

Selection of Substrates of Factory Seedling

【作者】 籍秀梅

【导师】 孙治强; 张绍文;

【作者基本信息】 河南农业大学 , 蔬菜学, 2001, 硕士


【摘要】 研究了以锯末作为试验基质,尿素和鸡粪作为添加氮源,且以不同的比例和锯末混合,辅以生物菌剂,分析腐熟前后基质理化性质及木质纤维素的变化,调节C/N比,并在不同肥料配比基质的基础上,通过对辣椒幼苗的形态生理指标进行分析,寻找能替代草炭的无土育苗优良基质。结果表明:1)腐熟后锯末容重、毛管孔隙度变大,总孔隙度、通气孔隙度变小;EC值降低,pH值在5.8-6.2范围;大部分处理的含氮量、粗蛋白降低;施入鸡粪的处理中速效磷含量增加,而施入尿素的处理除M-6外均下降;所有处理的交换性钾均不同程度的提高;CEC、交换性钙镁均有所提高,且加入鸡粪的处理中CEC、交换性钙镁含量在同一施肥水平上均高于加入尿素的处理。2)新鲜锯末有着丰富的木质纤维素及极高的C/N比,腐熟后基质中的木质纤维素含量及C/N比均大幅度降低。加入尿素的处理中,纤维素在前25d时降解幅度要比后35d大,加入鸡粪的处理则相反。加入一定量的氮源有助于锯末腐熟,随着施氮量的增大,C/N比下降幅度加大。3)在腐熟过程中,酵素菌较EN使锯末达到高温的时间缩短;腐熟后,EM较酵素菌使处理的持水量增强,这种效果在施入鸡粪的处理中体现更明显。4)在幼苗生长发育试验中,EM显著促进幼苗的生长发育。育苗后期,施入EM的处理较施入酵素菌在同一施肥水平的处理中保持优势。5)M-6(尿素7kg.m-3,过磷酸钙6kg.m-3,硫酸钾4kg.m-3,EM0.21)在施入尿素的处理中表现最好,接近对照;M-11(鸡粪60kg.m-3,过磷酸钙6kg.m-3,硫酸钾4kg.m-3,EM0.21)在施入鸡粪的处理中表现最好,有的性状甚至超过对照。所有处理中M-11表现最好,达到草炭水平,可以替代草炭。

【Abstract】 The possibility of sawdust as the substitute for peat in pepper seedling and varieties of Physical and chemical character, lignocellulose and the ratio of C/N are studied. The results are summarized as follows: 1) After decomposition, the volume weight(BD)x container capacity (CC)ofsawdust increase,total porosity (TP), air-filled porosity (AFP) decrease; EC also decreases , pH lies in range of 5. 8 -6.2;nitrogen and crude protion of most treatments decrease; quick-acting P of treatments with chicken manute(CM) increases,but that decreases in treatments with urea except for M-6; exchangeable K of all treatments increases in the different degree; CEC> Ca, Mg increase too, which is larger in treatments with CM than treatments with urea in the same level. 2)Fresh sawdust has rich lignocellulose and high ratio of C/N , which can decrease after decomposition. Cellulose decomposes faster in first 25d in treatments with urea than in last 35d,but the result contrary in treatments with CM. Nitrogen contributes to sawdust decomposing, and with the content of nitrogen increasing , the ratio of C/N decreases faster. 3)When decompose, sawdust with Eymo-genic bacterium can get to high temperature faster than that with EM .After decomposition,EM improves sawdust ’s moiture holding capacity, which is very obvious in treatments with CM. 4)In course of seedling growth,EM promotes seedling growth distinctly. During last stage of seedling , seedling on treatments with EM can remain superiority. 5)M-6 (urea 7kg. m-1, calcium superphosphate 6kg. m-3, potassium sulfate 4kg. m"3, EM 0.21) is the best in the treatments with urea;M-ll (CM60 kg. m-3, calcium superphosphate 6kg. m"3, potassium sulfate 4kg. m"3, EMO. 21) is the best in the treatments with CM, some characters even supper CK.M-11 is the best in all treatments and get to the level of CK,and can subsititute for peat.

【关键词】 有机基质锯末育苗尿素鸡粪辣椒酵素菌EM
【Key words】 organic substrateureachicken manutr(CM)pepperseedlingsawdusteymogenic bacteriumEM
  • 【分类号】S630.47
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】449