,12h and 14h were influenced mainly by stomatal factors, but at 16h and 18h, non-stomatal factors played an important role. The Pn of Zhoumail3 were limited by Stomatal factors at 8h,10h,14h and

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