

Prescription of Honeycomb-Shaped Biomass Fuel and the Matched Equipment Design

【作者】 陈学军

【导师】 赵廷林;

【作者基本信息】 河南农业大学 , 农业生物环境与能源工程, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 据专家估计,地球上蕴藏的可开发利用的煤和石油等化石燃料将分别在200年和30-40年以内耗竭,而天然气按储采比也只能用60年。所以,能源短缺将成为制约现代经济、社会发展的主要因素,因此,寻找开发新型能源迫在眉睫。在17世纪末大规模用煤之前,人类用能以生物质为主,然而即便是现在,生物质能在世界总能耗中仍占14%,相当于20.82亿吨标煤,而在发展中国家所占比例则更为突出,大约为35%,相当于16.97亿吨标煤,也就是说,目前全世界大约有25亿人用生物质做饭、取暖和照明。但生物质的利用量还不到其年总产量1200亿吨的1%。由此可知,生物质能的开发利用前景十分广阔。 过去我国农村生活用能年均燃烧秸秆约4.3亿T。然而随着社会、经济的发展和人们环保意识的普遍提高,富裕的农家炊事和取暖已不再烧柴火,致使大部分秸秆闲置堆放、占用耕地,既浪费能源和宝贵的土地资源,又潜在无数的隐患,滥烧秸秆的现象日趋严重,与此有关的火灾年年屡有发生。因此,为解决此问题,很有必要为农村秸秆高效利用提供一条切实可行的途径。 针对此问题,本文提出了蜂窝状生物质燃料的配方及成型原理和技术。即采用添加消烟助燃剂、粘结剂等化学氧化剂,通过实验及分析其燃烧性质,从而选出一套合理的配方。并且依据配方,设计出一套生产率为16块/分的蜂窝状生物质成型装置。整套装置主要包括给料装置、压缩成型装置、出料装置等部分。

【Abstract】 According to estimate, the containing coal and oil that can be exploited in the world will be exhausted in 200 years and 30-40 years respectively, moreover, natural gas can only be used 60 years at the ratio of store-pick, therefore, the short of energy will be one of important factors that impedes the development of human society, so it is imperative to discover and exploit new energy. Biomass energy is the main energy used by mankind before the late of 17th century, even today, the utilization of biomass energy still accounts for 14 percent in the world energy consumption, to be equal to 20.82 hundred million tons coal equivalent, however, the ratio in developing countries is bigger, it accounts for 35 percent in total energy consumptions, to be equal to 16.97 hundred million tons coal equivalent. That is to say, there is about 25 hundred million people using biomass energy for cooking, warming and lighting, but the quantity is less than 1 percent in general annual production. In conclusion, the prospects of using biomass energy are very widely.There is about 4. 3 hundred million tons biomass straw fired in our country every year. Biomass such as straw, sawdust etcis burned directly resulting in air pollution as well as waste of energy, however, with the development of society and economy as well as the progress of people’ s consciousness about environmental protection, the rich has not fired firewood for cooking and warming, as a result, much straw is discarded here and there. This not only wastes energy but also hides much danger, therefore, it is imperative for us to find a practicable solution to solve this problem.This discourse comprises prescription of honeycomb-shaped biomass fuel and the designing of the matched equipment. We develop a set of practicable prescription which is composed of eliminating smoke combustion-supporting regent and felt regent as well as chemical oxidant by the analysis of combustion mechanism. We design a set of machine whose productivity is 16 pieces of pellets per minute in terms of biomass specific property. This equipment is composed of providing stuff setting, condensation molding fitting and transport product set, and so on. It compresses loose biomass materials to closer ones which not only improve its combustion characteristic but also make it convenient to carry, as a result, it will benefit to environmental protection and sustainable economy development. In a word, this achievement is worthy to be popularized in our country.

  • 【分类号】TK6
  • 【被引频次】7
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